Updated average political point generation chance and quantity for aerospace missions.
New Crop: Tobacco
New Animal Breed: Holstein Cow
New Auction Type: Structure Auctions. Structure auctions will occur for random buildings in random cities around the globe. Starting bids run at 75% to 125% of building cost. There is no guarantee a certain building will come up, or how often, and some days may see no buildins up for auction, so grab them when you have a chance to save on building times and potentially on costs! This will begin to generate regularly starting this coming week.
New Diamond Den Item: Eminent Domain - Grants randomly 5-50 acres in country of choice, with land zoning specified. Please note that you can dictate it lock in a specific city, but this will cut your granted acres in half!
Made it so that when in port, your refuel from list will show bunkering ships you are whitelisted to first, and then public vessels second.
New City: Corinto, Nicaragua
New Port: Corinto, Nicaragua
New Port: Nassau, Bahamas
New Country: Taiwan, including 5 cities Banquio, Kaohsiung, Taichung, Tainan and Taipei. This includes logistics and resource exhange, as well as land possibilities.
New Port: Algeris, Algeria
New Port: Bremerhaven, Germany
Return of the ability to apply custom liveries to your trucking fleet if you have them available.
Made it so you can see all enroute trucks, no matter how far out, batched into groups of 10 and sorted by first arrivals first.
New Port: Port-au-Prince, Haiti
New Port: Sao Luis, Brazil
New Port: Kaohsiung, Taiwan
New Port: Latakia, Syria
New Port: Freetown, Sierra-Leone
New Port: Bridgetown, Barbados
New Port: Antwerp, Belgium
New Port: Gdansk, Poland
New City: Boa Vista, Brazil
New City: Porto Velho, Brazil
New City: Campo Grande, Brazil
New City: Lucas do Rio Verde, Brazil
New City: Santarem, Brazil
New City: Gdansk, Poland
New Port: Koper, Slovenia
New City: Koper, Slovenia
Fired all Engineers, Ship Captains and ship crews that were remaining. Given they cannot be currently hired due to system upgrade, and the amount of tickets we get in a week to have them removed, it just made more sense to blanket remove these until the new system is in place.
Fixed issue where various new tanker trailer types couldn't be attached when attempting to haul a player load of your own or another player even with a tanker certification.
Fixed issue that could sometimes cause LE Electric semis to demand diesel. They are now more environmentally tolerant.
Fixed issue that would sometimes allow one very fancy driver to be in two trucks at once.
Fixed issue with semi images not showing properly in holding company transfer screen.
Reimplemented the automated failure system for semi loads that are taken but not hooked to a semi by their delivery date. It will now fail the load and provide the 125% penalty charge. You may have seen a large rash of charges from penalties but this was a one time that covered ANY load you had that wasn't hooked to a truck that had expired, these were all charges you would have had anyways. Remember to only take loads you plan to haul!
Reimplemented the ability to move semi trailers between companies. They must be unattached and not at a facility in order to be eligible.
Reinstated ability to sell used semis on the market. Requires truck to have no driver in it.
Reinstated ability to buy/sell used equipment on the market. Will Require equipment to not be on a facility site.
Added 5% Fee To list political points for sale.
Added company tracking for sale of player items, meaning that whatever company you list an item for sale from, that company will receive the funds from the sale, instead of the prior system that used your newest company.
New Background: Dark Ambience
New Background: Golden Refraction
New Background: Mining At Dusk
Fixed agricultural equipment showing up in the land vehicles overview page.
Fixed redirects for agricultural purchases to go back to the agricultural area instead of the regular land vehicles area.
Resource plot listings will now contain deep resource information if fully surveyed, and will also now display kms from the city center.
Added pre-filtering of recipe results to the factory type you click from. So if clicking recipes from your gas plant, it will show gas plant recipes.
New Recipe: Coffee Beans, produced at General Factory
New Building: Bio Fuel Plant
New Building: Bio Fuel Plant - Large
New Recipe: Coolant, produced at General Factory
New Recipe: Diamond Ring - Silver, produced at General Factory
New Recipe: Ruby Necklace - Gold, produced at General Factory
New Recipe: Diamond Necklace - Silver produced at General Factory
New Recipe: Ruby Ring - Gold, produced at General Factory
New Recipe: Space Rations, produced at General Factory
New Recipe: Space Rations Crate, produced at General Factory
Added the ability to nick name a factory. The nickname will show up at the top of the page, and if the nickname is not the default 'none', it will show up in your favorites list as well.
Fixed issue that could sometimes cause disappearance of finished goods when in transfer between company warehouses in same city.
Added approximately 140 researchable items to the Agricultural rsearch tree.
Added in practical knowledge gain for Agricultural subsidiaries. Practical knowledge is gained through harvesting of crops. Not every harvest will have a point income, so keep this in mind. In the future, there will also be ways to gain practical through various forms of animal husbandry.
Added the ability to gain practical knowledge for Resource Acquisition companies. This is gained through both surveying and extraction of resources, and is varied as to when or how it will occurred, but the more you do both, the better your odds!
Added ability to gain practical knowledge via all forms of logistics when in a Logistics subsidiary. Points can possibly gained upon delivery via any method including semis, trains, planes and boats. Please note it is a chance, not a guarantee each time!
Removed the ability to transfer or sell research buildings (Temporary safeguard due to releasing research so we don't have issues early on. This will be available again within a couple weeks.)
Added ability for companies that qualify to be able to activate a strange ore sample into lab inventory.
Added ability to research a strange ore sample that has been added to a lab inventory, this has a cost of $10m per sample and can turn out to be one of several things.
Added in over 300 more research tree items across multiple industries.
Resource Acquisition
Added ability to see equipment size and capacity in equipment overview.
Resource Exchange
Added ability to assign any recently active logistics company semi loads. If this goes well we will look into adding this functionality to other load types.
Removed errant outdated text from Support Homepage.
Changed city - country to be country - city on voucher activation from inventory.
Removed Egypt restriction on voucher redemptions.
Added new 'Research' leaderboard into the leaderboard area. Shows top 10 practical knowledge companies in each research branch. Go and see how you stack up!
Removed last transfer funds linking so that fund transfers are no longer possible between platforms
Added the ability to transfer undeveloped land between subsidiaries.
Added initial rough wiki documentation on research.