Mining Fuel & Maintenance/Breakdowns

Mining Fuel & Maintenance/Breakdowns

During the course of conducting mining operations, you must always have fuel available so your equipment can run, and you must also be prepared for the possibility of breakdowns. This article talks about both topics and how to be prepared!

Fuel Operations | Maintenance Operations


Fuel Operations

Fuel in the Nauts world comes from either an NPC or a Player supplier. You can even supply your own, if you have the means. The easiest way to see how much fuel you will need daily at a site, is to get all equipment there, and turn it on, this will then show you how much is used daily.

The graphic above is taken from your site details page. Here you can see we consume 1,609 liters daily, and have consumed 47,905 liters since the site started. We have a fuel capacity of 50,000 liters on the site, with 30,000 liters remaining in storage.


Once you know how much you use daily, you need to proceed to the “Fuel Operations” page. Get here by clicking the operations accordion menu, and then selecting “Fuel Operations” under “Support Ops”


Fuel Operations is located under the Operations Menu, and Support Ops Heading

Once you have gotten to the Fuel Operations page, you’ll have a couple things you need to do. Look at the graphic below, and then reference the numbered list!




1.) First you will want to get fuel storage setup. By default, sites WITHOUT any storage bladders will hold 2,500 liters of fuel. This is so that small mining operations can be done without the need for hauling in of equipment.

1a.) If you see that you are going to consume MORE than 2,500 liters a day, you will need to bring in storage. Do so using the “Haul In Products” option on this page. In order to haul in fuel bladders, you will need to own them (Fuel Bladder - 10k OR Fuel Bladder - 50k). You can haul in as many as you’d like, but you should only haul in what you need for capacity. If you do not have any, check The Exchange for listings, and put an ad up in discord!

2.) Once you have the fuel bladders on site, you will need to either find a player supplier, have the NPC supply you, or supply your own either via a fuel supply, or perks. How to do each of these is listed below.

2a.) To have a player supply you, there must be a refinery in range. Note that some refineries even if in range, may be far away, and it may not be cost efficient for you. Request a player quote by selecting a refinery, and then the number of liters you need per day delivered. This number should be the same, or slightly higher, than your daily consumption. Player supplies are automatically delivered once per day. Any agreements that have been replied to by players will show up on this screen for you to accept or deny. Accepting 1 players agreement, or using NPC, will automatically close any other open offers.

Notice: Any refinery in range will show, but note that some refineries may be far away, and as such it may not be cost efficient to buy from them if you only need a small amount. Remember NPC pricing is $6 per liter, so any quote from a player higher than this means you’re better to go with NPC.

2b.) If you find that there are no players, or their pricing is too expensive, utilize the NPC option (NPC Provided). This option will cost a flat rate of $6 per liter, and the deliveries will happen automatically, daily.

2c.) If you have diesel stored in your local warehouse of your mining company, you can haul in your own diesel. This is done manually, you can select how much to haul in. This requires both having diesel in your local warehouse, as well as a semi with a tanker trailer, and a driver certified in Tanker & Hazmat. You cannot haul in more fuel than your storage capacity!

2d.) If you have perks from the diamond den, you can utilize them here. A fuel delivery will deliver 60,000 liters of fuel to your storage via NPC hauler, free of charge. A Fuel pass will make fuel use completely STOP for 7 days, giving you 7 days of no fuel use, and no fuel cost. A Fuel pass can be used even if you do not have storage on a site.


Once you have your fuel supply setup, you’re almost ready to get underway, but it’s also highly advised you atleast understand the maintenance system so you are prepared in case of a breakdown!


Maintenance Operations

When operating any kind of equipment, maintenance is another key factor you have to have in your planning. Wear and tear occurs each hour of equipment operating, and it’s always good to be ready for a breakdown so that your operations are down for as short of a period as possible.


How Does Maintenance Work?

All equipment has “Work Hours” and “Overhauls”. These two factors, combined with the type of work being done, dictate the likelihood of a maintenance “Event” (breakdown). Breakdowns can be minor, moderate, or major. Minor is more common, but larger events can happen, and are more likely to happen if you aren’t performing regular care and maintenance of your equipment.


What is the Breakdown Formula?

While we don’t disclose everything, here is some basic information regarding maintenance formulas to help you in your planning…

Breakdown Chance = .3% per 100 hours since last overhaul + .1% chance per 100 hours total, and finally an additional .1% for every ‘overhaul’ on record for that equipment.

Example 1: Excavator with 1200 hours on it, and 200 hours since it’s second overhaul:

(.1% * 12 (Total WH)) + (.3% * 2 (200 Hours since last OH)) + (.1% * 2 (2 Overhauls on Record)) = 2% chance of a breakdown.

Example 2: Wheel Loader with 5000 hours on it, and 1000 hours since it’s 1st overhaul:

(.1% * 50 (Total WH)) + (.3% * 10 (1000 Hours since last OH)) + (.1% * 1 (1 Overhaul on Record)) = 8.1% chance of a breakdown.

Breakdown rolls happen once per day, so in the above examples statistically Example 1 would have a breakdown once every 50 days, and Example 2 would have a breakdown once every 12-13 days.


How are repair parts & time calculated?

The amount of repair parts needed as well as time needed are calculated by

A.) The size of the equipment

B.) The Breakdown Level

C.) The Repair Equipment Available


Equipment Size

Parts Needed

Repair Time

Equipment Size

Parts Needed

Repair Time

Less Than Or = 400hp

Minor: 1-2 small parts.

Moderate: 2-3 small parts, 0-1 medium parts.

Major: 3-5 small parts, 1-2 medium parts.

Minor: 2 hours

Moderate: 12 hours

Major: 24 hours.

400hp - 999hp


Minor: 2-3 Small parts, 0-1 medium parts.

Moderate: 3-5 small parts, 1-2 medium parts.

Major: 4-7 small parts, 1-3 medium parts, 0-1 large parts.

Minor: 4 Hours

Moderate: 24 Hours

Major: 48 Hours


Minor: 2-5 medium parts, 0-1 large parts.

Moderate: 3-6 medium parts, 1-2 large parts.

Major: 4-7 medium parts, 2-5 large parts.

Minor: 12 Hours

Moderate: 48 Hours

Major: 96 Hours

2000+ hp

Minor: 3-6 medium parts, 1-3 large parts.

Moderate: 4-8 medium parts, 2-5 large parts.

Large: 5-10 medium parts, 3-6 large parts.

(Must be done at Maint. Facility)

Minor: 24 Hours

Moderate: 72 Hours

Major: 144 Hours

What do I need to have on site?

In order to be fully prepared you will need:

1.) A Mechanic Service Truck capable of handling whatever size equipment you have. These are used to perform repairs.

2.) A Service Supply Truck. These are stocked up by your local warehouse with parts, fluids, etc.

Service supply trucks can be refilled with items from the maintenance operations screen.



This article is not yet complete, and more is coming regarding maintenance as we get closer to launch!

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