


  • Fixed issue with being able to lime fields when you should be able to. Reminder fields should be in plowed state for liming currently.

  • Fixed issue with not being able to mass butcher from dairy barns.


  • Updated bobtail rules for Dump Trucks to reflect bobtail rules for semis in limited instances where there were discrepancies, namely to due with Caribbean travel.


  • Made updates to correct some display issues on all for one.

  • Began testing of new bonus options to do with logistics on all for one, should push out next patch.

Global Exchange

  • Fixed Trade Monitor Order Extensions not functioning properly in some instances.

  • Added ability to see private orders to a company on raw materials page.

  • Added ability to see private orders to a company on finished materials page.

  • Added ability to see private orders to a company on locale search page.

  • Note: The easiest way to see ANY private order made to your company is just view the HOMEPAGE of the GE!


  • Reset monthly stats as well as tested automated monthly turnover and update stats to ensure proper functioning.

  • Prepared framework for prosperity levels 2 & 3.

  • Prepared framework for new laws system and began entry of options.


  • Updated tandem unhooking to ensure that if a train was transferred as a tandem and unhooked both trains will remain in destination company instead of one reverting.

  • Fixed issue with HD300 trains in tandem not properly taking full bulk loads.

  • Updated finished good train loads to be only visible to selected shipping company if a private company is selected.

  • Updated finished good ship loads to be only visible to selected shipping company if a private company is selected.

  • Made some updates to displays for semi overview page to try and correct limited instances of a semi showing up twice in pagination, please remember if you do any action with a semi, including loading or unloading equipment, it can change the order of where the semi is in the list and thus 'appear' to be showing on multiple pages when it in fact is just changing pages due to cycle time changes.

  • Updated logistics automation code to better handle player loads for semis that don't get taken by a player and meet an expiration timer, to help ensure that the load is delivered by NPCs.

  • Updated Player Pier docking system to now include automated offload of NPC loads from NPC companies.


  • New Recipe: Wet Suit, manufactured in Textile Factory

  • New Recipe: Diving Flippers, manufactured in Plastics Factory

  • Fixed issue with Balsa Planks having dual recipes.

  • Fixed discrepancy in visual output stated versus actual output for refineries.

Resource Acquisition

  • New Wheel Loader: L70F (6.4 m3)

  • New Excavator: PC650LC-11 (4.98 m3)

  • New Dump Truck: A25G (15.3 m3)


  • Corrected instances of some improper recipes showing up after research completion.


  • Added Explosive Mixer Machine to underground documentation data, this equipment is not fully live but has been added so people aren't wondering.

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