In-Situ mining is a specialized method of extracting a deep vein of ore. Only about 1 in 20 25 mine sites will qualify for In-Situ surveying/mining. The site must have the “Sandy” “Muddy” or “Silty” terrain feature to be valid. The steps to conduct In-Situ mining are below!
You will need a Survey truck that is designed for In-Situ from the Exchange. You must then drive or haul this equipment to the mine site. Mine sites that are valid for a survey will have “Conduct In-Situ Test” on the details page of the site.
If something is found, the third resource will pop up on your details page below the first 1/2 site resources. In addition, a new button will show up under “Other Ops” for In-Situ. Clicking this will take you to the In-Situ operations page for that mine site. Once you are on this page, you will see the requirements for the site.
In-Situ Requirements
1x Pump Per 10 Acres
1x Tank Per 15 Acres
Kelly Pipe x 50 Per Acre
Tanks can hold up to 5,000 units of Sulfuric Acid per tank. You must have the acid for the process to work.
The In-Situ will not begin until all needed materials are on site.
Extraction rate is 25m3 per hour per pump.
You cannot put more pumps or tanks than the allowed amounts, if you do, you will not gain faster extraction rates.
Extraction rates are linear across all mineral types, no matter rarity.
Once you have extracted all of the In-Situ resource, you can use the remove all feature to get back ‘most’ of your equipment, there is some loss due to wear and tear.