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NPC Contract system is the next tier for Logistics companies. Initially opening for Semis, this system will grow over time to become both more complex and more comprehensive. Instead of finding a single load and attaching to a semi, this system will allow players to accept a multiple load contract with a NPC company. While it is available for any company that has enough reputation with a NPC company, advanced features and research bonuses will only be available for Logistics Subsidiary companies.

Getting Started:

Before you can work with a company and earn reputation, you first need to be on the look out for a NPC semi load that belongs to one of these companies. They will be recognizable by the NPC Company icon showing below the load ID. Once you successfully complete the load, you will gain a small amount of reputation with that company.

NPC Company


Trailer type




Acorn-y Productions


Naut's Club Members

Big Boom Corporation



Bravo Freight






Bigg Oil



Bulk Brothers Inc.


Hopper Bottom

Export Mania



Freight Cheap


Curtain Side Van

Snowyflake Foods



Straight Steel Limited



London Lines

Europe / United Kingdom

Non Cert Loads for country

Mariachi Brothers

North America / Mexico

Non Cert Loads for country

Parra Freight

South America / Brazil

Non Cert Loads for country

Rapid Roo Inc.

Oceania / Australia

Non Cert Loads for country

Sakura Shipping

Asia / Japan

Non Cert Loads for country

Sleeping Panda Inc.

Asia / China

Non Cert Loads for country

Star Shipping Inc.

North America / United States

Non Cert Loads for country

Stark Freight

Europe / Germany

Non Cert Loads for country

Ushanka Shipping

Europe / Russia

Non Cert Loads for country

Zeus Freight Limited

Europe / Greece

Non Cert Loads for country

Visiting the Contract Center:

To find the contracting center, head to the landing page for Logistics - Semis.

NOTICE - Contract center is currently in “Limited release” to our Nut Gallery members.


Once you are on the contract center, the default view shows all the companies that you have earned reputation with your current company. Note that currently these are limited to NPC companies that generate Semi Loads for earning reputation. There is also a special company available for any members of the Nut Gallery.

Generating Contracts:

If you have the reputation to begin a contract, you should see a big green “Generate Contract” button. Clicking on this button will generate a random contract in a region that NPC company operates within. If you are just starting with NPC Contracts, it is recommended you generate contracts before assigning semis to your fleet. This ensures you are adding semis to the region you need for the contracts that were generated.

NOTICE - You Initially you can have up to three two active contracts per NPC company. As you build reputation, you can earn additional contracts up to five per company. Active contracts are considered ones that are either “Open” or “Accepted”. Contracts expire after 72h.

Assigning Semis to your Contract Fleet.

To assign a truck to the contract fleet, click on the “Assign Trucks” button in the contract center. This will show any idle trucks with a driver. The semi will be assigned to a region based on its current location. More about the regions can be found in the “Contract Fleet Overview” Section.

NOTICE - Currently your contract fleet does not recognize any certifications or experience that your drivers may have. It is recommended that you do not include an experienced driver but instead hire a new driver for the semi you add to your corporate fleet.


Within the contract center, clicking on the “Contracts” button will take you to the contract overview page. This page is broken up by “Open”, “Active”, and “Completed” contracts.

Open Contracts:

If you have the required number of trucks for a contract in the appropriate region, you should see a green “Accept Contract” button. Accepting the contract will assign the trucks to the job and move it to the “Active” section. If you do not want the contract, it will expire.

NOTICE - Currently there is no penalty or loss of reputation for not accepting a contract. If you are not happy with the contract offered, just check back each day until it drops off your screen and generate a new one.

Active Contracts:

Here you will see the estimated time of completion for the active contracts. Maximum of twenty contracts are displayed here. Once the contract completes and the drivers submit their contract log, you should see a notification that the contract has completed. At this time, you should receive the payment for the contract, and the Semis assigned should be released to accept a new contract.

Completed contracts:

Here you will see contracts that you have completed. Upon completion, your company receives the payment and an increase in reputation with the NPC company.

Contract Fleet overview:

Clicking on the “Current Fleet” will bring up the fleet overview. This will show you the total number of semis in your fleet broken up by region. If you are unsure what region a truck is located in, it is strongly recommended you only add one semi and check the fleet overview to make sure it is going where you expected.

The overview is broken up into categories.




Semis assigned to an active contract in the region.

Semis without an assignment in the region.

Total Semis in the region