Fixed issue with mass butchering not working for cattle in some instances from pastures and dairy barns.
Commodity Broker
Slight interface updates for sending payments to FSN side farmers.
Fixed issue with industrial yard showing it was on logistics tab but showing equipment tab on initial load in.
Fixed issue where some idle toolcribs would not show up to be attached in select situations.
Made balancing update to All for One perk, with a higher chance that it will land on a mining or production bonus over the bux output, as the core spirit of the perk is to help all of your fellow nauts in some indirect way.
Made headway on a couple new 'perks' for All For One, I hope to have these released within the next 2 patches after testing.
Global Exchange
Load filtering got a little over-zealous and no loads were displayed from bulk. Now it will properly display loads if there is capacity left to be taken, up to 35 loads.
Fixed hemlock in warehouse not adding to total warehouse liters in some instances.
Head of State
Made updates to several taxation interior systems in preparation for further releases.
Updated framework to include requirements for tier 2 of prosperity.
Created 'monthly check' system to raise, lower, or maintain prosperity level based on player performance in the past 30 day cycle.
Fixed limited instances in which a vehicle at a site could load something not at a site if it was navigated to in the logistics menu.
Fixed construction vehicles showing as loadable at docks if they are on a site in port city.
Fixed semis showing as loadable at docks if they are on a site in port city.
Completed sealane revamp code for cargo ships on the back end, and thoroughly monitored the last few days of player activity, everything seems to be going well which means work can proceed to bring
this updated way of operating to all other ship types.
Fixed issue that would not allow you to see draft or begin work on 'secondary research' items (Recipes that are now open for 2 company types to do with appropriate research instead of only 1 company type).
Fixed polyester not being a shippable good.
Resource Acquisition
Fixed limited instances of Bagger 293 not excavating properly.
Updated how bulk loads display when less than 1 car remains to load, as this was being perceived as empty loads still showing, but it was in fact when there was less than a full car remaining.
Notice: Work continues on ship revamp, it is expected that the coming week Drill Ships, Survey Ships, Salvage ships and anything anomaly related will be 'wonky'. I would advise just not touching them
until the all clear is given, even if it looks like they are available.Made note of several 'anomaly' related bugs that are all on my list to make sure they are resolved during the above mentioned revamp process. If you had a ticket in on this, you are included in this statement, as
all bugs from the bug tracker were put 'in process' with this revamp.
Updated shipping map to include indicators for player owned ports at a location.
Handled approximately 15 player support issues.
About 80% of all existing reported 'bugs' were fixed. There are now less than 10 bugs remaining in the system, which largely will not affect most users. I usually avoid bug fixing on documentation week but I decided this
week I would take the time to hunt through as many as I could. Please note that the anomaly related ones were 'not fixed', but they're in the process of being fixed with the ship revamp that is underway.
Added Manufacturing category page.
Added '101 - Powerplants' article to Manufacturing area, this article has all basic info on operating a powerplant.
Added 'Recipebook' article that explains recipebook as well as how unlocked recipes work and display.
Added 'Blueprints' article that explains what blueprints are, what you need to prepare for them, how to acquire them, and how to use them (Note still a lot to come here as the feature is not fully released)
Updated 'Research' main page to prepare for future and more meaningful article expansions as research becomes a more normalized and less experimental feature.
Prepared drafts of articles for advanced archaeology
Prepared drafts of articles for sea salvaging
Prepared draft of updated research sub article
Note: 'draft' items are either needing a little more work, or are being prepared for features not fully released yet and will be released with the release of the feature/update.