Fixed issue with being unable to activate irrigation systems in limited instances.
Began testing of manure and solid fertilizer spreading onto fields. Expect 1st fert and possibly 2nd field fert abilities to begin next patch.
Added in calculations for amount of fertilizer needed based on fertilizer type and soil composition.
Made slight updates to cow milking algorithms and amounts based on age and other factors.
Added in 10 new historical finds throughout the globe.
Updated Helo system to accommodate new LE 4th of July Helo's special line drop capability.
Prepared framework on backend for use of underwater search vessels.
Made backend adjustments to crab pot algorithm in preparation for next update to crabbing system.
Hotfixed an issue with ordering of air destination dropdown for airshipping material goods.
Small updates to purchasing algorithms of NPCs based on prosperity of a city.
Fixed issue with port data page not displaying all data correctly in some instances.
Began (Finally) first official testing of Airline system. This system is the new quasi automated way to run aircraft, but will require gates at airports, and airports of sufficient size to operate from. Expect posts regarding this system over the next couple weeks to give you information and documentation to prepare!
Made multiple back end adjustments to semi framework in preparation for next UI update.
Made adjustments to train delivery timer system to match new system put in place for semis.
Began framework coding for 'lost' loads, so that if a player goes dormant, a load will still make it to destination within a specified time frame and with a penalty to the non-deliverer.
New Recipe: Tranquilizer Gun, produced at Specialty Factory
New Recipe: Tranquilizer Dart, produced at Specialty Factory
New Recipe: AP Mine, produced at Armaments Factory (RR)
New Recipe: M29 Mortar, produced at Armaments Factory (RR)
New Recipe: Truck Engine, produced at Automotive Parts Factory
New Player Experience
Added in another 5 missions for Logistics, bringing us to about 60% done with initial coding.
Continued testing of Agricultural mission chain, now around 80% done and tested!
We are still aiming for a late summer/early fall launch of this program so get ready to invite those friends as referrals!
Real Estate
Added in backend framework for maintenance and utilities system, testing has now begun on this.
Made minor adjustments to housing fill requirements and timelines based on past couple months data.
Began internal testing of satellite contract system in anticipation of 7/26 launch!
The Beyond
Added in Gas Cloud anomalies.
Added in Gas harvesting, as well as gas offloading at stations.
New Structure: Fuel Refinery - T3.
New Article: The Beyond > Ship Building 101. Gives a very basal intro into ship building in the beyond. It is highly recommended that any player who gets to this point references all documentation and works with other players as it is a expensive and complex operation!