Geography Matters!

Geography Matters!

Not only is this a pretty important life skill, it has a lot of relevance in the FSNextGen gameplay cycle! As a farmer, you will choose the location in the world of your farm from over 1500 locales. You can use a place that correlates to you sentimentally, or for any other reason. However, your choice of farm location impacts many things, we’ve listed most of them below…


Auction Deliveries

Depending on where an item is sold from (The farm’s VG it comes from, or the dealership it comes from) will determine the delivery timeline, and fee.

Distance From Auctioneer

Shipping Fee

Shipping Timeline

Distance From Auctioneer

Shipping Fee

Shipping Timeline

Same City

.25% of Equipment Cost

2 Hour to VG

Same Country

.5% of Equipment Cost

6 Hours to VG

Landmass Connection

2.5% of Equipment Cost

12 Hours to VG


10% of Equipment Cost

24 Hours to VG

Commodity Brokers

When using a commodity broker, there are shipping fees and export taxes applied based on your distance from the commodity broker branch you are selling to. Be sure to check each broker, and all of their branches, to know what your best price will be!

Distance To Broker

Shipping Fee

Export Tax

Distance To Broker

Shipping Fee

Export Tax

Same City

.5% Of Export


Same Country

2% Of Export


Landmass Connection

3% Of Export



5% of Export

5% Export Tax

Rates are DOUBLED for Ironman Farms


When using a dealership, there are shipping fees and shipping timelines associated with the distance your farm is from the dealership branch you are purchasing the equipment from. Be sure to check the specific location of the equipment you are buying to know your delivery time and delivery fee!

Distance To Dealer

Shipping Fee

Shipping Time

Distance To Dealer

Shipping Fee

Shipping Time

Same City

.25% of Equipment Cost

0-48 Hours

Same Country

.5% of Equipment Cost

12-72 Hours

Landmass Connection

2.5% of Equipment Cost

48-96 Hours


10% of Equipment Cost

72-120 Hours

Parts Deliveries

Same As Above

1/5th of the Above

Rates & Timelines are the SAME for Ironman Farms. Delivery timelines are cut by 80% for mechanic shops ordering parts.

Mechanic Shops

When using a mechanic shop, it’s important to pick a mechanic with reasonable rates, proper facilities and also know how much their branch range from you impacts service times.

Distance To Mechanic

Transit Times (One Way)

Emergency Service

Distance To Mechanic

Transit Times (One Way)

Emergency Service

Same City

1 Hour

$250 Fee if no semi owned

30 Min Response Time

Same Country

3 Hours

$500 Fee if no semi owned

1.5 Hour Response Time

Landmass Connection

6 Hours

$1000 Fee if no semi owned.

3 Hour Response Time


12 Hours
$2500 Fee if no semi owned

6 Hour Response Time


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