Fixed issue with being unable to transfer fields between subsidiaries.
Redemption of items expected to go live NEXT PATCH, this means that if you OWE MONEY for a previous mystery auction, you will be charged after next patch. After being charged, you will then be able to redeem the item and have it delivered.
Removed ability for banks to provide loans for more capital than the bank currently has available to lend.
Set up display so that you can see when a semi is inbound to a site.
Removed ability to send out from site and load/unload temporarily to double check functionality before opening for player use.
Fixed truck/trailer images not displaying properly when at site.
Fixed issue with train load hold screen.
Fixed not being able to see available loads after having 2 loads onboard planes.
Fixed ships not wanting to come off of shore leave.
Yacht C1 Fuel upgraded to 50,000 liters
Yacht C2 Fuel upgraded to 240,000 liters
Yacht C3 Fuel upgraded to 500,000 liters
Above yacht changes were made after analyzing the ability for yachts to complete week long jobs and how fuel is allocated and used. This should mostly or completely resovle the unable to depart issue for yachts.
Fixed issue with tandem trains sometimes losing city when disconnecting.
Fixed issue with city filter for trains, made the feature available.
Electric trucks will now refuel at 50% the rate of Diesel trucks on the road.
Electric fuel should be working for both brands of electric trucks now, but still tweaking some final things so we may see a bug or two.
Added in safeguard to prevent bobtails to no man's land.
Fixed issue with some listings for Tataouine showing a similar, yet not correctly spelled, name.
Fixed issue that could sometimes cause an issue listing political points as a non-private sale.
Updated non Nut Gallery members to 20 land parcel purchases per day.
Updated Nut Gallery members to 30 land parcel purchases per day.
Fixed inaccurate amount of cardboard required for production of Spaghetti.
New Building: Gas Plant - Large, capable of operating up to 20 lines.
Hydrogen is now sellable and buyable via NPC Marketplace.
Oxygen is now sellable and buyable via NPC Marketplace.
Removed spring shop as it had been open for 2 weeks. Time to get ready for next event!
Added 'Farming' landing page in preparation for further articles regarding farming.
Added 'Aerospace' landing page and several sub pages that should give a decent insight into Aerospace operations.