The way to operate a successful bank is to balance your expenses and incomes, and try to increase your incomes while limiting your expenses. Use your accounting and reporting area to monitor your positions in various categories and keep aiming to maintain a healthy balance. Banks will have unique opportunities for investment, as well as their income streams from lending. They must use these income streams to make a profit and accommodate interest earned from savings & CD’s while maintaining enough cash on hand to cover withdraws.
Income | Expenses |
Asset Loans | Savings Interest |
Land Loans | CD Payouts |
General Loans | Branch Upkeep Fees |
Lines Of Credit | Staff Wages |
Investments |
This has been a very basic overview of getting started as a Player Bank. Please reach out to staff if you have a specific question and we will be happy to assist. We look forward to providing more in depth documentation in the coming months!
Info |
NOTE: New Player Banks receive a NBSL-B loan from the Central Bank to get going. The amount is $2,500,000 at 20% of the prime interest rate with a repayment plan of 20 years. Use these funds wisely! |