

The auction system of FSNextGen is based around a concept of community engagement where there is competition for all types of things, making acquisitions more difficult, more realistic, and therefore more fun. Through these means we hope to help extend your ‘lifespan’ of gameplay in FS. Below are some pieces of information about the auction system.


Land Token Auctions

Land token auctions form the mainstay of the auction system in FSNextGen. Land tokens are used to redeem any NPC land on any server you have an active farm presence on. Unused tokens are stored to your account so you can save them up and use whenever you feel the time is right. Token auctions start at $10,000 per token for newbie auctions, $20,000 per token for regular auctions, and $30,000 per token for Realism auctions.

  • Young Farmer Auctions are only available to farms with under 75 acres total between land tokens and owned parcel acreage, or 50 acres total for Ironman farms.

  • Regular Auctions are open to farms of any size, playing on standard servers.

  • Ironman Auctions are open to farms of any size, playing on Ironman servers.

  • Brokerage Auctions are open only to players owning Land Brokerages.

  • Land tokens are non-exchangeable or sellable. You can only use them to redeem land.


Equipment Auctions

Equipment auctions are an integral part of the auction system in NextGen. Equipment is auctioned by both NPCs and by players. Equipment can be utilized in-game or in the homestead system once purchased, and the homestead system provides a meaningful way to use equipment that may be deemed too old for use in-game with repair mechanisms. Equipment auctions are available on any equipment, but equipment valued below $25,000 at auction completion will go to the virtual garage, and cannot directly be sent in-game.

  • Players can make up to 5 equipment auctions per 30 days. The system will prevent you from making more.

  • Players must have had equipment owned and registered for atleast 30 days for it to qualify to be auctioned.

  • Shipping is dependent on the selling and buying farms locations globally, and there is no difference in cost between regular/ironman.

Animal Auctions

Animal auctions are the only way to acquire animals into the homestead system, so if you are looking to start your animal husbandry operation or expand it, this is the way to do so. Birthing of your own animals is of course possible, but auctions represent a way to supplement your animal herds, or to offload some of them if you are looking to lighten your herd by a bit.

  • Players can have up to 5 animal auctions per 30 days. Each auction has to be of the same animal breed, but can be for more than 1 of that animal (So you can auction 5 Holstein cows in one auction etc).


Museum / Antiquities Auctions

Museum auctions are newly introduced and are designed as a way to show off your achievements of building a successful farm in FSN. Each auction is system generated and will present opportunities to get ahold of and own unique and rare ‘items’ for your Museum in your retirement area. This could be a vehicle, a historic artifact, or something else.

  • Museum auctions are system generated.

  • The number of auctions generated generally depends on retirement fund activity.

  • All items won in Museum auctions are stored in your Museum.

  • Museum items can be sold at auction as long as you have owned them atleast 90 days.

  • There are “new” retirement auctions for people who just started and have lower availability. These auctions are often for ‘less rare’ items.

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