


  • Added ability to see VC liability.

  • Added VC liability into total liabilities.

  • Added the estimated payment amount of next VC interest payment based on outstanding liability on accounting homepage.

  • Updated accounting page to account for current semi system, no longer legacy semis.

  • Updated accounting page to account for current trailer system, no longer legacy trailers.


  • Fixed Certain LE semis not being able to haul rocket recoveries.

  • Fixed Recovery system not having a trailer type for player loads.

  • Removed political points from mission listings, in line with other pp balancing in other company types.


  • Fixed Field Merge feature not providing a ledger entry in some instances.

  • New Cow Breed Ayrshire (Dairy)

  • New Cow Breed Jersey (Dairy)

  • Added ability to view dairy barn and see cows within.

  • Added ability to butcher dairy cattle.

  • Added ability to milk dairy cattle. Click milk button. Cannot milk again for 24 hours. Bulk milking will be coming with NPC management soon!

  • Updated dairy barns to ensure that if beef cattle are inside they unable to be milked.

  • Added ability to get straw off of cereal crop fields after harvest, or you can still just plow under and move on (barley, rye, oat, rice, wheat)

  • Added ability to transfer buildings. If they contain animals, the animals must be removed first!

  • Added in visible cost to seed a field. (Note some prices may change!)

  • New Crop: Sorghum - Planted with regular planter, harvested with regular harvester.


  • Added ability to add a Biofuel tank to a gas station.

  • Added ability to add a Electric bank to a gas station.

  • Note on above: Stations can have one of each, no matter station size. Tank size determined by station size. Cost is 1 per L of tank size.

  • Added the ability to see competitor pricing for gas stations. You will see any other local station that has fuel and a price set from the overview screen!

  • New Facility: Airplane Parking

  • New Facility: Airplane Hangar

  • New Facility: Airplane Hangar - Large

  • New Facility: Grocery Store

  • New Facility: Data Center - Cable

  • New Facility: Data Center - Satellite


  • Filter Construction Agreements By Status

  • Added icon to indicate remaining construction equipment on a site under agreements page.

  • Added ability for builder or buyer to archive a completed status agreement. Will only archive for the party that requests it and will remain live with other.

  • Created link to semi details page for loaded equipment that is not at a facility.

  • Added year, brand, model, m3 capacity and work hours to equipment overview page.

  • Logistics Ship in menu on constructions sites will now show what equipment is loaded if any.

  • Load All/Unload All button for construction sites. Requires dispatcher assigned to that country, and atleast 1 truck with a lowboy. (Not fully live yet, requires additional integration.)

  • Underway jobs didn't show certain buildings in construction, but now all should show as long as the building is either in prep, or constructing via player or NPC. Only visible to the BUILDING OWNER!

  • Made slight balancing update to construction practical knowledge gain.


  • Added New Perk: Savvy Surveyors To DD.

  • Added LE Semi Collectible case to player profiles. Can be viewed by Profile > LE Semi Collection. To add to your collection, click the "Add To Case" option in your inventory. NOTE: Once it is in a case it is LOCKED there! The only way to move it to the case is to trade with another player (Coming soon) which will move it to their case! In the near future you will be able to retire an LE off the road and into your case too!

  • Upped the player marketplace listing time from 7 days to 30.

  • Price to list items moved from 3% to 5%, but this is still a lower overall cost given the time increase in above line.

Global Market

  • Updated production materials to sort location by Country then city to match other menus.

  • Updated NPC land generation algorithm to provide more land available by about 10%.

  • Fixed issue that was causing restricted plots not to come out of restriction. Now plots that are older than approximately 20 days that have a restriction will see the restriction removed.

  • Updated probability for larger land plots to spawn.

  • Updated max possible land spawn to be 75 acres in a single NPC sale plot.

  • NPC land costs have increased, and will range from 65k to 125k an acre.

  • Updated NPC buyers ability to buy small end amounts of materials (10 units or less). They will now ensure an order is completely handled and no longer leave sub 10 units around unbought.

  • Added ability to see privately listed land to your company, indicated by red text on listing.

Head Of State

  • Made the timer rest for daily check-in to be at midnight instead of 24 hours from last check in.

Holding Company

  • Fixed PAX companies not charging company creation fee in some instances.

  • Updated New Company naming schema & added placeholder info text.

  • Updated Group Tag creation naming schema & added placeholder info text.

  • Added ability to transfer Driver XP Pool from one company to another, under the administration area.

  • New Subsidiary Type: Real Estate, will have to do with anything 'Residential' in nature.

  • New Subsidiary Type: Salvage & Demolition, will have to do with exactly what the name says!

  • New Subsidiary Type: Archaeology, will have to do with.. you guessed it!

  • Removed old daily accounting of workers, meaning workers from the old system will no longer charge you!


  • Fixed issue that would cause Dragon Horde semi to give political points far less often than it should. Odds of gaining points are now the proper 1 in 5 chance per NPC load taken, regardless of if it is a political point load. Points should generate for the country the truck is currently operating in.

  • Fixed being able to send equipment to a 'None' destination which would cause the load to be undeliverable.

  • Reopened any prematurely expired player shipped sea loads, and put in measure to prevent them from expiring.

  • Fixed issues with being able to unload cargo/sail properly in some instances regarding Bandar IK port. If you have a load still stuck for this port, put in a ticket. Thanks!

  • Dry Bulk ships now have load types grouped, so you'll see all of bulk then all of container in stead of them being mixed together.

  • Removed Icebreakers from main ship overview list.

  • Added ability to see what type of bulk load a player is shipping both before job is taken and when job is onboard.

  • Added loading of lowboys in cities to have group tag ordering, and displaying, so it's easier to know what to load up for what you are doing.

  • Add hover over text for LE semis in semi overview stating what it's perks are.

  • Added ability to rest trains for an hour.

  • Removed all old dispatchers from dispatch system from pre-revamp.

  • Added ability to hire dispatchers again. Dispatchers cost $2500 per day, but operate an entire country versus a set number of trucks.

  • Removed drillships from main ship overview list.

  • Removed old 'Sub Menus' from all logistics areas as these are now depreciated or being replaced.

  • Ordered all available npc semi loads by country then city for ease of load selection.

  • Made semi bobtail list ordered by country then city alphabetically, no more out of order cities!

  • Added estimated distance to bobtail list.

  • Added ship filter for bunkering ships to be able to see them separate from other ships.

  • Added 'Bunker Fuel Bar' to bunkering ship overview so you can at a glance see which bunkering ships need to be refueled.

  • Added ability to search for a specific ship by name. To do so, leave the top filter as 'None' and enter the ships name, or a partial name. Any ship partially or fully matching the input will show up in the list!

  • Removed the ability to see political points given for a particular load. This is a balancing change because it is reshaping the early player game economy in an unfavorable way, as well as preventing all loads being taken in a regular priority. This will be counterbalanced by more new ways to earn political points both via logistics and via other company types. You will still earn the points if the load has them, you just won't know if it has them! In the near future I will make the ledger entry for a successful delivery show not only income/expense but also if any pp were earned.

  • Disabled ability to move vehicles to docks while the RORO system is upgraded to Epsilon status.


  • Fixed United Production to handle 3 decimal places for large production items so rounding is proper and items aren't slightly short-changed.

  • Fixed per hour production on items containing 3rd decimal place to prevent down rounding and slight loss of output.

  • Fixed issue with line group 9 not holding it's line group information properly.

  • Added ability to see what line groups are active and for how many more hours from favorites.

  • Added ability to see what line groups are active and for how many more hours from industrial overview

  • Added name of factory to industrial overview page table.

  • Added ability to nickname industrial buildings from industrial overview screen for a city.

  • Sorted Industrial overview list by Building Type

  • Added ability to quickly go to local global marketplace from Materials Warehousing screen.

  • Added Production Drafting. Now when you select a line group to set up a job, it will first show you the 'Draft' of the request. You can then review if you have enough materials etc and that you have put all info in. If you have
    the materials and everything looks good, you can submit it like a normal job. Should make things a bit easier in knowing if you have the mats for a run. P.S. Right now this does not account for bonuses, but will in future, lots to add here!

  • Fixed bug that would prevent removing a industrial building from favorites.

  • Added the ability to sort recipe book by raw material input. Works with 1 option or the other. If both are chosen you are unlikely to see a result!

  • New Facility: Food Factory

  • New Facility: Bunker Silo - Used to help move fuel/oil products from place to place and to store large sums of fuel/oil before consumption (Also needed to provide a port with fuel)

  • New Facility: Brewery

  • New Facility: Brewery Large

  • New Facility: Heavy Equipment Factory

  • New Facility: Appliance Factory

  • New Facility: Train Factory

  • Several new production items put into system, but will need balancing checks before pushing live (approximately 10 new ones!)

Real Estate

  • Added in expected utility costs to favorites screen, gives an early idea of what to expect for utilities.

  • New Structure: Large Home 02

  • New Structure: 300 Unit Apartment Highrise

  • Massively improved end of day rental tracking and accounting. Old system meant that if you had 100 buildings, you would get 100 ledger entries. New system will have a max of 4 entries daily, one for each rental class, with the
    sum of all rental earned in that class that day as the transaction amount.

  • New Building: Large Home 02

  • New Building: 300 Unit Apartment Complex

Resource Acquisition

  • Fixed bug that would allow oil to continue to be extracted out of a well that had run dry.

  • Added ability to see if you have equipment on site via an indicator on favorites page (works for all buildings not just mines)

  • Added ability to see remaining resource on a site (Shallow) from favorites page.

  • Added ability to return subsurface mining consumables back to warehouse with single click. If any exist on site, use the return to warehouse button on the subsurface ops page of your mine.

  • New Perk LIVE: Savvy Surveyors. When used on a resource land that is being marked, they will instantly complete all surveys and labwork, meaning the land will be ready to work immediately. These CAN be used in combination with Thors Hammer and Prospect Boost still.

  • Updated odds of surveying ships finding an anomaly, slightly increased chances.

  • Removed ability to 'activate' anomalies from inventory for unknowns.

  • Gave unknown anomalies an image to help differentiate them from oil anomalies.

  • Added Drillship filter and overview page under logistics area.

  • Added ability for salvage ships to investigate unknown anomalies. Could turn out to be oil, salvage, or junk.

  • Added ability for survey ships to survey oil anomalies and oil sites. Once surveyed they will reveal depth and deposit size.

  • Added new "Sea Anomalies" menu item in business interactions. Any anomalies you have found and investigated will be listed here, and will be a sellable and transferrable asset in near future.

  • Added ability for drill ships to head to a oil site that has been surveyed.

  • Added ability for drill ships to begin drilling a site they have arrived at.

  • Ability to cleanup any mine or timber site that has been fully prospected. Requires x amount of hours per acre. Can be returned to government for .1 points per acre, or can convert acreage. Must have
    Wheel Loader, Dump Truck, Excavator and Bulldozer on site to conduct cleanup. (Found a bug with this one, I will need to work out, expect live next week, even though it's coded. Didn't want to hold patch up!)

  • Added ability to construct train tracks. They have material and equipment requirements that must be met. Once met, you will receive the option to construct. Construction takes 1 day per 20km of track. This is an expensive investment so it should only be used on large mines where having a train will make a difference. Material cost is based on distance from city. The 'Nearby Railway' terrain feature cuts requirements in half for that site!

  • Fixed issue that could cause dump trucks not to be able to drive to mine site in certain conditions.

  • Updated land sale script to ensure no semis remain on site.

  • Added the ability to private sell a piece of resource land to a specific company id.

  • New Timber Type: Cedar market average $992

  • New Timber Type: Khaya market average $1844

  • New Timber Type: Meranti market average $2827

  • New Timber Type: Greenheart market average $3382

  • New Timber Type: Danta market average $1305

  • New Timber Type: Celtis market average $4985

  • New Timber Type: Dahoma market average $4125

  • Implemented an update so that if a mining drill is used, it will also show the subsurface survey as completed, as this is a redundant job if core drilling is completed.

  • Updated all existing mines that have had core drilling completed to show that subsurface has been completed as well.

Resource Exchange

  • Fixed bug that could cause not enough resources to be taken from warehouse in bulk load creation.

  • Updated wording on train shipment area to reflect new system.

  • Added ability to create private buy and sell orders with a specific company. If a private order is placed, you will not see it as the poster, but the receiver will see it as a private listing.

  • Added ability to private list sea shipments to a specific company. They must be a logistics company however!

  • Added ability to see last 20 bulk goods shipments in shipping area. Will show remaining and total m3 and train cars along with route information.

  • Added local cities to top of shipping list in shipping areas.

  • Updated maximum ship size load to 5 billion liters (CAUTION: Ensure you do not create a load too large for yourself or another player to take!)

  • Made it so that it will generate a "Timber" load for any raw wood hauled, and a "Bulk" load for all other raw goods.

  • Temporarily shut down all NPC buy and sell order generation. They will still buy from your orders, they just won't make orders of their own. This is advanced preparation for RE revamp.

  • Added dynamic pricing to all new wood types from the past couple months, and for current and upcoming launches (~ 20 in total)

  • Flopped the sea shipping menu to show country then city versus city then country for easier sorting. Note this list will not be alphabetical for some time still, so type in first three letters of country for quickest searching!

  • Fixed image for Wulfenite.

  • Fixed image for Cassiterite.


  • Added Roadmap to the update scheduling page. Roadmap will update quarterly, and flagpole system will be reviewed monthly.

  • Updated the update scheduling page to include iteration system, and how it is tagged in the wiki.


  • Made a fix to deleting a subsidiary. Subsidiaries can now be deleted so long as they have a positive account balance (or atleast 0) and no liabilities like an open VC or loan. Note. Deleting a subsidiary will remove it from your interface but it is still tracked in the back end so if any issue arises in the name of fair play, we still know who the old owner is!

  • Added in framework for utilities agreements which will allow players to provide power and water supplies to other companies they own, or to other player companies.

  • Rearranged some menu items to what made more sense, and to declutter menus in preparation for further additions.

  • Updated login total day tally to only reflect nauts site if only using nauts site.

  • Fixed Thanksgiving Chicken Pie 22 image.

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