Completed framework upgrade for adding in grid system to salvage anomaly sites.
Added New All For One Perk: Semi Boost (Boosts semis that are enroute)
Added New All For One Perk: Train Boost (Boosts trains that are enroute)
Added New All For One Perk: Ship Boost (Boosts all ships that are enroute)
Added New All For One Perk: Plane Boost (Boosts all planes that are enroute)
Added New All For One Perk: Ship Cargo BOost (Boosts all ships loading/unloading.)
New ATW Release: Australia
New ATW Release: Czech Republic
Head of State
Added in monthly automated transition system to move prosperity down or up based on what standards are met.
Law Enactments Frameworked in (These are now largely programmed in, next week they should be available pending testing working out (I will also get a wiki article describing these)Found National Militia
Food Subsidies
Growth Stimulus
Living Standards Grant
Industry Grants
Taxation Increase/Decrease
Utility Subsidies
Nationalized Power Generation
Nationalized Water Generation
Nationalized Food Generation
Hot fixed issue with private oriented loads not propagating correctly.
Note: Some shipping distances may not display correctly before setting sail, so please take note. This bug will hopefully be resolved in the next 1-2 patches as I have the availability to dissect and fix.
Completed backend framework for blueprint storage in preparation for future releases.
New Recipe: Rolled Carbon Steel, produced at Steel Factory
New Recipe: Scuba Tank, produced at Specialty Factory
New Recipe: Elk Fencing, produced at Lumbermill
Resource Acquisition
Added in fuel consumption framework to work with new mining system. This is the first step in turning it live again.
New Wheel Loader: L260H (13.3 m3)
New Excavator: CX750D (5.5 m3)
New Dump Truck: VHD300 (30 m3)
Added in fuel storage framework, expect recipes & ability to move storage to sites in the next 2 patches.
Added new Research Tree for Subsidiary Type: Archaeology, including 10 branches and 100 learnable industry specific research items.
Prepared framework for Archaeology companies to begin gaining XP (Article coming next week!)
Added new 'Head of State' foundation level article as a primary category, will contain several sub articles over time.
Prepared two articles for future release regarding new player mission system.