

Fieldwork forms the foundation of what you’ll be doing on your farm most days. There are several steps and screens to familiarize yourself with, so let’s get to it farmer!


The first step is creating a field. In order to do this you will need Agricultural land. This can be purchased from NPC’s when available in the Global Marketplace under “Land”. It can also be won in the auctionhouse.

All land must be in the same city to be able to use it on the same farm. But you can have a farm in as many cities as you like!


Once you have bought your land, you will go to Business Operations > Land > Select the “Agricultural” land from the city you want to begin your first field in. You will be taken to the screen below.

Land costs $5,000 per acre to prepare as a field or pasture!

The screen above shows that we have 10 acres available out of the 155 total we have in this city for agricultural land. From here, you can create a field, a pasture (for animals) or construct a structure. For the purpose of this article, select the number of acres you want for your field on the left, then “Field” from the drop down and click “Designate.”


Once you have started the preparation of your field, it will show up in your land listings for that city below the form, and will be in “Prepping” status along with an expected completion timer, as shown below.


Once your field has finished prepping, it will be in a “Prepped/Plowed” state and be ready for your first planting. Below is the table that shows the type of equipment you’ll need for various fieldwork tasks!








  • Tractor capable of pulling plow of choice.

  • Plow



  • Tractor capable of pulling planter of choice.

  • Appropriate planter for Crop being planted.



  • Tractor capable of pulling lime spreader of choice.

  • Lime spreader

  • Liming is required approximately every 2-3 game years (12 day years)

  • The amount of lime required is listed on the field page when lime is required.

  • Lime must be purchased from NPCs or players and if necessary shipped to the warehouse in the city of the field to be able to be used.

Fertilizing Not live

  • Tractor with Pulled Fertilizer Sprayer OR

  • Self Propelled Fertilizer


Weeding not live

  • Tractor capable of pulling weeder of choice.

  • Weeder.


Harvesting (Most Crops)

  • Harvester

  • Tractor

  • Auger Wagon


Harvesting (Root Crops)

  • Root Crop Harvester

  • Tractor

  • Auger Wagon


Field States

Below is an image of a couple of fields in various states. There are several states for most field types. In general you will see Plowed > Planted > Growing > Ready For Harvested >Harvested. Below you can see a field that has been harvested and now is having it’s straw harvested, and another field that is ready to be harvested.


When a field has a task that can be performed, head into the “Details” button for that field, and you will see a screen that shows more field information as well as the option(s) available for that field. If there is an option available and you have the appropriate equipment, you can begin that operation on that field.


Once the work has started, you will receive a timer of the estimated time of completion, and below the timer you will see any equipment currently working on that field. The larger the field, the longer it will take to performer an operation. Likewise, the larger your equipment, the more ground it can cover and thus the quicker a job will get done… so try to find a good balance for your playstyle!



This has been your intro to field work. Much more info coming soon!

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