Fixed strawberry fields not being able to be harvested.
Made optimizations to cow growth algorithms.
Reduced daily weight gain of cows in preparation for feed requirements.
Pigs will now age and gain weight for their first year. This is the next step in pigs being fully live, so we will ensure everyone's pigs are growing and aging properly.
Notice: Soon food requirements will be live for all animals, I will be sure to give a 2-3 week final warning, but know that we are getting close, so make sure you have food for your animals!
Reactivated survey ships conducting survey work, and missions.
If an anomaly is discovered, it will now go into the discovering companies anomalies instead of player inventory, and will be tied to the port it was found out of.
If an anomaly is found, a notification will be given in the notification system to the player.
Nearing completion on Deep Sea Salvage. Next week I hope to release segment one, which will allow for anomaly designation by survey ships, and the initial primary and pinpoint searches for salvage ships once an anomaly has been determined to be salvage type. This will hopefully be followed the following week with the ability to observe/plant, lift, and transport the salvage, and before end of month be able to offload salvage into appropriate warehousing/structures. All in all before September is out this system should be fully live, probably well before many players have their ships outfitted for such operations.
Turned back on auctions for land.
Turned back on auctions for mystery items.
Added new 'Restriction' system to auction, so in some cases this will limit to new players, and in the future, other restrictions.
Fixed issue with construction loading/unloading of equipment that could cause equipment or semi to lose it's city location in some instances.
Added Group Dispatching ability. Simply select truck group, equipment group, and then to or from site. Job will auto handle everything and put a end timer, once timer is complete equipment will be arrived and idle and trucks will be back available. It's that simple!
Removed ability to see 'Sell' and 'Scrap' forms for equipment that is being towed from primary equipment list.
New Dump Truck: A45G, 32m3 Capacity
New Semi: Scania R730
New Wheel Loader: WE1350, 25m3 Capacity
Fixed issue that could allow multiple of a single LE to be added to your LE case. If you have a duplicate in your case, drop a ticket and we'll get you sorted!
Made Player Market items remain on market for 30 days, up from 7.
Global Exchange
Added the ability to create bulk loads for finished goods. All finished good loads will now create as bulk just as all raw goods loads do. Simply go and create a load in the shipping center as per usual and it will now generate the new load type!
Verified and added in final safe guards to "Unfilled" orders. All orders will now absolutely return to their respective warehouse. This verifies all bugs regarding this are resolved.
Temporarily made buy orders non-cancellable to fix a couple minor bugs, should return within 2 patches.
Global Market
NOTE ON BELOW: I have decided to hold back from this system pushing live so that I can get it in place for all blueprint items, AND also give you guys a lead up time of like 90 days so you're all aware and prepared, don't want anyone feeling they weren't ready or informed. You should still more than be able to get what you need most of the time, even if you have to source it from a little further away, so don't panic, and as I said, likely the go live on this will be early 2024, but you'll see the icons and such starting to pop up in GM as we prepare for player production.
New Dynamic NPC Supply & Demand system has arrived for the first "Blueprint" style items. All ships now have "Supply Levels". If a given ship is out of stock in a region, it will not be purchasabable there. This is a system that helps players realize that NPCs aren't a limitless supply pool, and this is how all "Blueprint" related items will function for the foreseeable future so that players can still get what they need even if a player isn't making it, but puts an increased importance on planning and working with other players towards a world of player driven economy.
Fixed redirect issue on failure of funds for Sea Vehicle Purchase.
Group Project
Setup all the framework and front end display for Group Project: Panama Canal. Officially our second group project. Project will start with taking sea deliveries, land container deliveries, and financial contributions.
Applied hotfix to issue that was causing ships to load and unload very quickly in player operated piers.
Fixed toolcrib trailers from showing as loadable by lowboys if they are already hooked up to a dumptruck in the semi details page.
Slight updates and fixes to various UI items.
Fixed redirect when setting sail with survey ship.
Added Next Waiting Ship Button to Survey Ships.
Made a fix that should help with a few of the errant ships that were trying to lose their destination as they arrived.
Player Ports will now unload all NPC loads for that port including NPC company orders.
Removed 'Survey' type ships from showing in cargo ship overview.
Updated Recipe: Glass, reduced sand needs but increased potash requirement, as well as adding electric and water requirement. 100 units per hour.
Updated Recipe: Glass - Tempered, reduced sand needs and increased potash requirement, as well as adding electric and water requirement. 80 units per hour.
Updated Recipe: Silicon, reduced sand needs per unit and increased coke requirement, as well as adding electric and water requirement. 120 units per hour.
New Recipe: Facemask Product, produced in General Factory.
New Recipe: Lawnmower - Riding, produced in General Factory.
New Recipe: Lawnmower - Zero Turn, produced in General Factory.
New Recipe: Strontium, produced in General Factory.
Updated Recipe: Ethylene, giving it a NPC basal cost.
New Recipe: Antifreeze, produced at Chemical Factory.
New Recipe: Tactical Headset - Woodland, produced at Electronics Factory (RR)
New Recipe: Radio - Tactical, produced at Electronics Factory (RR)
New Recipe: Radio - Comms Pack, produced at Electronics Factory (RR)
Fixed missing images for 3 Sonobuoy designs.
Fixed missing image for 250kg lift bag.
Updated Recipe: Polyacrylonitrile. Now produced at plastics factory, output is 4x previous output, but requires 4x input (NPC Cost has stayed the same).
Updated Recipe: Ammonia. Output is 6x previous output, but requires 6x input (NPC Cost has stayed the same).
Updated Recipe: Acetyelene. Output is 6x previous output, but requires 6x input (NPC Cost has stayed the same).
Updated Recipe: Calcium Carbide. Output is 2x previous output, but requires 2x input (NPC Cost has stayed the same).
New Recipe: Fuel Bladder - 10k, produced in Plastics Factory (RR)
New Recipe: Fuel Bladder - 50k, produced in Plastics Factory (RR)
Fixed missing images for diving gear.
Updated Recipe: Ship Electronics. Now manufactured at electronics factory, requires Electronics research.
Fixed recipes not showing up properly in Heavy Equipment Factory.
Updated Recipe: Rolled Carbon Steel. x5 output, but also requires x 5 input.
Updated Recipe: Steel Cable. x2 output, but also requires x2 input.
Updated Recipe: Rolled Steel. x5 output, but also requires x5 input.
Updated Recipe: Oil Pipeline. x5 output, but also requires x5 input.
Updated Recipe: Steel Girder. x2 output, but also requires x2 input.
Updated Recipe: Gas Pipeline. x5 output, but also requires x5 input.
Updated Recipe: Steel Bar. x3 output, but also requires x3 input.
Updated Recipe: Steel Plate. x2 output, but also requires x2 input.
Updated Recipe: Railway Steel. x2 output, but also requires x2 input.
Updated Recipe: Kelly Pipe. x5 output, but also requires x5 input.
Added ability for PAX companies to potentially gain research practical knowledge when delivering adhoc loads.
New Facility Module: Shotgun Range, used for training operators in shotgun skill.
New Facility Module: Machinegun Range, used for training operators in machinegun skill.
New Facility Module: Medical Training Center, used for training operators in medical skill.
300 New Operators Available for potential Hire in Black Market
New Training: Shotgun Training, to improve shotgun skill. Requires shotgun, 100x shotgun rounds, and shotgun range.
New Training: Machinegun Training, to improve machinegun skill. Requires LMG, 500x machinegun rounds, and machinegun range.
New Training: Medical Training, to improve medical skill. Requires medical training center.
UI Update: Added visual UI for current skill level for all weapons and extra training.
Added 20 New Operator Portraits for Male Operators
Added 20 New Operator Portraits for Female Operators
Added ability to assign a role to a Operator. IMPORTANT! Roles are a ONE TIME assignment. Be sure of your choice before slotting them to this, this may change in the future but it is a big choice. By selecting a role there will be certain benefits and setbacks to the operator, so if you aren't sure how you want to set a team up yet, it's best to wait. I'll be working on a wiki article with information on the perks/drawbacks of each role ASAP (Hopefully with this patch as well!)
Fixed some items being intransferrable from warehouse to PMC Facilities.
Added Leaderboard for PAX Research.
Added Leaderboard for PMC Research.
Shipping & Sales Center
Fixed a minor display issue with Dahoma wood.
Updated Research > Specialized > Manufacturing article.
New Article > Archaeology > Deep Sea Salvage 101 - This provides a basic outline of what is required for Deep Sea Salvage of Anomalies and what steps to take. This will be fleshed out with more tips, images, and more data in the near future, but this article should give you an approximate idea of what you need, and what you need to do for those looking to be ready to pounce day one on the process of preparing a ship for salvage recovery and going out and doing it as soon as possible!
Updated and Added multiple articles in the Achievements section of the wiki with latest information.