


  • Fixed issue with manure gains not happening in some instances.

  • Temporarily turned off animal aging and birthing for a back end update for optimization. Will be live again next patch.

  • NOTICE: You should begin to cull any animals over 120 months (10 years) in age, as the system will begin auto-culling them in the near future and you will not receive meat credit if this happens!

  • Began work on next iteration of animal husbandry, which will be optimized for larger herds and playerbase size. Long term project not expected to launch until spring.

  • Deployment of ability to fertilize has been pushed back 1 week to conduct balancing testing on cost to fertilize versus income gain on various crop types. All pieces are in place so this should definitely be out next week, just have to ensure everything is balanced well.

  • Added in framework for fuel consumption at agricultural farms. Expect documentation and announcements about fuel consumption in the coming weeks.


  • Buffed sonobuoy survival odds to approximately 3x the survival rate they were previously as a balancing change after data gathering. You should now lose buoys to damage less often.

  • Made slight adjustments to ping algorithms on backend, will not affect front end stats or probabilities of findings, just a preparation for future deployments.


  • Slight update to how notifications are viewed.

  • Began framework to add banking notifications into the new top-bar notification system.

Commodity Broker

  • Began update to framework for Grain / Goods storage facilities and NPC mission system.


  • Prepared fall framework for fishing competition prizes.

  • Prepared fall framework for fishing potential finds.


  • Added in framework for fuel consumption at construction sites. Expect documentation and announcements on this soon with a launch date for fuel at construction sites.


  • Hotfixed issue that would cause some semi drivers to go back to work within an hour instead of their set rest times.

  • Updated maximum capacity of material air loads to be 150k when generating a new load via the exchange.

  • Fixed inability for aircraft to make TransPacific flights from the Americas even if they had the range to do so.


  • Prepared several recipes for next phase of updates in the continued effort to make sure recipes remain relevant and balanced, expect exact recipe changes in the coming weeks.

New Player Experience

  • Began candid testing of logistics set of missions.

  • Finalized fixing the couple bugs found with agricultural missions.

  • Added in 3 more missions for Construction starter path.


  • Added in several more unique variations to CQB missions.

  • Slight updates to training algorithms based on previously gathered data.

Resource Acquisition

  • Turned live fuel delivery program, for any mine sites with active agreements with a refinery.

  • Tomorrow Fuel consumption at mines turns on! If a site runs dry on fuel, all equipment will idle out.

  • Continued to add in and test framework of oil derrick delivery to oil site. You will require Primary Pipeline, Oil Pipeline, A Derrick and a Crane ship of capable size to move the derrick if wanting to do this on your own. You will have the option to hire a craneship if you do not have one available. Expecting release of this feature next week!

  • NOTICE: Currently sites can 'overfill' with fuel. I am leaving it this way for the first week to make sure everything goes smooth, then likely next patch I'll implement the cutoff portion of the code. Just want to make sure everything is optimized.

The Beyond

  • Added T2 stations to Star Directory

  • Made it possible to partially refit fuel and supplies at a station.


  • Began draft of article for construction site fuel use.

  • Began draft of article for agricultural fuel use.


  • Handled ~ 18 user requests and support issues of non-bug items.

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