Implemented Achievement Framework to start tracking stats of any existing or newly added achievement items.
Began Long Term deployment of achievement system, this will take a long time to get out, but we want to get the ball rolling giving you guys tons of achievements to accomplish!
Added 3 New Air Related Achievements Into System.
Added 3 New Train Related Achievements Into System.
Added Achievement Counter on profile page that allows you to see a users current number of achievements out of the total possible achievements in Nauts (This will become a big number you goal setters!)
Adjustments to research payouts.
Updated fuel consumption usage and safeguards on all launches.
Added in first iteration of weather system. Currently weather is on a Continent Level. In the near future it will be on a country/local level. This is the first step into adding more depth to the farming system including rainfall, crop moisture, and weather related events. Weather for the day as well as the expected forecast for the following 2 days is now available on the field info screen.
Fixed issue with log loader not propagating properly in pine fields.
Increased the maximum allowable amount to gain savings interest to 10m on normal savings accounts.
Increased the maximum allowable amount to gain interest on Swiss Accounts to 250m.
Increased the maximum allowable amount to gain interest on Officer Club Vaults to 500m.
Fixed issue that was causing some construction kits to not properly place down when preparing them for construction.
Global Exchange
Updated the trade monitor to accept values under $1 for updating an existing trade order. Should resolve issue people were facing when trying to update orders!
Updated Raw Warehousing page to properly link through to new GE Page. Clicking on the 'city' of any owned raw warehouse will now take you to the country page for that warehouse where you can view all outstanding orders for raw goods in that country, and can place new orders via the new order button.
Added a 'All' filter to raw and material searches. Note this will only display some of the postings and is intended as a quick way to get to a certain countries page or to view a smattering of what's available.
REMINDER: How To Place An Order... 1.) Global Exchange 2.) Select Either Raw Search Or Material Search. Input the material you are looking to sell. 3.) Click New Order Button And Fill Out. Alternatively you can also go to the Raw/Material Warehousing Pages and click the links through from there. Documentation coming this month on new Global Exchange.
Removed restriction that a company cannot haul for itself for sea loads.
NOTICE: In June (Likely next patch) fees will begin to be charged for use of the Suez Canal. Fees will be set at 1% of ship valuation, with a cap of 5m. I expect shareholder payments to start in July for those who participated in the Suez.
NOTICE: Panama canal project set to "Spool Up" in August, and will again coordinate with FSN for raw goods.
Added requirement that if equipment is over 400hp it must be hauled by a HH Semi (Triple Axle), or a HH/No-Cert LE Semi. Any other semi will no longer be able to pull large equipment.
Began testing in earnest of SHH semis 'Double Hauling' System. Expect if testing goes well to release within the next 2 patches.
Work continues on new UI for logistics subsidiaries, with emphasis on mobile friendly operation and less clicks to accomplish tasks along with visual aids like icons versus drop down menus.
Added the ability to add power poles to your powergrid network. requires 1 Utility Pole. Also requires 1 Power Line Cable & 1 Utility Pole Transformer per 3 poles. Each home requires around 1.5 Poles.
Added ability to add Substation Transformers to your powergrid network. Requires 1 Substation Transformer. They can power approximately 100 homes.
Both of the above items also have cost requirements, power poles @ $1000 per pole and substations at $50,000 per substation.
When added, your power details will update to show your capacities. In the near future you will be able to start gaining customers if you have adequate capacity.
Updated pricing plans for additional piers, maintenance bays, and pier upgrades for player Shipyards.
New Recipe: Air Hockey Table, producible from Furniture Factory
New Recipe: Bag of Coffee Beans, producible from Food Factory
Updated newly activated research perks to show they are active perks on the research table.
Added city and country data to 'Research Facilities' page.
Resource Acquisition
There is a somewhat ongoing bug that is from time to time touching various aspects of sea oil drilling ships from surveyors to drillships and causes them to go idle instead of continuing to perform their task. I am working on this but it is tied into the larger revamp to travel coding for all transport types that are due for revamp (Like Semis from Last Summer). So hang in there, and if you have a ship go idle, please do not send it back out on another job, as it should still be working it's original job and it's easier for me to track and fix the issue if it's limited.
New Log Harvester: LS855E
Removed Season Month/Year from top menu (This will return in the future :) )
Added inventory category filtering allowing you to look specifically for backgrounds, collectibles, perks & vouchers, or donor packs respectively. Can be used separate from or together with name search and will retain through pagination.
Added in additional framework for notification system including different menu display when a user has new notifications.