Ways To Play

Ways To Play

12 Day Standard

In the 12 day standard, a “Year” is passed in 12 real life days. These servers have standard rules and regulations, and are subject to the standard 12 day tax system. Mayors may opt to have their server designated as a cross-play server.

24 Day Standard

The same as the 12 day standard, except that a “Year” is passed in 24 real life days. These servers have standard rules and regulations, and are subject to the 24 day tax system. Mayors may opt to have their server designated as a cross-play server.

24 Day Ironman Farming

The ironman farming system was designed for people who want the largest challenge possible with their FS experience. Land is more expensive. There are higher taxes. There are random events that will affect your server. There are higher chances of weather damaging/destroying your crops. This is not for the faint of heart! Be sure to check out Ironman Differences before you make your choice. You must start from 0 in ironman, and if you ever stop ironman and want to rejoin, you have to start at 0 again!


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