Maintenance & Breakdowns

Maintenance & Breakdowns

The maintenance and breakdown system has been created as a way to make players continue to think about their farming operations, and how/when to inspect and repair their equipment, and when is a good time to sell. There are several pieces to this system, broken down below.


In-Game Maintenance

This system uses the standardized FS system. It is worth noting that the team is considering a modification to in-game rates, but at this time, they are standardized to the FS system at each game generations (19, 22, 25) respective amounts per WH etc.


Additional Maintenance

FSN has added onto the base in-game maintenance with a maintenance system through the website. The website will take age, work hours, use and other factors into account to create the probabilities for repairs being needed, breakdowns happening, etc.


Breakdown Chances

The below table represents the breakdown chances of the system on equipment. As with all things, these chances are subject to change and balancing over time, but can be used as a rough guideline to understand the concept. There are multiple factors that affect chances as well, listed below this table for reference.

Note: Moderate and Major breakdowns will stop a vehicle from working, meaning the vehicle will be taken from server and put into your virtual garage where you can attempt self-repair or send to a player mechanic.

Sample Tractor/Equipment

Minor BDC

Moderate BDC

Major BDC

Sample Tractor/Equipment

Minor BDC

Moderate BDC

Major BDC

New Tractor

.35% Per WH

.175% Per WH

.075% Per WH

Tractor w. 1 overhaul

.45% Per WH

.275% Per WH

.085% Per WH

Tractor w. 5 overhauls

.85% Per WH

.675% Per WH

.125% Per WH

  • Conducting Yearly inspections and top-offs of equipment fluids and greasings reduces breakdown chances by 10%.

  • Self-Repairing a Minor or Moderate breakdown increases next breakdown odds by 25%.

  • Having a mechanic repair any breakdown prevents any increase in breakdown odds.

  • Overhauls reduce valid work hours. Each overhaul costs approximately 10% of the vehicle/equipment cost new. 1 overhaul = 90% hour reduction, 2 = 80% reduction, 3 = 70% reduction, 4 = 60 % reduction, 5 = 50% reduction, 6+ Overhauls = 30% reduction.

  • Each overhaul increases the odds of repairs needed per WH by .1%.

  • Overhauls can only be conducted on vehicles with atleast 30 work hours.

  • Breakdowns can happen at anytime of the year, but are most prevalent in spring/summer.

  • The system “assumes” vehicles/equipment on map are used approximately 10 WH’s a year, so if you have a vehicle you never use, you should store it in your virtual garage. (Hours are always corrected via regular audits).

Parts For Breakdowns

When a breakdown happens, you will need small, medium or large repair parts for the specific equipment you have. For a regular farmer, it takes 72 hours to receive parts bought from a dealership. For a mechanic, it takes 12 hours, but this can be reduced by mechanic level down to as little as 2 hours for a Level 10 mechanic.

Parts are always vehicle specific, so parts for one tractor will not work for another. This makes it a strategic choice of whether to carry spares on your farm or not, and how many.

Note: When a breakdown happens you will have a notification. Small breakdowns do not have to be addressed immediately, and your equipment will remain on map. However, not addressing it will lead to an increased chance of a larger breakdown! (Minor breakdowns can be fixed without removing your vehicle from the map if you choose)


Parts are purchased from Dealerships. A dealership is able to carry parts for any company they have a parts license for. Dealerships always have unlimited stock of parts for equipment and vehicles as they ‘Drop-Ship’ from the manufacturer. The one time this isn’t true is if there is a RNG event for a brand with a part shortage, meaning some years it may be very hard to find a specific part for a brand or tractor/equipment piece.


Repairing Breakdowns

Minor breakdowns can be repaired by farmers. Moderate & Major breakdowns must be repaired by a mechanic. However, here are some important notes about the repair process to help you in making your decision on how to handle repairs.

  • Self-Repairing breakdowns will increase odds of next breakdown by 20%, and there is a 25% chance the fix won’t stick.

  • Self-Repairing breakdowns takes 5x-10x as long as it does for a mechanic.

  • Only mechanics can perform overhauls and major repairs.

  • To get a vehicle to mechanic it must be in your virtual garage, then “sent” to a mechanic. Sending to a mechanic takes 1 hour. Once at the mechanic the mechanics team will analyze the vehicle and send you a quote notification, to approve the work needed. Once approved, work can commence by the mechanic. Once the work is complete the vehicle is shipped back to your virtual garage OR to your in world farm based on what setting you choose when sending to mechanic.

Repair Operation Time Estimates


Estimated Time

Material Consumption


Estimated Time

Material Consumption


Under 100k Value = 1 Hour

Over 100k Value = 2 Hours



1-6 Hours depending on value of equipment.

1-50 Units of Grease

Filter Replacement

1 Hour Per Filter

Filter of appropriate type.

Fluid Replacement


Amount of fluid needed of appropriate fluid type.


3-10 Hours depending on value of equipment.


Minor Repair

Under 25k = 4 Hours

Under 50k = 8 Hours

Under 100k = 12 Hours

Under 150k = 18 Hours

Under 250k = 24 Hours

Above 250k = 36 Hours

1x Minor part for equipment being repaired.




As you can see, this system creates a lot of thought processes for farms and the equipment they operate, allowing for a myriad of gameplay styles and choices. Be sure to plan properly for your farm and work with your fellow farmers. You never know when someone will have a major breakdown before harvest begins!

NOTICE: When a vehicle has a breakdown requiring map removal, staff automatically get a request for the breakdown pickup, and will pick-up the vehicle GENERALLY within 24 hours, but sometimes it can take up to 72. This is why it’s very important to have redundancy plans for your fleet, and to keep your fleet in good repair to lessen the chances of breakdowns!

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