This article has to do with oil drilling by land. For oil drilling by sea, please see Sea Oil Drilling . Oil drilling is the required way to extract oil from a ground plot that has surveyed and found oil. This is considered a advanced mechanism as it takes a bit more setup than a standard pit mine. Below are the lists of requirements, tips, and a step by step in how to setup your first oil plot for oil collection.
Requirements (Equipment & Material)
Geosurvey Vehicle
Oil Drill
Water Drill *
Dump Truck
Concrete Pump
Mixer Trailer
Generator Trailer (Medium)
* Indicates this vehicle may not be needed depending on terrain featuresOil Drill Bit varies (recommend: 1 per 100-250m)
Pumpjacks varies (Max Capacity depends on acres.)
Oil Storage preference
Oil Pump Hoses (10 x Per 60km Remoteness)
Shale Shaker x 1
Drilling Fluid (500 x Depth In Meters)
Kelly Rig x 1
Kelly Pipe x (Depth / 3)
Concrete (10 x Depth In Meters)
As you can see, the list at the left is quite extensive, it is good to work with other players to source things.
When considering opening a oil plot, consider it’s depth and it’s potential value, along with the investment you would have to make to get it open. Some plots may simply not be worth the cost of opening, especially if it’s your first oil operation and you have to buy everything.
The water drill requirement can be bypassed if the plot is near a lake or a river.
Step 1 (Oil Only, Not Natural Gas!)
After you have prospected the site and discovered oil, you will want to bring out the Geo Survey vehicle. This vehicle will be able to be used to analyze the deposit more accurately and determine the final plot amount. To determine the value of your plot, roughly, you can use the following formula
m3 (Post Geosurvey) * 6 * $75 (Base Median For Crude Oil)
Step 2
Once you have done your geosurvey and determined the site will be profitable to work, you can then begin to bring in the necessary equipment and materials. Equipment is brought in like any other mine, and materials can be hauled in view the Oil Equipment screen, by selecting the material from the local warehouse, and having it moved to site. (In the future this will require actual hauling in.). Oil is a ‘step by step’ operation meaning you can get started by just having the ‘next step’ of required equipment in place.
Step 3
The next step is to level the ground of the working area for the future derrick. This is done with a bulldozer. Put your bulldozer to work and wait for it to finish leveling everything.
Info |
Size limitations per acre are the same as pit mines. |
Step 4
Step 4 is to have your water drill truck drill down to reach the aquifer beneath your operation so that you have a supply of water. If you are near a Minor or Major tributary, the timeline on this is reduced by 60%. If you have a Lake or a River at the site, it is eliminated completely and the step can be skipped.
Step 5
Once your bulldozer has completed leveling and your water drill has drilled, you can idle it and then order your Excavator to dig out the necessary pits and cellar areas. Again, the Excavator can be left to do it’s work until completion.
Step 5
Once the excavator has completed it’s dig out, it is time to begin drilling in earnest towards the oil deposit. During this time you will need to ensure everything continues smoothly, as during the operation the following items can be consumed. At this stage you will also need to have you concrete pump truck on site.
Kelly Pipe (Consumed Regularly)
Oil Drill Bits (Consumed If Drill Bit Breaks)
Drilling Fluid (Consumed Regularly)
Concrete (Consumed Regularly)
Step 6
At this point you will have reached the oil deposit, and now it’s time to ensure you can pump it out, and that you can store the oil so it’s ready for pickup. This is done with Oil Pump Jacks and Oil Storage units. These can only be manufactured by players so plan ahead.
Info |
There is a limit of pump jacks based on acreage of .1 jacks per acre. A small Jack is .5, a large Jack is 1 when doing your math for this. For every “1” jack, you will pump 5m3 (5,000L) per hour. So if you have 2.5 units worth of Jacks on site, you will pump 10m3/hour (12,500L). Oil storage units have two sizes. A small holds 100,000 liters, and a large holds 500,000 liters. For Natural Gas, a pumpjack will do 2m3 or 2,000 liters an hour. |
Step 7
Now it’s time to reap the rewards of your hard work! Semis work on the same principle as surface mining semis, and can carry 60m3 (60,000L) of crude oil per trip. This means in general you will not need too many semis unless you have a very large oil site. At this point you can also begin to remove all equipment and material not needed on site.
Step 8/Ongoing
Continue to check your storage regularly and when you have used up the entire oil deposit make sure to turn your semis off.
Now you know the basics of operating an oil facility. Oil turns into “Oil Barrels” once it arrives in your local city. These Oil Barrels can be sold on market, or they can be utilized by Refineries. A refinery takes an oil barrel and refines it into several sub components automatically, these sub components are currently Diesel, Gasoline, Jet Fuel, Fuel Oil, Refined Oil and Rocket Fuel. This sub components can again be sold or utilized by your company.