Added in sub categories to general accounting reports. These categories will continue to expand. Please be advised not all categories will be 100% accurate right now, nor do I have all sub categories in. Some will be relabeled and readjusted, but this is continuing to move you guys towards the better accounting that I promised!
Fixed instances of ledger not pulling properly for some reports.
Removed the 'web' report as that is no longer relevant for Nauts gameplay.
Added Trains sub category to accounting overview for assets.
Added Structures sub category to accounting overview for assets.
Made it so that up to 20 buildings can be shown in the pending approval area for construction contracts. Before the limit was 5 and if you had more than 5 buildings waiting to be built it would not show all options.
Added pagination to construction agreements so that companies with many agreements can go back to get to old construction sites, as well as optimizing loading by only pulling 10 most recent contracts on page 1.
Fixed issue with Officer Club Vaults not paying interest in some situations.
Diamond Den
Added in the voting category, where you can help influence what features or feature upgrades get implemented first. In addition, there is also a handy dandy search function so just type in a word related to what you are looking for and it should bring up relevant features (I will be tweaking how search works to continue to improve it.) Essentially, votes cost a small number of diamonds, and voting a larger number of votes gives up to a 20% discount of diamond cost per vote. Items at the top of the voted list will be given the highest priority AFTER essential work each week. So let your voice be heard! (All votable items are tracked with highest voted first, the top 6 being considered priority. So if you see your item at the top of page one (bordered in gold!), you will know it's one of the priority items!
Added in 20 votable features. These are the features from the current roadmap, but placed into voting in case people would like to see something prioritized when all essential weekly work is done. Will be working on adding in "Content" and "Feature Upgrade" votable items in the next couple of patches.
Removed "In Game Packs" as they are no longer relevant to the Diamond Den for Nauts!
Group Project
Added overview of total committed horsepower to project. (Pre-Patch Deployed)
Added overview of current workforce to project. (Pre-Patch Deployed)
Added ability to deliver fuel via tanker trailer to the project (Pre-Patch Deployed)
Added in cap system to stop accepting funds once project fee requirement is raised for a particular phase. (Pre-Patch Deployed)
Updated progress bars to be soft green to be easier on eyes. (Pre-Patch Deployed)
Added hover over text to all 'requirement' icons that give a brief description of how to contribute to that category. (Pre-Patch Deployed)
Updated all requirement progress bars to be uniform in look and functionality (Pre-Patch Deployed)
Fixed Semi percent completion calculation.
Updated recent events log to show last 10 entries instead of 5.
Fixed fuel completion bar percentage display.
Fixed being able to fill fuel tankers in Port Said (Pre-Patch Deployed)
Added in ability to send manufactured food items to airlift hubs for a fee. This is done from your materials warehouse. The airlift hub the goods are sent to will depend on your warehouse location. Fee is $0.50 per unit sent.
Fixed being able to hire ship crew if above your current Front Line Worker capacity.
Put in temporary fix to assist with ensuring vehicles properly offload from ROROs. (Pre-Patch Deployed)
New Port: St. Pauls Bay, Malta (Pre-Patch Deployed)
Fixed being able to see Group Project semis from country filtered fleet view.
Fixed issue with routes between Rio, Brazil and Jakarta, Indonesia sometimes not working due to a spelling issue with Jakarta.
New Aircraft: A-350XB
New Aircraft: 747-8
Features Return: After working through the myriad of issues that we had with material shipping, I have now opened up finished good shipping for semi, train and ship. All features now seem to be working as intended with testing and you can now ship your finished goods around again!
Fixed issue with miscalculated shipping distance for ground shipping via semi for refined goods from warehouse to warehouse.
Fixed issue with ledger entry not showing for shipping via semi from material warehouse to material warehouse.
Fixed issue with miscalculated shipping distance for ground shipping via train for refined goods from warehouse to warehouse.
Fixed issue with ledger entry not showing for shipping via train from material warehouse to material warehouse.
Fixed issue with delivery of seaborne material goods when there was already material in the destination warehouse.
Ensured that manufactured goods are automatically delivered from semi loads if not delivered by a player in a set timeframe.
Ensured that manufactured goods are automatically delivered from semi loads if not taken by a player in a set timeframe.
Fixed empty image company appearing in company reputation area.
Fixed Continental identity crisis for Antigua and Barbuda.
San Marino moved to new home in Europe as it should be.
Atakpame, Togo now singing welcome to Africa.
Added in ability to deploy crab pots at a grid location. Deploying pots takes approximately 1 hour plus 30-60 seconds for each pot deployed. Having a crew or captain each reduce the total time by 1 tenth of an hour. Crab pots should stay in the water 24-48 hours approximately. Pulling them up before or after this window can cause diminished returns.
Fixed capacity miscalculation on Love Boat 22 edition, it has been increased to 975 from 813.
Added in equipment type to the lowboy loading list for truck details page to help clarify what equipment is.
Corrected GPS coordinate issues with 212 cities that could have caused some wonky distance instances for freeroam travelling.
Updated freeROAM bobtailing algorithm to better handle region transitions and hopefully reduce a large number of errant distancing issues between cities.
Fixed fuel station prices to only show two decimal places, not four.
Adjusted player tanker fuelling to include fuel tax properly.
Fixed multiple logistics city links where issues were caused due to minor grammatical errors.
Updated making the old 'adhoc' hire and fire menu invisible in the limited cases you may get redirected to it by accident. These redirects will be addressed moving forward to make sure you go to the proper hire fire menu.
Added additional safeguards when firing captains.
Added additional safeguards when firing operational workers.
Fixed issue with temporary worker firing system that could cause a worker from anotehr employer to be fired.
Updated staffing overview to only show 'actively driving' for semi drivers.
Re-worked fuel efficiency at maximum load scaling on trains. Trains will have approximately 20% of their maximum range when fully loaded. This stat may be improved if it is a LE that has such a benefit.
New Recipe: Shipping Container, produced at factory.
New Recipe: Temporary Housing, produced at factory.
Resource Acquisition
Fixeed issue with 'Arrival Prep' status causing inability to work with other equipment on a job site properly.
Fixed issue with seeing loadable items for lowboys for equipment that may not be at that mine or timber site.
Resource Exchange
Fixed bug causing other domestic warehouses in a country not to show up properly for domestic shipping.
Added new realistic and free roam shipping via semi. You can create multiple loads at once, with a limit of 5 at a time. Please be mindful of this and if you have much more than 5 loads, consider using trains. I may put a cap on how many outstanding shipping jobs a company can have if it becomes an issue.
Added new realistic shipping of raw goods via ship. Sealane shipping only available in port cities. There is a limit of 10 million liters (10,000 m3) per load. Please be mindful of load sizes you create, as larger loads may not be able to be taken by many players. There is a 45 day timeline for NPC automated delivery, so it's advisable to find a player shipment company to work with!
Re-worked delivery pricing for shipping goods from raw or finished goods warehousing for train, semi and ship. This is an effort to make shipping a bit more affordable while still making the loads worthwhile for other players to take. This will be a balancing act that will continue to be monitored.
Removed magic shipping! 2+ years after it came into being it is officially being retired as our world grows and becomes more realistic!
Set the 'ship by sealane' button to only display if you are in a port city.
Venture Capitalism
Added additional data to the "My Holdings" area including share price, and total value of your held shares for each offering.
Adjusted the way checks are ran for daily interest to help ensure there are not hiccups with payments not falling on proper dates.
Added integration of building costs into new constructions, allowing the accounting interface to add in buildings as assets to your company at their build kit value.
Back created entries for all existing buildings to generate their cost to ensure accurate accounting of pre-change buildings.
Added integration of train costs into newly bought trains, allowing the accounting interface to add in trains as assets to your company at 50% their retail value (As is standard for all vehicle style assets.)
Back created entries for all exist trains to generate their cost to ensure accurate accounting.
Fixed issue with Donor packs showing up as "Game Bux" items in player market.
Added ability to purchase and sell LE train vouchers on player market.
Added pagination to inventory page, with 10 items per page for more efficient loading.
Added the ability to sell a inventory item privately on the player market, simply click the appropriate button and enter the company ID of the person the sale item is for.
(Any company id belonging to the player will work).Added in more details on city drilldown page for construction equipment, to include equipment type, current location with type and id number if at a facility.
Lottery area has been removed. We've addressed all bugs concerning this, and are preparing to relaunch it next patch after we run testing to ensure it's working daily as intended. So stay tuned!
Handled ~ 20 player support issues and whoops tickets.