Added Comms Array as a requirement to conduct any launch activity, will check for this requirement during launch planning.
Added in Tank Storage interface to show what and how much of an item is in a tank storage at a complex.
Reduced time to move to pad from VAB, as part of this time was to simulate pressurization and fueling of the rocket, which is now going to be the responsibility of the player.
Added ability to assign type of propellant / gas to store in a tank at aerospace complex.
Added ability to load propellant / gas onto appropriate type tanker trailer and send to aerospace complex.
Added ability to overload propellant/gas at storage tanks on aerospace complex.
Made major adjustments and improvements to launch Algorithm.
Fixed bug where 4 crop types would show two harvesting options.
Added the ability to plow under growing crops for those who are interested in changing crops from types that regrow after harvest.
New Crop: Lettuce. Works with root crop harvester currently!
New Crop: White Pine. That's right, our first tree planting! Planted using a tree planter, pine is one of many 'long term' operations for agricultural land. Pines will take 5 years to mature to "Xmas Tree" size. At this point they can be pruned to reduce density for further growth, or completely sold off for some quick cash. At year 6 they will be at 2 40' lengths. At year 7 they will be at 3 40' lengths. At year 8 they will be at 6 40' lengths (Ok, so the trees don't really get this tall, but this is simulating them being thicker and thus more wood out of them!). So you can not only plant trees, but you can cater them around your operational needs! We will get into tree harvesting in a couple weeks with documentation as you will get to use some forestry equipment for harvest!
Added in first iteration of seed charges. Very basic at the moment, running at $50 per acre for most crops, $100 an acre for sugarcane, $150 an acre for coffee, and $500 an acre for pine. Expect these values to change and expect there to be much more varied pricing per seed type in the future! Charge will occur when you conduct planting.
New Feature: NPC Land auctions. NPCs will now post land for sale. In general this will be 1 per day, but some days you may see a couple, or one day you may see none. Land is randomly picked from around the globe and can vary vastly in size. In the near future I will be adding in a restriction system so that newer companies will have a chance at plots as well even if there is interest from larger corporations.
Added ability to view and bid on land auctions, as well as generation system for new land auctions.
Updated formatting of auction bid messages to employ company name and not username, as well as put in bold the type of auction the bid was on for clarity.
We are opting to put live the "Purchase" and "Distribution" functions Next patch. So that means next Friday, you will be charged for any auctions you have won, land or mystery. Land will auto-charge AND deliver to the winning company. Mystery auctions will auto-charge, then you will need to go to the "Deliveries" section in the auction area to take delivery of the item(s).
The June Northern Pike tournament will close tomorrow morning, and a new tournament will open, so keep your eyes peeled!
Fixed bug that could cause you to see a plots resources before prospecting when adding them to favorites.
Updated land generation algorithm to allow higher limits per city as the world continues to expand.
Added the ability for plots of up to 50 acres to spawn in NPC land sales.
Fixed livestock trailers showing they required a certification when they in fact, do not.
Fixed issue that could cause fuel overcharging when moving semis to construction sites in select situations.
Fixed issue with Easter Egg 22 truck magically not having a fuel tank and being very confused about how it was supposed to refuel.
Removed ability to hire captain and crew for ships, as this is now officially beginning it's re-work as part of a larger effort to revamp completely how the HR and staffing system works.
It is likely you will see outages of hiring various worker types in the coming weeks. Do not panic, it's just part of making things better and getting them upgraded, and the options will return!
Made it possible to create train loads for vehicles with valid status situations that include Active/Available as long as they are not at a facility or otherwise already in transit/working.
New Company: Big Boom Corporation. This corporation will be used for special events, but also may provide loads here or there to players, so be on the lookout this weekend!
Added in module attachment framework. I have a couple things to check still before making this live, as I want to ensure it is bug free for such a pivotal feature. Expect that if you have a module it will be able to be installed within the next few days, as this framework was the only thing besides bug testing that needed to be put in. For the planners, in order to install a module you will need to be in port and idle. Module installation at an NPC facility costs $20,000 per hour. It takes 2 hours per $1m of ship hull to install a module at a NPC yard. This means that overhauling is a process you will need to put thought into, as it can get quite expensive and time intensive. Please note that player shipyards will be able to skill up their shipyard to complete processes faster than this!
Added the ability to 'trash' a material warehouse product. This is most useful for a product you no longer produce or have less than 1 of and can't sell, and makes it easy to get rid of that pesky partial unit if you are no longer in that industry. Simply click the trash can, select the item, confirm you really want to trash it, and hit the button. Easy as that!
Fixed broken image for Water Plants.
New Building: Research Facility - XL. This is the largest lab buildable so far, housing 250 scientists. It costs $40m and is placed on 60 acres.
Aerospace: Added 111 (Yep, one hundred and eleven) new research items to the research tree. This includes higher levels for some existing ones.
Construction: Added approximately 135 new research items to the research tree. This includes higher levels for some existing ones.
Manufacturing: Added approximately 140 new research items to the research tree. This includes higher levels for some existing ones.
Aerospace: Made it so that you will no longer see duplicate results for research. You will have a section for yet to research, and a section for currently researched.
The two above bullets represent the beginning of the Q3 research revamp/upgrade. You will begin to see weekly notes on research for the next few weeks as this rolls out!
Removed ability to view details on research building pages, as this is not currently valid due to new mechanics coming into play.
Fixed issue with researchers not being returned to pool under certain situations after completing their research task.
Note on above, research trees will not be visible again until all new research trees are in, the changelog is just to keep you updated of work that has been completed thus far on the revamp process!
Resource Acquisition
Fixed issue with improper redirect when returning to mine site from Semi Operations page in limited situations.
Added in current train and semi haulers for timber site to visual aids on main resource page
New Equipment: DR-2SB Jumbo Drill
New Equipment: DS512i Bolter
New Equipment: HFS25 Scraper
New Equipment: SPM-4210 Shotcrete Machine
Resource Exchange
Fixed not being able to list orders for Rice.
Fixed issue that was causing price stagnation with rice.
Venture Capitalism
This is an early note for planners. Starting next week we anticipate the 'Partial Buyback' feature to be live, as well as the ability to create long term share offerings both based on a set percentage per month, and in the near future, on a dividend system based on the companies net income in a given time period.
Added Big Boom counter on homepage so everyone can know how many Big Boom loads have been delivered over the weekend.
Updated all unset Bunkering ships to have a price, next patch or two I will add a safeguard to prevent full bunkers from pricing their fuel for nothing. Likely this will be a minimum value set at a base price of some kind.