

Many items in FSNextGeneration require permits. Failure to have these permits can lead to large fines, so be sure you are covering your bases!


Structure Permits

Structure permits are required for any placeable building you wish to put down on a map. This permit is your request to build something in a certain location. If approved, staff will come and place the building. Staff have the right to deny building if the structure fails to meet building placement standards. The following are rough criteria. If in doubt, or unsure, please ask. Permits are 5% of the building cost (Regular or Ironman), and you are charged immediately, even if the permit is not approved, so please review carefully!

  • Buildings should not be within 5 meters of a roadway. This includes public roads, access roads, trails or any other transitory painted or placed object that was placed there by the mapmaker.

  • Buildings should not be within 5 meters of a arable field.

  • Buildings should not be within ~5 meters of treelines to prevent clipping.

  • Buildings cannot clip other placed buildings.

  • Buildings must be atleast 5 meters from the property edge if the property is adjacent to player ownable property.

  • Any item not mentioned in these bullet points is subject to arbitration of staff, who will do our best to accommodate your request if it works within the criteria outlined.


Animal Permits

Animal Type


Permit Cost

Animal Type


Permit Cost


Requires 1 permit per pen. Small pens are considered under 100 animals. Medium under 250. Large above 250. (Animals that can be held in pen)

$1,000 Annually (Small)

$2,500 Annually (Medium)

$5,000 Annually (Large)


Requires 1 permit per pen. Small pens are considered under 100 animals. Medium under 250. Large above 250. (Animals that can be held in pen)

$10,000 Annually (Small)

$20,000 Annually (Medium)

$30,000 Annually (Large)


Requires 1 permit per pen

$10,000 Annually


Requires 1 permit per pen. Small pens are considered under 100 animals. Medium under 250. Large above 250. (Animals that can be held in pen)

$8,000 Annually (Small)

$15,000 Annually (Medium)

$20,000 Annually (Large)


Requires 1 permit per pen. Small pens are considered under 100 animals. Medium under 250. Large above 250. (Animals that can be held in pen)

$5,000 Annually (Small)

$10,000 Annually (Medium)

$15,000 Annually (Large)

Operating Permits

Permit Type


Permit Cost

Permit Type


Permit Cost


Used for operating semis and semi trailers.

$5,000 Annually

Harvest Operator

Used for operating harvesting equipment.

$5,000 Annually

Hazardous Materials Operator

Used for operating any fertilization equipment or herbicide equipment.

$5,000 Annually

Logging Equipment Operator

Used to operate any logging and log harvesting equipment.

$5,000 Annually

Production Facility License

For operating a production facility.

Each permit costs 5% of the construction cost of the facility annually.

Logging Land Permit

Required for logging any owned parcel of land. Logging can only occur on logging maps, and the logging land permit must be acquired PER PARCEL for any parcel you wish to log.

Logging land permits generally cost around 20% of the basal parcel value, per parcel, per permit.

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