Logistics 101 Tutorial

Logistics 101 Tutorial

This is the page containing all information on the Logistics tutorial for Entreprenauts. Below are anchor links to each mission, how to complete the mission, the mission objectives etc. Please use this as a reference if you get stuck along the way!


#1: Deploy Your Trucks!

#2: Hire your drivers!

#3: Attach your loads!

#4: Applying Driver XP

#5: Fill Em Up!

#6: Choo Choo!

#7: Hooking Them Up!


#8: Getting Underway

#9: Making Deliveries

#10: Hauling That Cargo

#11: All Aboard!

#12: Loading & Sailing

#13: Flying High

#14: Takeoff!

#15: What’s Next?


#1 - Deploy Your Trucks

The mission here is simple! You need to deploy your starting trucks. To do this, you will need to navigate to the Player > Inventory location.

Once there, you will see 3 “Rooke Semi Vouchers”. You will select from the dropdown which city in the world you would like them to start in, and then hit the activate button. It’s that easy!


#2 - Hire Your Drivers

Now that you’ve placed your trucks down in the world, we need to get them drivers so they can get going and making money for your company! This can be done in just a couple clicks!

Navigate to Interaction > Logistics then on the top left filter of “Logistics Type” select Semis and then click the blue “View” button. This will show your 3 semis you just activated, along with their current city.

To hire a driver for a truck, click on Semi Model link that is in blue. This will take you to the details page. Here you will find all information relevant to this truck, feel free to look around, but remember, we are here to hire a driver, and that is done simply by hitting the red Hire New Driver Into Truck button.

This will automatically place the driver in the truck and conduct the hiring process. Drivers cost your company $150 a day to start, so make sure if you are hiring drivers, you keep them hauling!

To hire the remaining drivers, you can quickly cycle through the trucks in your fleet by hitting the blue Next Waiting Truck button, this will cycle to the next idle truck in the fleet, and just repeat the above hiring process!


#3 - Attach Your Loads

Now you’ve hired 3 drivers, and have them sitting in 3 trucks. It’s time to start having them earn their keep!

Go to the details page of any of your trucks, and scroll down. You will see “Available Loads”. From here are a series of jobs available for hauling by companies. Select any job that has a GREEN button (A red button indicates this driver or truck are not qualified to take the load.), and hit the Take Job button.

This will take the job off the marketplace and put it into your job pool for that city. To hook this load to your truck, hit the NPC Attach accordion menu, which will then show a dropdown. Your load you just accepted should be visible here. Select it and hit the blue Attach NPC Load button.

That’s it! Your trucker is now hooking up and hauling the load, and you can go hands free! He will handle refueling along the way if it is needed, and upon unloading at the destination, you will receive a ledger entry for income and expenses of the trip! Simply repeat this operation for your other 2 trucks and you’ll be on your way to fame and fortune in the logistics industry!


#4 - Applying Driver XP

Drivers while driving and hauling loads will earn experience (XP). This XP can be used to upgrade them with perks and certifications that help them be more efficient, profitable, and able to take more specialized loads.

Driver XP is applied at the start of each trip they undergo, and varies based on mileage and other factors. It can take a few days to a few weeks to level up a driver for certain things. If you want to speed up a drivers skill acquisition you can search for a “Brain Boost” item in the diamond den or the player market, which grant 2x XP gain for a certain time period!

With that said, we’ve taken the liberty of giving your drivers all a bit of ‘bonus’ XP, so let’s go and apply that XP to something useful like a new perk!

To view a drivers XP and skillset, or to upgrade them, first go to the Semi Details page. On this page, you will see the drivers name and their current “Points” (pts.). Clicking the Drivers Name will take you to the details page for that driver.

For the purpose of this tutorial, you only need to give 1 driver any perk you wish. Details about the perks can be found by hovering over them, or via the wiki links.

Giving a driver a perk costs XP. Giving a driver a certification costs XP + bux. Be sure to read carefully before processing a upgrade to your driver. Once you’ve made your decision on which perk to give them, select it from the dropdown and hit the blue Train/Certify Worker button. That’s it, it’s that easy!


#5 - Fill Em Up

Your trucks should have now arrived in their destination. Now it is time to fill up their tanks. Drivers are smart enough to fill up with a little fuel on the road if they run low, but they never fill up completely as market rate fuel can be pricey!

Once they are idle at a location, you can fuel a truck by hitting the Maintenance accordion menu on the right hand side of the Semi Details page. Here you will see a dropdown that contains a list of Gas Stations in that city. There is always a NPC station, and there may be one or more player stations. Pick the one with the cheapest fuel, and then hit the red Refuel button. This will fill up the truck at the rate listed.

Repeat this process to all three of your trucks to complete this mission!


#6 - Choo Choo!

Now that you’ve gotten a basic grasp on trucking, it’s time to move on to using trains to move cargo around the globe!

You have been given 1 train to start learning the ropes. It has been placed in or near one of the semis you have operating. To find the train, navigate to the Interaction > Logistics area, then on the top left filter of “Logistics Type” select Trains and then click the blue “View” button. This will show all of the trains you have.

Hit the yellow Details button to view the Train details page, which works similar to how the Semi details page works. Once you navigate here, we are going to hire an Engineer to operate the train, just as you did with the semi drivers!


#7 - Hooking Them Up



#8 - Getting Underway

#9 - Making Deliveries

#10 - Hauling That Cargo

#11 - Anchors Up!

#12 - Loading & Sailing

#13 - Flying High

#14 - Takeoff

#15 - What’s Next?


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