Retirement System

Retirement System

The retirement system has been built in as one of multiple methods farmers can work towards long term goals and feel they are making progression on things even after they may own everything they want to ‘In-Game’. Retirement works on a couple of principles, listed below.

  • Retirement Housing

  • Retirement Museum

  • Retirement Bonds


How is Retirement Earned?

Retirement is earned in multiple ways. Firstly there is a 1% retirement taxation built into the tax system. Secondly any contribution directly made to the retirement system. Please note that moving funds to the retirement system is a one way transfer and cannot be undone. We recommend that you only transfer funds into the retirement system if you have them to spare!

What Does The Retirement System Consist Of?

The retirement system consists of the following items.

  • Your retirement “Housing” which is “Upgraded” as you reach new levels. New levels of housing provide bonus benefits to your farm, homestead and retirement system.

  • Your retirement “Museum” which houses vehicles and other rare items you win at antiquities auctions using retirement funds.

  • Your retirement “Bonds” which are a way to earn interest on spare retirement funds.


Important Factoids

  • The retirement system does NOT count towards your yearly taxable valuation for in-game farming, or homestead farming.

  • Housing can only be upgraded when you’ve contributed enough funds.

  • Museum items are limited and only come up on auction occasionally, so save up funds if you wish to bid on them!

  • Bonds are locked in once you contribute to them, and funds cannot be removed until the bond matures!

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