

  1. Agriculture

    • Pushed forward all harvesting state fields to harvested to push out last goods into old system of storage for conversion.

    • Fixed issue causing multiple WH entries for one item in some situations regarding butchery.

    • Updated all agricultural harvesting to be based on new warehousing system.

    • Reopened ability to harvest crops.

    • Fixed issues with being able to plant apple trees.


    • Fixed issue with Poseidon ships not being able to see installed modules when out of port.

    • Fixed issue preventing ships from being assigned to an anomaly to begin searching.

    • Updated notification icon for anomaly found in your notifications.

    • Reduced average search distance and time on identifying unknown anomalies for balancing.


    • Added "Perk Coins". These are non-expiring coins that are earned during special limited events like Split-a-thons. There will be a "Perk Coin" store accessible by clicking the coin number, and the store will

    have a myriad of options on how to redeem them. This gives you the freedom to choose what you want, when you want. Almost all options in the store will be fully automated allowing you a quick turn around when you want to redeem something.

    • Added "LE Coins". These are expiring coins that are earned during any event (Weekend specials, F4G drives, Splits, Etc). They will "Expire" at the START of the NEXT event. This means in general you'll have 2-6 weeks to redeem them from the time you receive them. These will also have a shop, where you will be able to snatch up the event limited items that are usually offered for donations in that event window. This will allow you a little more freedom in picking your rewards for contributing to a drive as well, because if you'd rather have more semis and less planes, or vice versa, you can do that as long as you have the coins.

    • NOTICE: F4G crates will be going away. As we continue to move forward we are wanting to build systems that allow you guys to have perks, but that are also easy to redeem and meaningful, can be updated regularly, and can be more fluid and dynamic, while also making sure we don't get too many perk options which just becomes kind of a mess. You can opt to redeem your crates now if you choose. If you do not, at the end of the month (March 1), they will expire and you will receive perk coins in exchange, which are valid forever under the new system. If you have any questions please feel free to DM the team.

    • The above systems are designed with the future in mind. We are getting rid of the days in which events happen and then AFTER the event you get your items. This new system means that outside of things like "Top 10", everything will be able to be processed DAILY, and like any normal donation. Meaning that if there is a week long event and you donate on day 1, you get your goodies (for the most part) on day one. This will save staff time in chasing people down to ask them what perks they want, and then the 3 days of back and forth about what sites etc, as well as give you guys more versatility, and overall saving all of us time. Again though, if you have any questions please let us know. There is quite a bit of 'structure' change here, but in large, your benefits remain the same, and you (and we) get a much more efficient process.

    • NOTICE/WARNING/REMINDER/THING: PLEASE BE CAREFUL WHEN DOING YOUR FIRST ITEMS IN THE NEW EXCHANGE! Not only because this was such a massive code change, but how you do things has fundamentally changed too. If you notice something wonky, please report it in a ticket so we can look at getting it resolved. Most items should work smoothly, but just be careful and mindful around things that are new.

    • Moved over ability to send air shipments on finished goods.

    • Added error and success messaging on shipping of finished goods by air.

    • Increased air shipment range from 3000nm max to 5000nm max.

    • Increased air shipment item max weight to 10,000kg, and load max weight to 50,000kg per shipment.

    • Added in finished goods warehousing function. Simply go to Market > Exchange > Goods WH and then search by city. Only cities with items there will show.

    • Added in sub-filtering of finished goods warehouses. Can search by most sold in day/month, only results that have went below reserve threshold, only results that have went below minimum threshold, and only actively listed warehouse items. More filtering options are planned for the future.

    • Moved over ability to send semi shipments on finished goods.

    • Updated maximum delivery time to 14 days for semi shipments, in preparation for automation in the event of player non-pickup or non-delivery.

    • Moved over the ability to send sealane shipments on finished goods.

    • Moved over the ability to send train shipments on finished goods.

    • Moved over the ability to transfer goods between local warehouses.

    • Updated NPC traders to begin buying from new material warehouse listing system. NPCs will look at a percentage of available orders each hour as potential trade partners to make a purchase from. This new system will dynamically scale instead of requiring manual updates, meaning if the market expands or shrinks in a given day/week, the NPC trade capacity will expand or shrink with it to keep economy simulation realistic while also ensuring fair gameplay as orders and playerbase expand.

    • Updated NPC traders to take into account the 'price' of an item in a holistic sense, meaning there will intrinsically be more demand for bulk/cheap items like bricks, when compared to a mid range item like a car battery, when compared to a higher end item like a shale shaker. This should promote the production of lower tier goods as they will sell at higher proportions than high tier goods, as they would in the real world, which should by consequence increase the number of producers making tier one and tier two items that can then be bought by higher end producers as we move towards player production of truly finished products like ships etc.

    • Updated NPCs to respect new 'reserve' system. They will not attempt to make purchases if your warehouse listing is below your stated reserve.

    • Added in Epsilon accounting upgrade features to ledger entries for traders making material purchases. Now includes category, subcategory and country in transaction details.

    • Added in NPC sales of material goods to be included in daily and monthly sales tallies.

    • Daily sales will reset daily, monthly sells reset on the 1st of each month!

    • NOTE: NPC traders currently still base decisions off of base pricing. In a week or two we will begin having them peek at the market through the dynamic pricing lens.

    • Officially turned off traders buying from old order system. Within the next couple of patches all orders will be returned to their owners.

    • Added in dynamic tracking for train loads. This is optional at the expense of 5% additional shipping fee. You will receive notifications whenever part or all of the load is taken, enroute to destination, and delivered.

    • Added in raw warehousing view under new warehousing system for raw goods, all buying/selling/shipping functions will happen through here as they do with new material warehousing display.

    • Made shipping of raw goods possible via semi under new system.

    • Updated semi loads to more accurately detect raw material being hauled and thus determine trailer type. Should now see log trailers for hauling timber, and hopper for other resources currently.

    • Made shipping of raw goods possible via train under new system.

    • Fixed ledger entry info missing on NPC trader purchase of finished goods.

    • Fixed ledger entry info missing on creation of finished goods order.

    • Fixed image for Akasa.

    • Fixed image for Balsa.

    • Fixed image for Beech.

    • Fixed image for Cedar.

    • Fixed image for Celtis.

    • Fixed image for Cherry.

    • Fixed image for Dahoma.

    • Fixed image for Danta.

    • Fixed image for Iroko.

    • Fixed image for Meranti.

    • Fixed image for Okoume.

    • Fixed image for Redwood.

    • Fixed image for switchgrass.

    • Scaled up images in raw and finished goods warehousing for easier identification.

    • Moved all raw goods from old warehousing system to new system.

    • Updated NPC traders to begin buying raw goods from market, as well as gave them a complete overhaul to bring them up to more modern standards. A ton of changes were made here in algorithms and in purchasing power. NPCs in general now will buy 'more' in the raw goods department, as long as your pricing is in the correct range. Overall there's a significant increase in purchasing power that should equate to more sales regularly from ads listed that are available to NPCs.

    • In addition to the above, NPC raw traders are now tied into prosperity, with a buying power modifier granted based on prosperity. The higher the prosperity, the higher the buying power and therefore the more product will sell in a city based on it's prosperity level.

    • Added in dynamic pricing flux for beef.

    • Updated NPC trader purchases of raw materials to have more detailed ledger entries in line with epsilon upgrade standards including category, sub category and country.

    • Updated first iteration of dynamic pricing system and made a new pass at dynamic pricing with raw goods based on gathered data from past few months. As always this is an in progress thing as I strive to simulate a realistic, but fun, environment for everyone to sell their raw and finished goods in.


  • Removed airlift information from key cities in airplane details page since it is not currently being used in group project.

  • Reformatted depart for button on plane details page.

  • Added pilot/co-pilot information to details page.

  • Disabled ability to take survey 'jobs' currently while surveying is revamped. You can still hunt for anomalies.

  • Made continued updates to load generation algorithms in regards to payment, spawn rate, and more. Lots of backend items here, but nothing earth shattering. Small moves intended to keep moving us towards the 1.0 picture of things.

  • Updated base load/unload rate of Timber ships, reduced by 25%

  • Updated base load/unload rate of Bulk ships, increased by 10%

  • Updated base load/unload rate of Container ships, reduced by 50%

  • Updated base load/unload rate of Vehicle ships, reduced by 33%

  • Updated base load/unload rate of Liquid ships, increased by 10%

  • Updated base load/unload rate of cryogenic ships, increase by 5%

  • Made several adjustments and bug fixes to bulk loading of player bulk loads. Should be working fine now. Please note that currently you cannot load a new style bulk load in a player port, only at a NPC port, this will be changing in the near future.


  • Updated the way that input materials are displayed. Now all have an image, with name and quantity, and are in two columns. One for raw goods and one for material goods, all sorted alphabetically.

  • Added a max height for available inputs area and made it scrollable so the view is more condensed and clean in a factory.

  • Updated backend system for pulling goods for manufacturing runs to use both raw and finished goods from the new warehousing system.

  • Added a way to see what a line group last ran, and what it ran. This will work on any items done after patch. Note, it does not retain the information for you to just click a button and start again. I cannot offer this for a number of reasons so please don't ask, this is the closest we can get you guys to that. This way you can see what you last ran in a line group, and how many lines you committed to it, which should make restarting long term productions easy to remember and just a couple clicks.

Resource Acquisition

  • Updated mining system to perform automatic deliveries to new warehousing system.


  • Turned off holiday hiders (Finally).

  • Made holiday hider shop available. Items are similar to Halloween hider event. This shop will remain open for 2 weeks, then will close and all points remaining will be wiped!

  • On the above, we are also working on a new system here that will automate the opening and closing of the holiday shop to again make it less reliant on devs available time and more just a system that works. The next hider event will be under this new system.

  • Removed and officially closed access to Global Exchange.

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