Fixed bug causing residential buildings not to finish construction when done by NPC in some instances.
Fixed bug that was causing some research facilities to start with improper online status in the beginning making them unable to be deactivated.
Fixed exploit that would allow bobtailing dump trucks to be added to construction site before proper arrival.
Added in ability to create initial cruises. Details will be made available in a wiki article within the next week for those liking to look before they leap. (This is expected to be available to all users 10/23).
Added in initial market value ticket pricing for cruiselines.
Added in initial dynamic demand system for tourism industry in support of cruise lines launching.
Added Halloween 2022 LE Ship
Added Halloween 2022 Harvester
Added ability to have and utilize agricultural vouchers.
Fixed being able to hire captains when ship is non-idle.
Fixed issue with trains not being able to refuel if below zero.
Fixed issue with electric trains not being able to depart.
Fixed issue that was causing Halloween collectibles to not distribute properly during a qualifying load delivery for logistics.
Temporarily made it possible to get ancient wood while hauling NPC loads with Lumberjack Semis. This is a temporary solution until a more permanent perk that is timber site related comes available.
New Years 2022 semi is having it's perk of 80% fuel reduction to / from mines changed to 80% fuel reduction overall. This will be a new permanent perk, and will go live next patch, this is your advanced notice.
New Port: Contonou, Benin
New Port: Montevideo, Uruguay
Added all recent ports to shipping port map
Added cargo capacity to cryogenic ship listings.
New Semi: HX520
New Semi: S730 Heavy Haul
Modified display variables to prepare for marketplace upgrades for Q4.
Added in backend framework so that recruitment of blackmarket operatives can begin in near future deployment.
Implementation on backend, stage 1 of three for full release. Expected release date now 2 patches away for initial version.
Added in 20 new unlockable recipes.
Added in ability to produce oil bi-products from raw oil barrels at refineries (Expected to be available to all users 10/23). You will set a line to refine and it will take raw barrels and give the appropriate outputs.
Implementation of automation upgrade 1 of 2 on the backend, expected release of racing for Rally D3 is now 1-2 patches away.
Resource Acquisition
Adjusted semi delivery for oil to be proper amount and not a lower threshold than it should be.
Updated per barrel rate for oil to be 150 liters per barrel for ease of math and proximity to actual RL value.
Backend upgrade number 1 of 4, expected implementation of revised RE and GM now 3-5 patches away!
Updated perks on 2 aforementioned LE semis.