This page concerns the Global Exchange or “GE”. This is where raw and finished goods can be sold wholesale between Nauts and to various NPCs.
Placing A Buy Order
Placing A Sell Order
The Homepage
This is a view of the homepage. Below you can find a description of what each button is and what it’s purpose is.
Raw Search - This is used to look for raw goods. You can specify a good and location, or if you want to see if there are any of that good in the world available, set the range filter to ‘Global’. If you want to know what all goods a particular city or country have, use the appropriate range filters but leave the product to ‘All’
Raw Warehousing - This is a way to view your various warehouses containing raw goods.
Material Search - This is used to look for finished goods. You can specify a good and a location, or if you want to see if there are any of that good in the world available, set the range filter to ‘Global’. If you want to know what all goods a particular city or country have, use the appropriate range filters but leave the product to ‘All’
Material Warehousing - This is a way to view your various warehouses containing finished goods.
Shipping Center - This is where you will go to create shipments of raw and finished goods from your warehouses. Once on the page select from the appropriate dropdown the location of the raw or the finished goods you are looking to have shipped. Then fill out the form. Shipments can also be tracked here via sublinks.
Trade Monitor - This is where you can monitor all actively open trades, as well as adjust the pricing on a trade you have posted.
Trade History - This is where you can view the most recent transactions for your company both buying and selling in the GE.