Added data about current number of open loans a loan requestor has, as well as their join date to application for bank review.
Removed 'Loan Type' from loan application as it is not valid post-split.
Set players under 21 days not able to apply for more than 1m in funding.
Set minimum funding request amount to $10,000.
Made the snapshot on loan submission meta centric to include meta gross and net nav, and current meta liabilities, as well as verbiage regarding collateralized loans and risk.
Made new loan minimum % .25% for banks that have made it to perk 3 for Entreprenauts.
Applying for a loan will now ding credit by 15 points, making blanket applying unadvisable.
Fixed issue with L10 builds not showing proper Generator requirements.
Fixed bug with auto payment of completed contract.
Added ability to view sites from construction agreement page after construction is completed.
Added in system that if a site is visited/refreshed after construction completes, any equipment on that site will be idled from previous construction status. This fixes the
bug where you would complete construction and not be able to load equipment, as the system thought they were still building!Modified selling form for construction equipment to match the new format shown for ships and semis.
Modified the way the system searches for new unused vehicles to bring to construction site in preparation for future iterations.
Added ability to drive Dump Trucks into construction sites.
Added ability to hook tool cribs to dump trucks & trucks. If on construction site simply select from dropdown. If not on construction site and at city, go to equipment overview area,
click 'Details' and then select it from that menu. Right now this is rudimentary and will only be indicated by 'Hauling/Hauled By UID #' on the representative pieces, but it is functional. Using this method you can now bring a tool crib to or from a site using a Dump Truck.Added ability to remove toolcribs from dumptrucks/trucks.
Added ability to bring dump trucks to construction sites, it is the new form below the Add Asset form. Any qualified dumptruck in the city is selectable, and if attached to a trailer, will bring the trailer with it as well.
Added ability to gain practical knowledge (If you are a construction company) when completing buildings on contract for another owned subsidiary or for a client.
Made effects of Construction Efficiency specialized research active.
Ensured Generators being pulled in properly update their facility information on arrival, there were some instances in which they weren't and would not show as on site for site requirements. This will be on an ongoing fix as I will need to make a couple other tweaks, but this will largely alleviate the issue.
Fixed issue that would cause bunkering ships to not get a charge using new fuel cache system.
Fixed instances that would allow hiring more than 25 semi drivers without an HQ.
Solved issue with not seeing proper rate of whitelisted bunkering agreement.
Solved issue that would cause a whitelisted company not to see the bunkering ship in some instances.
Fixed not having purchase button available in some cases with adequate funds on used ship purchases.
Updated Container ship algorithm to more dynamically generate loads based on average ship capacity in the globe and in that area of the globe, meaning in areas where there are
more large ships, there is a better chance for a larger load to spawn. However, keep in mind this is still the adhoc shipping, and will not be your primary shipping income down the road.Fixed instances white screen on crew hiring attempt for ships.
Added ability to fire crew (Click Crew Anchor Icon and confirm)
Added ability to fire captains (Click Captain Icon and confirm)
Re-Available: Flatbed trailers may be purchased.
Added in possibility for Lumberjacked loads to deliver Ancient Wood a couple days early, for patch day!
Fixed Used Aircraft section not showing statistics properly.
New Building: Coal Power Plant - Note: This requires a supply of coal to operate!
New Building: Peat Power Plant - Note: This requires a supply of peat to operate!
New Building: Launch Pad
New Building: Launch Control Center
New Building: Mission Control
New Building: Vehicle Assembly Building
Note Launch Pad, Launch Control Center, Mission Control and VAB must be built in the SAME city in order for them to function together. Keep this in mind when planning!
New Building: Satellite Factory
New Dump Truck: Model 75710, 450m3 Capacity, $6.5m
New Excavator: Model ZX890, 4.5m3 Capacity, $1m
New Excavator: Model ZX690, 3.5m3 Capacity, $769k
New Excavator: Model 6090FS, 52m3 Capacity, $20m
New Excavator: Model PC1250LC-11, 6.7m3 Capacity, 2m
New Building: Gas Station Medium, 500k Liter Capacity.
New Building: Cow Feed Lot, Capacity 250 Cattle.
New Building: Dairy Barn - Small, Capacity 100 Dairy Cows.
New Building: Dairy Barn - Medium, Capacity 250 Dairy Cows.
New Building: Dairy Barn - Large, Capacity 500 Dairy Cows.
New Building: Pig Barn - Small, Capacity 100 Pigs.
New Building: Pig Barn - Medium, Capacity 250 Pigs.
New Building: Pig Barn - Large, Capacity 500 Pigs.
Note: Farming / Animal husbandry is NOT yet in, however as we march closer, I will begin making buildings and equipment available so that early adopters of systems have a chance to
start getting their ducks in a row to hit the ground running for when PRE-1 Agriculture officially releases. You can buy the buildings, and have them constructed, they just do not operate yet, so early adopters/pre-planners here's your chance to start hitting the agriculture ground running!
Added ability to select amount you wish to send, prior it would assume full load with no way to indicate partial load for material goods.
Fixed issue that would cause system to send all of a material type in a single trailer when doing a material shipment from warehouse.
Added ability to gain practical knowledge as a manufacturing subsidiary when conducting manufacturing (If you are a manufacturing company.).
Made Effects of Factory Line Automation specialized research active.
Made Effects of Factory Maintenance Life specialized research active.
Created Industry/Specialized Research system, and initially have gotten in 3 industries with 2-5 research options, each with multiple levels. This integration will continue in the coming days and weeks as we move towards a full launch of the research system. Specialized research can only be researched by a company in that type of field, using their own research facility.
Created Blueprint/Sample research system, and it initially is ready to handle researching of MO (Material Optimization) and PO (Production Optimization) of blueprints.
Created Research Facility Interface, viewable by going to your research facility in commercial land and clicking details once facility has been built.
Added ability to hire researchers at $250 a day (Front Line Worker Category).
Added interface details about currently ongoing work at that facility.
Added indicator under each specialized research, that if the effects of that research are not yet coded in, it will give a warning icon. You can still research the item if you meet the requirements to be ahead of the game, but know that currently they will not have any effect.
Resource Acquisition
Added in interfaces for when a site is depleted and ready for cleanup.
Pit Mine Requirements: 240m3 Gravel/60m3 Clay/50 Chainlink Fence/1 Day Per Acre For Bulldozer, Dump and Wheel Loader.
Timber Requirements: 1 Day Per Acre For Bulldozer, Wheel Loader. Woodchipper to chip all wood and remove from site.
When site is ready for cleanup, interface automatically transitions to cleanup interface, and equipment has new 'Cleanup' option. This will count towards the ticks required if it is the appropriate vehicle type.
To Haul in Clay/Gravel/Chainlink, you will use the form that will show up on the logistics tab of the mine site once it is in cleanup mode. I expect this form to be live within the next patch or two, but included it so you guys could see what it looks like this week.
When site cleanup has completed, and you have moved all equipment off site, it will automatically go into 'Land Renewal' mode. Renewal takes 2 game years, or 24 days. Upon completion, the land will be taken from your company and you will be granted political points equivalent to the value.
Added political point system. Currently you gain 1 political point per acre of land cleaned up. These points apply to the country that you cleaned up in. Political points can be used to try and acquire land from the government at a flat rate of $50,000 per acre. When you make an offer to them using political points, you can make an offer one of two ways. The first is simply asking for acreage, with no land type. This will yield a 75%-150% return on point value (1 point = 1 acre). If you ask for acreage of a specific type, it will yield a 30-125% return on point value (1 point = 1 acre).
Resource Exchange
Made it only possible to update sell orders, not buy orders, as an intermediary until I update the order update system.
Made it impossible to raise price of order when editing, since currently there is no mechanic to take extra funding in this scenario. Orders can still be modified, but only to
lower price.Brought Cassiterite into market and warehousing fully, with the ability to see and create orders for the product now, as well as injected it into the dynamic pricing system.
Fixed copper price not dynamically moving. It will now move properly like all other good types.
Added Ancient Wood to marketplace. Only acquirable through Lumberjacked trucks currently, base value is $10,000 per 1k. Prices will dynamically move like any other product.
Created Research Category
Created Research Landing Page with links/navigation design to other subpages.
Completed page on specialty research, as well as pages for specialty research for Aerospace, Construction and Manufacturing companies.
Completed page on research timelines and how they work.
Changed default background for Entreprenauts.
Updated Name Changer to only accept certain characters for new name.
Set new player registration to only allow certain characters for username and company name.
Made it so when reviewing the land you own, the top dropdown no longer shows any country you've ever owned land in, but only countries you currently own land in, to declutter a bit for UI.
Made 'Favoriting' of Industrial and Resource plots available to general population, no longer just nut gallery.
Set all fueling ships to idle to re-implement caching system. Hopefully most bugs have been worked out from this!