Getting Started!
If you’re here, it likely means you’re new to joining us in Entreprenauts, so welcome! This page is designed to give you some basic information and links to further information to help get you started in our world.
Entreprenauts is currently in Early Alpha, and that means that there are many features not in, partially in, or in but expected to change. Please keep that in mind as you begin your journey with us!
Starting Career
Currently, the starter career is “Logistics”. In this career path, you start the world as a young aspiring Entrepreneur in the field of logistics, with 3 truck vouchers to your name, and $10,000 in working capital. You must utilize your trucks and your capital to begin to build your empire.
Go To Myself > Inventory and activate the vouchers in whatever city you would like that truck in, do that for all three trucks.
Go to Interactions > Logistics > Staffing. Hire 3 truck drivers.
Go to Interactions > Logistics. Assign all three drivers to their trucks.
Once you have your trucks and your drivers in them, click the truck name to go to it’s details page. From here accept an appropriate job and then attach it to your truck, and then sit back and let your driver earn you some money!
Note: Rookie truck vouchers can only be redeemed and not sold, and rookie trucks likewise cannot be sold!
We highly advise you look at our Trucking Tutorial to get the basics on how trucking in our world works. Based on how attentive you are, and how good you are picking your loads, you will be generating a decent starter income. Our world is designed that you can run a company on 15 minutes a day, or an hour a week, or whatever works for your schedule. The biggest thing to remember is that you need to build your company to fit your schedule, because even while your gone your workers can be working, and will be costing you money!
Be sure to join our discord via the link below to get a giant array of people ready to help you learn and welcome you to the party!
It is at this point we encourage you to look around the site at all the other possibilities, and be sure to join us on our Discord where lots of other players new and old are there and conversing daily about their plans, and helping one another with questions. Not only that, our development team is daily involved in chats there and are always happy to answer questions or point you in the right direction. Last but not least, here’s the link to the Main Wiki that will continue to be a ever-expanding source of knowledge on building your empire!
Expanding Further
The starting career is just that. A start. From there, whatever path you take for your company is absolutely up to you, there is no “Winning” in Entreprenauts. You set your own goals, achieve them, and then set newer more audacious ones! Every week new features and content updates come out, so there’s always new things to check out and learn. Give everything a try once when it makes business sense to do so, find what you enjoy most, and go for it!
We look forward to having you in our world, and watching you build your business empire. Now enough with reading, get out there and build that company!