Fixed Tower Crane requirements only needing 1 instead of 2 for Level 9 builds.
Fixed 500t crane counting towards 200t crane count, as they are too large to be considered valid for that role.
Added in safeguard that prevents putting the same building into two construction agreements.
Holding Company
Updated the way semi transfers work. Transfer all will now transfer all semis not currently at a facility.
Updated the way construction equipment transfers work. Transfer all will now transfer all construction equipment not at a facility or loaded on a truck.
Added the ability to create holding company on Entrepenauts without having to go via FSN. Option can be found under settings as long as you do not yet have a holding company.
New Feature: The ability to apply for Fleet Insurance for Semis. This is the first step into Entreprenauts insurance, and in the near future will be rolled out across more industries. To get a quote, go to logistics > semis > fleet administration/changes and then the insurance button. Here you can select the company, and a quote request will be sent.
How it works: Once the agent receives your request, they will see who the request is from, their insurance history (Which is a good reason to keep insured!), the quantity of trucks and trailers they are requesting coverage for, and the coverage percent requested. They will approve or deny, and if approved, you will receive a reply with the rate per game year (12 RL Days). This rate is formed by the insurance agent deciding how many bux per semi, and per trailer, to insure your fleet for over that period of time. As your fleet grows or shrinks, your active policy will automatically update so that for each billing, your payout is accurate based on the number of vehicles in your fleet. In the very near future agents will have the ability to modify your rate over time for no claims or customer loyalty, and agent or insuree will be able to cancel policy with 12 day notice. You WILL want to get insurance, atleast at a minimum level, because not having insurance can lead to fines, and it's much better to have some comfort that if a random event happens that destroys something, you have some coverage!
Fixed issue that could cause Dry Bulk ships to see Cryogenic loads in port.
Fixed domestic routes in Comoros
Fixed some domestic routes in Guatemala
New Feature: Ability to have political point air loads. These have a chance of spawning and will give a small amount of political points in the destination country!
New Feature: Ability to have political point semi loads. These have a chance of spawning and will give a small amount of political points in the destination country!
New Feature: Ability to have political point train loads. These have a chance of spawning and will give a small amount of political points in the destination country!
New Feature: Multi-Car NPC train loads. Train loads will now spawn with 1 to 20 cars instead of only single cars. Enjoy!
Fixed so train NPC loads will only load materials that are active recipes.
Removed current country from free roam list for trucks, as that is available already in regular domestic routing.
Modified expiration time lines on sealane shipping.
Slightly reworked container algorithm.
Slightly reworked vehicle load algorithm.
Modified delivery end date on sealane shipping.
Added in fix for low/no horsepower vehicles to be a minimum of 1 VSU when shipping on RORO's.
Fixed government load icon not showing in available jobs list if one already on board.
Ensured that bunker ships are displayed by cheapest first for fueling, however please note that if you have a whitelisted agreement you will want to verify company because those are generally listed after publicly available ships.
Added indicator to details page of dump trucks and trucks to show what trailer number they are hauling when they are attached to one.
Fixed not being able to unhook an owned train car.
Added pagination to Semis & Trailers so that you can hunt down specific vehicles or peruse thru them, I'm not here to judge!
New Feature: Update to Staffing Page UI. It is now paginated with 10 results per page, the most recent employees at the beginning. You can now see what truck they are driving if they are driving, and whether driving or not, you can see their current country and any certifications they have.
Updated marketplace to not show any recipes which are considered learnable, as only players will be able to sell learnable materials to other players.
Added Market button to factory page, will open a new tab to take you to the local market for material goods to make it quicker to restock or sell a factories products.
Added Recipe button to factory page, will open a new tab with recipe book.
Fixed issue with line 14 resetting even if production materials were available.
Added in ability to manufacture prototype designs. Prototype designs require 2x the time and 2x the materials of a standard item.
Modified production storage to show partial numbers both for reduction in output due to line wear, and for advanced items that may not produce a full unit in an hour.
Fixed bug with short destinations showing very long travel distance for free roam semi factory to factory moves.
Revised UI of Materials Warehouse to be cleaner as we continue to work towards a more polished and easy to understand experience. Now intead of visible forms, click the mode of transport you wish to use and it will bring up the form for that mode.
Added in additional check for existence of factory line to prevent charging for a new line while not creating one in some instances.
Added in 10 new graphics for existing D3 cars as I begin to replace stock images with artist renditions.
Fixed researchers from any facility showing on every facility when assigned on a project.
Fixed redirect not working when not enough worker capacity to hire new research team.
Added in ability to do theoretical research on Prototype Blueprints.
Fixed issue with improper team counts for research.
Added ability to lock Prototype Blueprints into full production BPOs.
Added In SubType when making new PBPO to define industry and part type for assembly
Resource Acquisition
Fixed a couple mines that had some magic trees reappear in cleaning mode, being unable to harvest/load them.
Updated sending trucks and dump trucks from mines to use the new and proper 'Outbound' terminology so they safely arrive at destinations. No more coffee breaks for those lazy bugs!
Ran a fix so that any of the aforementioned Driving dump trucks arrived.
Added ability for dump trucks to drive out from mine site during or after cleanup.
New Feature: Ability to view prospected oil plots, as well as send a survey vehicle and conduct a oil field survey. A survey takes 24 hours per acre of survey time, and once completed you'll know approximately how many barrels worth of oil are there, and approximately how deep you will have to drill to start getting that oil.
New Feature: Ability to view political points earned for any company, accessible via Interactions > Business Operations > Political Points.
New Feature: Ability to buy and sell political points via the marketplace. There is now a sell button on political point overview, and you can check the market listings in the Global Market area in the new political points category.
New Feature: I've now implemented the first way to use political points. Land acquisition. If you click "Exchange" it will bring up the exchange form for that country. You can opt to go all 'Wildcard' (RNG), and if you do this your land payout could be as high as 160% of the points used, or as low as 80%. If you use 1 or 2 filters, each filter will reduce the top and bottom threshold by 20%, so one filter is 140% to 60%, two filters is 120% to 40%. Lots more redemption options coming in the future, but for now, enjoy!
Added new Notifications area, accessible via top menu. This is an in progress feature and is not active yet.
Ensured Season/Year shows on all company menus, and unified menu layout for all company types.
Updated fund transfer page to reflect 7 days instead of the old 12 days.
Fixed typo on main landing page.
Added a special "Patch Day" banner to the site that appears every Friday after 8am, with a link to the Wiki's changelog so you can see what has changed. This also gives people not on the discord a way to know it's patch day and to see the updates.
Added a good amount of documentation regarding Aerospace including initial building requirements, launch complex modules, industry research, prototype research and testing, production and spacecraft assembly.