Land Brokerages

Land Brokerages

Land brokerages are unique entities that have the ability to buy land and then lease it to players. They receive a random auction pool from servers and only compete with other brokers for the land. The land is theirs for 180 days, at which point they are refunded the Base cost of the land and are able to keep any profits they’ve earned through leasing the land. To become a land broker, you must be part of our Donator Club. Click the link to find out more!


Leasing Land

To lease land through a broker, simply click on the parcel of land from the server data you are interested in. (If a broker has ownership of this land, it will show such). Then submit a request to the broker, who will then review your request and provide you with a leasing opportunity. Land leases can be from 1 to 5 years in length.


Things To Note

  • If a map is swapped while land on the map still belongs to a broker, the broker will be reimbursed the base cost of the land.

  • Leasing payments are deducted automatically from the players primary account on due dates, much like loans.

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