


  • Made some adjustments to functionality on Engine Bracket testing, will continue tweaking to get this where I'd like it to be.

  • Started auto generation and expiration of Aerospace logistical contracts. Beginning types will be flight testing and sensor data missions in the troposphere.


  • New Feature: Added in ability to view a running list of existing alliances. This is a prelude to the existence and ability to create alliances soon!


  • Added ability to return to port at any point on a expedition as long as ship is idle and not currently sailing or tasked. (Pushed pre-patch)

  • Added ability to search a grid using towed sonar array, and included crew and captain bonuses. (Pushed pre-patch)

  • Added searched grid results area to data table on salvage ship details page.

  • Fixed sonar graphic not displaying properly during grid searching.

  • Started "A Pharaoh's Fight" deep sea treasure hunt in Alexandria, Egypt.

  • New Ship: Loct Class Salvage, capable of having 10 modules.

  • Added in framework for modules on the back end, looking like we should be seeing a test run of them next week if all goes well!


  • New Feature: Mystery auctions! We had a feature in FSN back in 2020 that I've always wanted to bring back. The Mystery Auction. This was bidding on basically the unknown. It works the same way here. Bid at your own risk! It could be a box with a buck, or it could be a box with a ship! You never know! That's the fun, and the misery of it all! I've decided to speed code this in. (Pushed pre-patch)

  • Auctions should show in completed column when done (But did not have time to test), distribution for first week or two will be manual as I will need to code in a redemption system after that speed coding session, and I'll address any issues that pop up as they come.


  • New Feature: Ability to hire Charter Agents. These are corporate workers who can be assigned to try and generate charter business for your company, based on the parameters you set. The more specific the parameters the harder it may be to find jobs, and there will be other factors at play such as reputation, customer loyalty, marketing budget etc.

  • Note on above: Hiring these workers is not yet necessary, but will be within the next couple patches, so good to start planning now!


  • Took away debt card from construction employees who kept trying to fuel up, especially the crazy guys insisting they get to fill up tool cribs.

Diamond Den

  • Added in rank images for Naut Club

  • Minor typo corrections from Naut Club page.


  • Added new leaderboard system to site, visible under the data menu.

  • New Leaderboards added for archaeology category, all stats are already live tracking, but please note that your archaeology ship count will update when you view the details page of your archaeology ship, much like how your truck count updates on the truck details page.

  • There will be several non-functioning leaderboards as I get everything spliced in, however this will centralize leaderboards and make them a cleaner and nicer experience, as well as allowing me to develop many more leaderboards so all industries and niches can have their own little competitive challenges for those interested in such.


  • New Helicopter (NG): Agusta AW101

  • New Helicopter (NG): MIL MI-17

  • New Helicopter (NG): Sikorsky S-92

  • New Helicopter (NG): Sikorsky S-76

  • New Helicopter (NG): Bell 525

  • New Helicopter (NG): Airbus H155

  • New Helicopter (NG): Eurocopter EC135

  • New Trailer: Livestock Hauler, will be used for transporting livestock to/from farms as well as to handle NPC trailer required livestock jobs.

  • NPCs will now generate load requests for Livestock trailers. No certification will be needed to take these jobs.

  • Added new menu navigation for separating types of ships, namely Salvage ships and Yachts for now, but this will likely expand to others in the near future. This will allow you to easily access certain vessel types in a company that has a large amount of ships, thus giving you the option of having one company with many ships, or still segmenting your companies.

  • New Ship: Bulk Casual Diner class, holds 10k m3 x 3 holds.

  • New Ship: Vehicle RORO Class 7, holds 3,000 VSU.

  • New Feature: Yachts! This feature is being pushed live to ALL players on day 1! Yachts are located in their own category in the global market. The first couple weeks you'll be able to pick up adhoc jobs if one shows up in your port that you are capable of handling. After a couple weeks of testing we will implement the marketing and acquisition system that will require a charter agent! For now, it's easy peesy. Get a ship, get a crew and a captain. You'll note that crews cost 2.5x as much as a cargo ship crew, as they are more skilled and specialized. Then find a job that suites you, and set sail. Simple as that! NOTE: I did not quite get finished here, so ships will be purchasable, but jobs likely not takeable, I will see about pushing this out prior to next patch but no promises, busy week!

  • New Ship: Class 1 Yacht, up to 8 passengers.

  • New Ship: Class 2 Yacht, up to 10 passengers + helo capable.

  • New Ship: Class 3 Yacht, up to 30 passengers + helo capable.

  • Notice: The new cities that were added last week will not currently generate semi loads or be bob-tailable out of or into those cities. The load generation and routing for semis is being updated so until this is complete and on the new freeROAM system, it will be on the to-do list, so hang tight and don't drop any semis there in the meantime!

  • Updated the size of various recipes (Most have gained the ability to have more units per semi/train/teu) to help bring in some more realism in the weight aspect of things, and to prepare for air shipping of materials.

  • Added the 'Next Aircraft' ability to plane details page to assist with moving through your air fleets.

  • Added the 'Next Ship' ability to ship details page to assist with moving through your sea fleets.

  • New Port: Belize City, Belize. This represents our first Central America port!

  • New Port: Vladivostok, Russia. Da!

  • New Port: Varna, Bulgaria. This represents our first Black Sea port!

  • Made several adjustments to shipping algorithm, this is phase one of three to prepare for NPC generated ongoing contracts. We will start to see more diverse range of loads available for adhoc, including greater quantities in a single load, but fewer loads overall (Working to find a nice balance to keep the glut of small loads out of ports).

  • Added Next Page & Previous Page buttons to air logistics, and changed pagination to 10 per page from 50.

  • Added Next Page & Previous Page buttons to train logistics, and changed pagination to 10 per page from 20.

  • Added female captain image for when the captain is a female, no more bearded ladies running those ships.

Nut Gallery

  • New Feature: Helicopters! That's right! They are now available to Nut Gallery members in the global market aircraft section.

  • Helicopters can be used like normal planes, but will also have the ability to be configured for different roles such as medical, service, and luxury. In addition, these will be able to land on ships that are equipped to handle them, as well as perform unique missions, the first of which being delivering and retrieving sonobuoys for salvage ships.

  • Expect first helicopter modules and configuration options in about 2 weeks, well ahead of the time in which someone will have one installed on their ship!

Officers Club

  • Generated system to designate which players have officer club status.

  • Added link to officers club on homepage for all officers club members.

  • Added officers club landing page.

  • Officers club scheduled for initial opening next patch if all goes smooth, but I reserve the right to push this one more patch depending on how things go, artwork, etc!

Political Points

  • Fixed issue with not being able to select city for point redemption.


  • Adjusted Developer & Donator Club images to new standards.


  • Adjusted odds of wear and tear to be less often for all non-powerplant factories (Powerplants had been adjusted in a previous patch.)

  • Updated balancing on a couple recipes that had been left out of previous balance checks.

Resource Acquisition

  • New Feature: Ability to sell opened pit mines. Now if you have opened a mine but have outgrown it or no longer wish to work it, you can sell it! Please keep in mind this will only work if you have all equipment cleared from the mine.

  • Added in additional checks to resource plot sales to ensure there are no pieces of equipment left on site, if there are, it will not allow the sale to be listed.

  • Fixed stumps not generating on remoteness 1-3 timber plots.

  • Updated stumps to correlate to remoteness factor. The more remote a plot, the more stumps will be generated during the same amount of time, representing cutting out useless trees and brush that are in the way of paying trees.

  • Fixed a couple checks on equipment size that could prevent equipment that should be able to fit not being able to at a mine site.

Resource Exchange

  • Added in testing framework for non-magical shipping of raw goods (This means we are getting very close!)

  • Ability to send domestic raw loads is now down until Magic Shipping has disappeared, as I allow the system to clear in process loads. This means that next week likely international raw good shipping will go down, and then in 2 weeks we will have the new realistic shipping system!

  • Wholesaler has made their return and you can now offload your bits and pieces to them.

  • Added ability to permanently delete a warehouse. Note that if you do so, you will not be able to recover the warehouse later, or anything left in it!

  • Reformatted layout of shipping tab on RE. Now much more clean and compact. Domestic shipping has went away, as soon the new version of shipping will take over. Magic shipping remains in place for atleast one more week, via the purple smoke button.

  • New Raw Good: Wool. Wool can now be bought and sold on the RE, and can be exported from the FSN side to Entreprenauts as well.

Venture Capitalism

  • Fixed issue with hard close dates not auto completing in some offering instances.

  • Changed data in 'My Holdings' to accurately show the expected buyback date as well as the most recent interest payment date.

  • Updated the filled & underway section to show the most recent interest payment, and added data on when the offerings hard closeout date is.

  • Fixed offerings being able to be overbought, now whoever was last in will be rejected if they are requesting more shares than what is available.

  • Fixed being able to create more than 1 open offering under a single company.


  • Removed Acorn image that represented nut gallery, this is now represented by your Naut Club badge, as long as you are trooper or above you will have access.

  • Added Naut Rank Image in place of acorn image.

  • Added Officer Club points after rank if any have been accrued.

  • Removed Donator Market link from homepage, as this was for the old recurring subscription platform no longer offered on Entreprenauts. For Nauts subscriptions, visit the diamond den and then hit the red NAUT CLUB button.

  • Closed down snowballer event and links, winners to be announced in the near future!

  • Made it possible to hover over holding company to get ID to match other company formats.

  • Sent snowstorm home until next holiday season.

  • New Feature: Scrapping! Now if you have a piece of equipment you just can't seem to sell, or you can't be bothered to, and you want some quick cash, you can immediately salvage any piece of construction equipment for scrap value, which is 15% of original MSRP. This feature currently is live for construction equipment, and will be going live for other types of equipment in the near future. This is NON REVERSIBLE so be sure before you click that button! The button to scrap equipment is found in your Master Equipment list.

  • Fixed approximately 18 bugs and player support issues.

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