Versions Compared


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In Entreprenauts, all shipping of goods is handled with what we call ‘Realistic’ shipping. This means if you have raw or refined goods, those goods have to be moved with the assistance of player (or NPC) logistics. Below you will find the current methods of shipping and basic information on how they work.









Raw goods shipping is conducted from the Resource Exchange. This can be navigated to using Market > Resource Exchange. You will need to have raw goods in a warehouse, and you will need to be on the ‘Detailed’ view for whatever city you are wanting to ship out from.

From this page you’ll click the ‘Shipping’ tab, and below the tab you will see the available methods to ship by. Currently semi, train and sea shipping are available. Sea shipping is ONLY available if you are in a port city.

From this tab, you’ll simply click on the method that you want to use to ship. In general, you’ll want to use the most effective means. If you have a small quantity, high value, or domestic movement, you may want to opt for a Semi. For longer range moves but still connected continents, or for larger shipments, you may want to look into trains. For the largest shipments and for cross ocean travel, you’ll need to use ships.




Sending via semi’s is done by clicking on the semi icon. It will bring up the menu pictured below. A semi ‘load generation’ can be made for up to 300,000 liters of raw product. This equates to 5 semi trailers worth, and those 5 trailer loads would show up as individual ‘jobs’ on the logistics side of things.

  • Field 1 is the destination. This will have any possible destination for the load, it will tell the approximate range and the cost per load. This means if you have 5 loads, it will be that cost x 5.

  • Field 2 is the ‘what to send’ field. Here you simply select one of the raw materials you have available in your warehouse.

  • Field 3 is the Shipping Company to use. We advise that unless you have a specific agreement, to select ‘Any Available’. This will make it a public job. Specifying a company will make it ONLY show for that company.

  • The last field is the liters to move. You can move as little as 1 liter, though this isn’t very cost effective. Conversely you can put in a maximum of 300,000 liters.

Once you’ve filled out the form, simply hit submit and the items will be taken from your warehouse, and the job(s) will be created. You can then view the status of the job in your “Shipping” area of the Resource Exchange. Once a job is delivered, it will appear in your destination warehouse. Any job not taken/delivered within 7-10 days by a player company will be delivered by the NPC logistics companies.




Sending via trains is done by clicking on the Train icon. It will bring up the menu pictured below. A train load generation can be up to 6,000,000 liters in size.


Train Math! It’s important to know a few things when making train loads. Train cars can hold 120,000 liters per car, up to a maximum of 50 cars (6,000,000 liters) in a shipment generation. Not all trains can take this amount! To know the amount liters your train can handle, do the following equation…

((Train Capacity - 50) / 100) = Train Max Cars (Round Down) * 120,000L

The above equation will tell you exactly how many liters your train can hold. Keep in mind the maximum load you can generate in the system per load is 6,000,000 liters. Jobs generated here will show up as 1 job, and may contain multiple cars (As indicated by increase tonnage. 1 car is approximately 100 tons, and there is generally a 50 ton overage per ‘load’ to account for.)

  • Field 1 is the destination. This will have any possible destination for the load, it will tell the approximate range and the cost per load. This means if you have 5 train cars in the load, it will be that cost x 5.

  • Field 2 is the ‘what to send’ field. Here you simply select one of the raw materials you have available in your warehouse.

  • Field 3 is the Shipping Company to use. We advise that unless you have a specific agreement, to select ‘Any Available’. This will make it a public job. Specifying a company will make it ONLY show for that company.

  • The last field is the liters to move. You can move as little as 1 liter, though this isn’t very cost effective. Conversely you can put in a maximum of 6,000,000 liters.

Once you’ve filled out the form, simply hit submit and the items will be taken from your warehouse, and the job(s) will be created. You can then view the status of the job in your “Shipping” area of the Resource Exchange. Once a job is delivered, it will appear in your destination warehouse. Any job not taken/delivered within 15-25 days by a player company will be delivered by the NPC logistics companies.