


  • Fixed typo on sugarcane harvest redirect.

  • Fixed issue with cows showing they gave birth but not birthing even if room is available.

  • Fixed issue with intermittent weight/age gain issues for cows.

  • Fixed issue with cows not aging in certain situations.

  • Prepared framework page for pigs, in preparation for launch.


  • I am in finalized testing of most things for initial release, I know everyone is excited for this and I'm doing my best to get it sorted in short order.

  • In line with above testing, I'm also working on getting some form of aircraft configuration set up for the near future after launch to provide companies with more meaningful choices regarding
    utilizing an aircraft.


  • Fixed issue with fishing tournaments finishing and distributing prizes properly. (This did successfully run on the back end for last competition, and will now be live for all future iterations)

  • Updated future fishing competitions with dates and data based on delay caused by above bug.


  • Began framework of NPC construction, including developing templates and thresholds for dynamic generation of NPC construction jobs that will become available to construction companies.

Global Exchange

  • Updated minimum acceptable price to be .01 instead of 1 for low value sale items like electric.

  • Implemented first iteration of NPC traders once more, these will be intermittent spurts designed to test how the system responds to player orders, and with time will become steady sales
    as they were before, but also being more robust to changing markets.

  • Fixed issue with unfilled orders not showing the ledger entry for cancellation. All companies have always been properly credited when a buy order goes unfilled, however it did not show in ledger properly and now will.

  • Note: There were a couple of reports regarding receiving an item from a buy order being filled. I am currently still looking into this bug and hope to have a solution on it in short order!

Head of State

  • Began framework and testing of city 'prosperity levels' which will be defined by the availability of goods and services in a given city. Raising the prosperity level will boost population growth, and cause NPCs to have a generally higher income and therefore more spending capacity to buy goods and services from player companies. I will be releasing details on this system in the next couple of weeks, and hope to have it initially launched by mid May, at which point you all will be able to actively work towards meeting each cities unique demands to influence it's prosperity level.

  • The above prosperity system is the pre-lude to another larger system involving inter-city infrastructure, and large projects, which will only be possible when cities have reached certain prosperity levels.


  • Fixed of custom liveries to not show properly. (I think it was the Elves trying to cause havoc for shutting down their illegal tree operation.)

  • Fixed issue with creation of agriculture loads having trouble attaching to Non-LE trucks that did have valid driver certifications.

  • Started Easter Loads

  • Also fixed issue with Easter loads not calculating correctly

  • Added in 'random' variable that gives chance for higher amount of points for delivering a special holiday load.

  • Made further preparations in regards to contract shipping.

  • Set up framework for player delivered HH hauls to/from mine sites.

  • Began re-work of dispatcher system in preparation for new dispatching and NPC construction items.

  • New Semi: Sway


  • Put in training completion system that will now automate training completion once per day, eliminating the need for manual pushes by me as the system seems to be working as intended now.

  • Began first iteration of testing sending equipped troops to train (other forms of training)

  • Began further testing of basic mission running in preparation for release.

  • Prepared next batch of Operators for marketplace

  • Began back-end build up of PMC headquarters to allow further operations including specified training and vehicle maintenance/arming.

Resource Acquisition

  • Fixed issue with return to government from detailed mine view not working in some instances.

  • Fixed issue with return to government from detailed mine view giving improper redirect or white screen in some instances.

  • Fixed issue with greenheart generating too small of amounts for tree type.

  • Updated all plots that had greenheart to appropriate amounts they should have received.

  • Made slight adjustments to odds with oil deposit amounts.

  • Made balancing adjusting to drop rate of offshore anomalies.

  • New Dump Truck: A60H

  • New Wheel Loader: WE1850


  • Bug for retail that prevented items after the 5th from displaying has been fixed

  • Bug for retail that allowed adding of items beyond what shelves could hold has been fixed.

  • Feature request -- added a title block to each item on the shelves to make it easier to identify similar items.

  • Prepared first iteration of NPC purchases at non-wholesale level, should be hitting live this month.


  • Updated verbiage on inventory page to reflect 5% market listing fee which has been in place since changelog listed it a couple months back, only the verbiage had been dated.

  • There are a ton of things not listed here, the team are all scrambling and working very hard on a variety of back end items focused on preparing for split-a-thon, getting airlines online, work on a better user experience with redirects that give better error messaging, and the new player experience pipeline. Thank you in the meantime for your patience as we work through these items for everyone!

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