Made slight adjustments to fuel consumption algorithms for certain types of launches based on payload.
Began framework for pressurization and pre-flight testing and fueling.
Began testing of player ordered launches of space payloads.
Fixed issue that could cause Tomato harvests not to arrive properly in warehouse.
Second phase of testing underway regarding crop moisture, precipitation, and drought, should be looking for implementation of this in October.
Fixed redirect issues for salvage ships pulling into maintenance bays at player shipyards.
Fixed a couple minor display issues regarding site details.
Fixed an issue that would cause toolcribs to not update city information when detaching from dump trucks or pickup trucks.
Fixed issues with dispatching having issues with going to or from industrial sites in certain situations.
Fixed issue where dispatching trucks to/from job sites being done for other players could cause equipment or semis to lose track of current city data.
Fixed redirect issue on failure to find matching equipment for dispatch request.
Performed update of diamond den including new items, new legacy vault item, and restocks of certain LE's.
Fixed minor UI display issues on semi details page.
Fixed failure to dispatch error in some instances of dispatched trucks.
Prepared further dispatch framework for testing of other/new dispatch operations.
Updated Active Lines used to be accurate on overview screen.
Updated Line Group layouts on overview screen to be better for easy viewing.
Fixed missing image for Aluminum Cans
New Recipe: DSV I, manufactured at Specialty Factory (RR)
New Recipe: DSV II, manufactured at Specialty Factory (RR)
New Recipe: DSV III, manufactured at Specialty Factory (RR)
Fixed issue when trying to install own module at ship maintenance bay.
Reinitialized Racing, with ability to buy cars, drivers, permits and enter races. Will be starting with scheduled events and then working into automated ones as I get more of the system fleshed out.
Updated driver XP gain algorithms.
Updated event page UI to be a little more descriptive.
Resource Acquisition
Updated prospecting to include slightly better odds of generating oil and natural gas deposits.
Began testing of Natural Gas framework to ensure functionality.
Implemented framework for delivery and application of fuel storage devices, should be able to begin placing these and filling them to prepare for future operations within 1-2 patches.
Shipping & Sales Center
Updated the way material airloads work. Product weight per unit is now shown instead of number of product per 1,000kg.
Airlift restrictions changed, max unit weight 10,000kg and maximum total cargo weight 50,000kg for a cargo load creation.
Prepared backend framework for exports of other goods from other platforms (Details coming)