Added in 3 new Head of State related achievements.
Updated almonds to be harvested with coffee harvester instead of root crop harvester.
New Crop: Hemp. Plantable with regular planter, harvestable with cotton harvester.
Fixed image not displaying for fields that were plowed or being plowed in agricultural overview for a city.
Fixed issue that could allow residential construction sites to idle equipment before construction was complete allowing them to be loaded again onto lowboys.
Fixed issue where level 9 structures would only require 5 toolcribs instead of 10.
New Perk: All 4 One. This perk once activated grants a random bonus to all your fellow Nauts! It can be bux or mining boosts or production boosts and more in time. A message will post in the general discord channel
letting everyone know what the boost was. You can activate the boost anonymously or display your name, and there is also some stat tracking going on with this for future achievements!
Made adjustments to political spawn point chances on aircraft adhoc loads.
Made adjustments to PAX spawning algorithms for aircraft adhoc loads.
Made adjustments to payouts for PAX adhoc loads for aircraft.
Made adjustments to Cargo spawning algorithms for aircraft adhoc loads.
Increased spawning algorithm for domestic and international adhoc loads to compensate for new amount of planes in the skies.
Extended expiration timestamp on new loads to give more opportunities for loads per city on airborne loads.
Note: The above fixes are for temporary patches until the planned aircraft revamp and release of airlines. Sea and train logistics are also scheduled for revamps and may see 'patch' fixes prior to their overhauls to fix any issues I find with current algorithms (All algorithms were about 1-2 years old so I am conducting a review of all transport types and patching as necessary until the revamps come.)
Added baseline NPC pricing to all manufactured items via the recipe book. Any recipe you have unlocked access to you can see the baseline pricing for.
Updated error with power customer generation that would allow customers when one capacity or the other was possibly too low.
Fixed Refractory Brick having the wrong factory type, now properly shows for Ceramics Factory.
Added additional training options dropdown. This along with equipping PMC's is aimed to go life with Split-8, all framework operations are being done to ensure everything on the backend is working as it needs to for a front end finish up and deployment! Note you will need proper facilities and equipment in order to do certain types of training!
Added Achievements Category page.
Added Achievements Agricultural subpage, and added all currently available achievements.
Added Achievements General subpage, and added all currently available achievements.
Added Achievements Logistics subpage, and added all currently available achievements.
Added Crops & Harvest Requirements subpage to agriculture section. Shows all possible crops as well as planter and harvester requirements.
Added Achievements Head of State subpage, and added all currently available achievements.
Several minor updates to various pages regarding exchanges
Began developing "Market Guide" for how to properly use the new Global Exchange.
Prepared multiple animal husbandry articles for planned future releases.
Prepared “Contracting” article for upcoming releases with contracting
Updated menu item name for recipe book to Material Recipebook
Added new menu item under Data > Raw Material Data
Raw material data page will list all raw ores, trees and crops as well as their basal pricing for easy reference in one place, like the adjustment made to the material recipebook.
Added All For One Perk Boost status to top menu, will indicate the current type of boost (if any) with %.
RE removed (again). Raw goods should be able to be bought via global exchange private orders (Right side of homepage for any private order listed to your company whether material or raw.). Any missing items I will tidy up but aiming to keep RE gone as it was causing bugs/issues being available to folks still after being depreciated.