Made small adjustments to sheep pregnancy algorithm.
Added in warehouse transfer framework for animal food. This new system will go live with next patch, and will require you to transfer in food from your local warehouse to the animal pen in question. Animals will then
feed from this pen. Allowing the pen to go empty can mean animals will starve and perish! This is your FINAL WARNING to have food for your animals in your local warehouses. If you aren't sure what you need, ask!Made adjustments to old age culling code to be slightly more impactful and prompt users to maintain their herds properly
Turned on horse aging again up to two years in preparation for further releases.
Added in a good chunk of the back end framework for NPK soil composition. Once we finish up with crop adjusted values this system will go live bringing more realism, challenge, and yield potential to arable operations.
Began adding in framework for equipment breakdown and repairs.
Began work on overhaul of Archaeology competition to bring it up to modern standards with new archaeo tools.
Continued work on Fishing upgrade framework that will include various poles and lures to increase odds of catching fish, prizes, etc.
Added in additional safeguards to preserve job status on taken but not completed jobs.
Updated system of auto completion that now if a job is started and completed it should auto complete properly while still allowing equipment removal.
A couple updates made to construction job start code which should fix some instances of expedited build times.
Began next level integrations for HQ requirements. Details coming on this soon.
Began re-integration of dispatch center with new possibilities tied into upcoming features like fuel depots and maintenance centers.
Fixed an issue where in-situ pumps and tanks would have trouble being transported via semi.
Fixed an issue where in-situ tanks would intermittently not like being shipped by train.
Set up Oktoberfest generation code.
Set up Oktoberfest tracking for new competition (train load hauling)
Fixed missing image in some instances for Halloween 2023 Train
Hotfixed an issue with 4th Of July semis not working no-cert as intended in some scenarios.
Removed the 'Job Board' this was a legacy item long slated for removal, new tools have already replaced much of it's functionality with more on the way.
Began internal testing of Captain and Crew interfaces for ship based trait upgrades.
GPS navigation systems are now being activated for testing in 1 company, and if all goes well, the official 'signups' for service will be open in the GE next patch. This means it's time to start significantly shortening those route times!
Completed basic framework for mechanics shops for installation of modules into ground based vehicles, and mechanic dispatch for sending parts to mine and construction sites. Expect more news on this very soon.
Prepared 'Primary Pilot' upgrade framework for deployment, should be live in 1-2 patches and will allow upgrading a co-pilot to pilot status with enough flight hours on the appropriate plane model. Pilots & Co-Pilots will be mandatory for airline and air cargo operations!
New Player Experience
Completed the remaining 'missions' that we have been working on, now it's a matter of thoroughly running through each career branch and ensuring the missions are functioning as we intend, and feel balanced. This will take a few weeks, but at the end we'll have a much better and more welcoming experience for new players.
Fixed missing image for In Situ Tanks.
Fixed missing image for In Situ Pumps.
Fixed an issue causing XL refineries to refuse to produce production items from oil barrels.
Removal Warning: Several recipes are slated for removal from 'general' factories in the coming weeks, these are now past-due for removal, and will be removed NEXT patch. Items include: Sulfuric Acid, Car Battery, Ammonium Nitrate, Brick, Arsenic Trioxide and Carbon Fiber.
On the above, the next 'batch' of items moving from general to specialized factory will be announced next week, and again, will receive the 90 day grace window for people to transition their operations.
Activated Halloween Special Production Items: Vampire Costume, Zombie Costume, Frankenstein Costume, Candy Corn
Activated ability to add piers to a shipyard, at a cost of $100m each. 72 hour installation time.
Activated ability to add maintenance bays to a shipyard, at a cost of $100m each. 72 hour installation time.
On the above, a shipyard can have up to DOUBLE it's base slots fully upgraded with bays/piers. The advantage of this system is expanding your current shipyard instead of having to build a second, as the adding of bays/piers takes no additional land!
Made preparations for organic food type manufacturing that will coincide with upcoming organic farming systems.
Several new recipes are launching over the next 2 months that will have to do with repairs for logistics equipment, and agricultural equipment. Most lower levels will have little to no research requirement but higher tier items will, so get
ready to start preparing for maintenance, which we know is coming!
Began testing of tier 2 template and recruiting system. This will be used to design and fill out non-special operations units in PMCs for larger operations.
Added 100 new operators to available operator pool.
Added in approximately 20 new research items across 4 industries.
Resource Acquisition
Now allowing fuel trucks to haul in fuel that's less than a semi load using the 'top off' function. Top off will take any amount available in warehouse as long as it's below bladder capacity, even minor amounts.
Added imagery for oil derricks that have been converted to ship status.
Began first test anomaly site with a player owned derrick (congrats mr c!). Pending data collection and balancing this will release to all players who have both a derrick, an appropriate anomaly, access to a crane ship (theirs or another players), and pipeline necessary.
Minor adjustments to anfo blast system in preparation for more research and upgrades coming for tunnel mines.
Added data gathering code to in-situ operations for calculating future balancing changes.
The Beyond
Updated anomaly algorithm slightly based on data gathered over the past few weeks.
Slight UI update to Galactic Market page in preparation for ability to buy/sell ships on the market.
Began internal testing on Gas Harvesting operations.
Began internal testing on minor combat events (1v1 engagements)
Handled approximately 40 player support issues of varying degrees, many of which did not correlate to a specific bug.