


  • Set up more automated removal of Archaeology missions that have been completed.

  • Added basic news feed to Archaeology homepage that will tell when a new treasure opens, or any significant events involving a active treasure.


  • Adjusted pot drop and retrieval algorithms to ensure they are providing proper ranges of crab based on time in water.

  • Began monitoring data regarding fuel use, pot deployment counts and times, crab counts and hold times, and crabbing payouts so that I can begin the long task of making sure we have this system balanced before we continue to add more depth to it.

  • Set crabbing pay to adjust weekly to a varying amount, this is a prequel to a more advanced supply/demand system for crabs/fishing.


  • Fixed country filter causing issues with seeing multi-page ships in fleet overview.

  • Fixed pagination for Crabbing boats.

  • Fixed issue with blank screen sometimes when attempting to sell a train.

  • Fixed being able to sail outside of intended grid coordinates for Crabbing.

  • New Port: Manama, Bahrain

  • New Port: San Salvador, El-Salvador

  • New Port: Libreville, Gabon

  • New Port: Male, Maldives

  • Other ports that came from Codeathon will be in as soon as possible, squirrel is fitting these additional items into his already rather full work week I've given to him, so please bear with us, they are coming in very soon!

  • Activated A320neo, ATR42, DO228 and 777 aircraft. If they are still in production, they are now available for new purchase. Otherwise they can only be obtained via specials or later via the used market/auctions.

  • New Aircraft: AN-124 (Only available via used market/specials)

  • New Aircraft: AN-225 (Only available via used market/specials)

  • Fixed train sale form showing when train was active with an activity.

  • Created load subsidizing in which player loads will pay comparable to NPC loads when shipped via sealane to encourage taking of jobs.


  • New Recipe: Hardwood Floor - Maple, producible at lumbermill.

  • New Recipe: Hardwood Floor - Oak, producible at lumbermill.

  • New Recipe: Hardwood Floor - Teak, producible at lumbermill.

  • Adjusted Kelly Pipe recipe to haul 500 units per truck, up from 200.

  • New Recipe: Kelly Rig, producible at factory.

  • New Recipe: Oil Drillbit, producible at specialty factory.

  • New Recipe: Oil Storage - Small, producible at specialty factory.

  • New Recipe: Oil Storage, producible at specialty factory.

  • New Recipe: Oil Derrick Pump - Small, producible at specialty factory.

  • New Recipe: Oil Derrick Pump, producible at specialty factory.

  • New Recipe: Animal Fencing - Tall, producible at factory.

  • New Structure: Water Plant, produces water and uses electricity.

Resource Exchange

  • Turned back on raw shipping of bulk goods via sealane after confirming bugs had been worked out of the system.

Venture Capital

  • Fixed issue that could cause the buyback button to appear early to a venture capital creator.


  • Fixed issue with various buildings occasionally causing a 'malicious attempt' error on an otherwise valid building transfer request from one company to another.

  • Fixed issue with being able to list/purchase LE Plane Vouchers on player market.

  • Updated login tracking to prepare for future daily rewards program.

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