


  • Made updates to satellite constellation framework. This should be one of the final tweaks before we push the contract system live for these.


  • Fixed missing image for Ready to Harvest white pine.

  • Fixed issue with some sheep having issues with growing up, or procreating.

  • Fixed issue with lime state varying between overview and drilldown views.

  • Update fields to properly lose fertilization state after harvesting.

  • Update to horse info - Currently when clicking a building all owned horses are displayed, not just the ones in a specific structure, this is currently intended but will be changing in the future.

  • Updated barn framework to prepare to accomodate feeding via player agriculture methods, now permanently getting rid of the old 'purchase' system for consumables. Expect this live in approximately 2 patches.

  • Made slight updates to genetics code regarding horses to ensure some rare situations were handled gracefully without throwing out a weird/unexpected result.

  • Made several updates to breeding mechanisms for ALL animal species.

  • Began experimenting with a new optimized 'mass' animal system to allow for larger farms that are easier to manage, without having to view lists of hundreds of animals. We have begun testing on this and are hoping to introduce it as
    a replacement to the current system around new years.


  • Hotfixed issue that could cause some constructions to finish almost immediately.

  • Fixed issue with L70F taking too long to unload in some instances.

  • Added in 5 additional starter missions and began testing them per new player experience.


  • Fixed issue causing player only non-codelocked sales to not be purchaseable on raw goods.

  • Made seasonal update to NPC purchasing and selling algorithms based on data gathered over past period.


  • Hotfixed an issue that could cause ships to refuel in an hour despite the longer timer in some scenarios.

  • Fixed dynamic capacity for trainyards based on size (xs = 2, small = 6, large = 15)

  • Fixed drillships having option to sail when in a port.

  • Fixed drillships not seeing maintenance area when in a maintenance bay.

  • Hotfixed not being able to add a train to a trainyard in some instances.

  • Made an update to train logistics in an attempt to get trains to be willing to take the final partial car of items in a trip.

  • Made adjustment that could cause bunkering ships in some instances to not have maintenance bay abilities.

  • Fixed issue where trains could travel from Caribbean to North America, but could not return.

  • Adjustments to aircraft flight algorithms that will slightly alter travel times.

  • Preparation in flight code for taxi-ing, take-off/landing, and hold times in preparation for airport operations.

  • Updated aircraft back end to include maintenance items in db for future maintenance requirements.

  • Added module framework to semis to prepare for semis to receive things like GPS and alternative fuel systems.

  • Added in 10 remaining missions and now have begun testing of entire logistics starter career path.

  • Began to build out ship scheduling framework for logistics companies as we begin to prepare for sea and train based contracting, as well as sea shipping schedules to allow regular visits to ports for player shipping operations.


  • Fixed issue in which some refineries may not show proper distribution information on diesel products.

  • Fixed issue in which Wunder Faktories would show no available recipes.

  • Made adjustments to algorithms to better handle rounding in selective situations in regards to long run productions.

  • Began framework overhaul for implementation of future salvage and splicing operations for manufacturing facilities.

  • Fixed the 'Add Pier/Bay' functions not appearing, though a bug was discovered in regards to the construction timers on their additions, a fix is underway and is planned to be pushed out as a hotfix.

  • Began template system for player blueprints and beginning manufacture of blueprint goods. This is one of the final steps needed before players can begin production of completed end tier items like vehicles/ships/etc.

  • Recipe Seasonal Activation: Candy Corn is now produceable, hint hint :)

  • Recipe Update: Specter-S CIW Uniform updated with proper research and slight input adjustments.

  • Recipe Update: G21 updated with proper reearch and slight input adjustments.

  • Recipe: Acoustic Guitar, produced at General Factory.


  • Added in remaining framework for vehicle deployments to missions.

  • Began live testing of tier 1 missions to begin live fire operations and move on from training operations. Expected testing time 1-2 weeks before rollout.

  • Added in air supply drop framework. This will firstly be used for deployment of sonobuoys in coordination with archaeology companies to help assist with quicker pinpointing of targets.

  • Continued framework for garrisons of non tier-1 operators (more standardized troop units) including how they will interact with facilities, and a template system that will be used to create your own unit designs.

  • Fixed new upgrade modules showing 'HS', they now properly show the 'S' rating for size.

  • Fixed issue preventing multiple modules from being under construction in some instances.

Real Estate

  • Updated housing algorithm for lower tenancy buildings (Sub 10 tenant) to help with a better inflow and out flow of rentals.

Resource Acquisition

  • Disabled idle all functionality for fixes.

  • Fixed being able to see a mines deep resource if the mine site isn't fully prospected in the mine data area.

  • Made adjustments to FPSO to prevent idling out before completing work.

  • Made adjustments to Drillships to prevent idling out before max drill depth.

  • Fixed inability to remove in-situ equipment from site.

  • Fixed 'remove all' function for in-situ not triggering properly in some instances.

  • Fixed issue that 'oil' could be found as an in-situ prospecting result.

  • Made adjustments to oil derrick conversion system, which will transfer a derrick from being a warehouse item to a 'ship' style item that will only be able to move under power of another ship like a crane ship. We are working
    out the final kinks here to open oil derricks live to the general populace, and are confident we are near the goal here. This has been a very complex operation, but will allow multiple players to work together on goals.

The Beyond

  • Fixed issue that was causing potential full refills of various supplies and fuel when only partial were requested

  • Fixed issue that could cause the wrong amount of crew supplies to be taken on a refill.

  • Adjustments to anomaly gas cloud generation based on data from testing.

  • Updated and fixed issues with gas harvesting not stopping in certain circumstances.

  • Fixed 2 minor redirect issues regarding colonial market.

  • Updated colony point generation system based on data from past 3 months.


  • Hotfixed issue with favorites not fully loading properly.

  • Updated support center to not show closed tickets (A feature to view these will be coming)

  • Updated support center to show a max of 25 tickets versus the old 100.

  • Made some minor adjustments to prepare for future announcements on Panama Canal project.

  • Uncovered another pesky issue with perk shop, working on a hotfix on this, but may be as late as next patch. If you have an emergency redemption you need done, please submit a ticket with all necessary details!

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