


  • Updated and re-enabled purchasing of horses through global marketplace.

  • Updated all horse barns to reflect the final wipe of horses in preparation for their relaunch.

  • Added in check to make sure barn is not full upon purchasing horses.

  • Set starting purchase cap to 10 horses on horses during early baby test phase of relaunch.

  • Updated Horse purchase transaction to Epsilon accounting standards.

  • Added number of stalls open to visual display for marketplace purchases of horses.

  • Removed inventory storage indicator on horse barns and other barn types as this is now depreciated.

  • Turned on aging of horses to 12 months.

  • Made slight adjustments to precipitation likelihood across several global areas.


  • Began testing the 'runway length' system which will prohibit larger planes from landing at airports that have yet to be upgraded by HoS.


  • Framework now in place for first iteration of dividends system, expect this to go live next patch. This system will rollout to other player owned businesses in the near future after a testing period.

Commodity Brokers

  • Framework has went in place for construction of mass storage facilities. These will be used in conjunction with coordinating with players and NPCs and aiming to fill various NPC demand orders around the globe. Each demand will be optional to take/fulfill.

  • Some demands will be crops from either game, some will be required to be player created crops from FSN (Again, optional, not mandatory).


  • New Boom Truck: BT3870

  • New Boom Truck: Crossover 5000

  • New Boom Truck: T780

  • Made several test fixes to NPC construction in relation to various viewing related issues, hoping to push this testing live to everyone next patch if all goes well.


  • Distributed Holiday Spins.

  • Delivered gift spins.


  • Fixed issue with air loads not showing up for valid planes.

  • Dock Managers are now LIVE for all cargo ship types EXCEPT bulk. Bulk are expected next week as long as this week goes smooth.

  • In order to use a dock manager, they must be assigned to a certain port. If assigned, then there will be a 'Dock Manage' button available on your ship details page for any ship in that port.

  • Dock managers will take a random load from your current ship load and try to find some additional cargo for that load. There is a chance each hour that they will add 1-3% onto any existing cargo load... so if the load selected has say 1000 units, then the dock manager has a chance to add an additional 10-30 units of cargo onto that load for you, at a cheaper rate than the original load to help you fill out your ship.

  • Dock managers will not continue filling on ships that are less than 75% full, or more than 99% full. These ships, along with bulk, will automatically return to idle at the next hourly check.

  • Removed all 'old' dispatchers from the system that were left in from the legacy system.

  • Re-fixed the 'fire all button for dispatch centers.

  • Added missing map data for Kiribati and Micronesia ports.

  • Updated Train Depot Small capacity to 6.

  • Updated Train Depot XS capacity to 2.


  • New Recipe: Scarf, produced at textile factory.

  • New Recipe: Saddle Pad - Western, produced at textile factory.

  • New Recipe: Bowling Ball, produced at generic factory.

  • Re-fixed issue with power plants not gaining or distributing power to customers in network.

  • Updated customer gain/usage algorithms for power distribution.


  • HEADS UP! Starting in 2 patches you will be able to deploy operators on training missions. These missions will not risk the operators lives, but will consume real ammunition and may potentially wear down, break, or lose equipment. This is the next phase in getting the mission system fully functional. Aiming that NEXT patch you'll be able to see a list of available training missions as well as the equipment/operators needed for them.

Resource Acquisition

  • Starting next week you will be able to haul in fuel to your mine sites if fuel is in your local warehouse. This will require fuel bladders on site and a semi with tanker + hazmat cert and tanker trailer. One semi can make multiple trips to bring up to the amount requested to site.

  • In two weeks, you will be able to set up refueling contracts with refinery owners, or NPC.

  • In 6-8 weeks, fuel consumption will go live.


  • New category homepage 'Horses' under 'Agriculture'.

  • New Article - 'Horse Training' under 'Horses'.

  • New Article - 'Horse Genetics' under 'Horses'.

  • New Article - 'Horse Breeding' under 'Horses'.

  • New Article - 'Horse Breeds' under 'Horses'.

  • Updated Article - 'Animal Feed Requirements' under 'Agriculture'.

  • New Article - 'Horses 101' under 'Horses'.


  • Resolved about 10 player whoops/support issues.

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