

Nut Gallery

  • New Early Access Feature: Cryogenic Logistics. Cryogenic logistics loads will now spawn for ships, and will require a cryogenic ship to transport them!

  • New Ship: Cryogenic C1

  • New Ship: Cryogenic C2

  • New Ship: Cryogenic C3

  • Bunkering Ships Leave Early Access, Available To All.


  • Fixed issue with banks not being able to make principle payments to central bank.

  • Created safeguards to prevent self lending. This wasn't a cheat because interest still had to be paid, however I always encourage player interaction and thus want even bank owners to go to other banks for lending opportunities.

  • Increased Approve Or Deny window to 72 hours instead of 48 hours. To be clear so everyone understands, it is 72 hours from the time the bank approves you. Not 72 hours from when you view it. Thanks!


  • Fixed issue that could cause some Residential Construction contracts to finish early, closing the contract while work was still underway.


  • Fixed issue with not being able to domestically haul copper bars.

  • Adjusted domestic material shipping to have a minimum of 1 with the field being required.

  • New Feature: Semi FREEROAM. You can now travel from any city to any other city on the same continent. As a side note, I do have to work in some ferry fees for certain locations, and that will come in a later update for countries that may be disconnected from the mainland continent. If all goes smooth here, I will open up intercontinental in the near future where it makes sense (EU to AS etc). To use the freeroam feature, simply go to your truck details, and below the bobtail button hit the 'Long Range Filter' and that will swap your bobtail menu for the continental list. This was a big feature that took a lot of work, so please enjoy!

  • New Feature: Government Point shipments. There is now a rare chance for a sealane shipment to spawn as a Government load, which will score you political points with the destination country. These loads can be discerned by the Government Icon!

  • Fixed tire popping saying it charged $1000 but only charging 750. Now properly charges $1000.

  • Fixed UI mess up on truck sale showing confirm ship sale.

  • Fixed issue with firing all operations/dispatch workers from a Dispatch building.

  • New Feature: Ability to send finished goods via Semi using FREEROAM system.

  • Corrected missing routes for NDJamena Chad for logistics.

  • New Feature: Port to Port shipping of finished material goods. If your finished goods are in a warehouse in a port city, the 'Send Via Sealane' option will be available. You can ship as many or as few of a product as you want, and it will break down into TEU units automatically (You can see the amount per TEU in the material menu). Your total cost to ship will be the number of TEU times the displayed cost in the top menu. Currently you can only set as a public load, and any player can load this. Once it's delivered, the goods arrive in the new location warehouse!

  • Added Player Load indicator for available and taken cargo loads.

  • Added Government Load Icon for government loads to available and taken loads.

  • New City: Vancouver, Canada

  • New Port: Vancouver, Canada!

  • New Port: Tunis, Tunisia


  • Fixed images for newly available retail buildings

  • Fixed Bucket truck purchase not delivering vehicle properly.

  • Made listing time unlimited for material listing orders, but added in new cancel ability, see below.

  • New Feature: Added the ability to cancel outstanding material sell listings. Material will be returned to warehouse and player will only be out their listing fee.

  • Modified Materials market so that orders from your own company will only show cancel instead of showing purchase. You can still buy materials from one of your companies to another, but if you have the company active that made the listing, it will show the cancel button.

  • Added the ability to create buy and sell orders for Ancient Wood.


  • Balanced Recipes: Microchip, HG Capacitor, Gallium Arsenide

  • New Recipe: Pure Oxygen, producible at Gas Plant.

  • New Learnable Recipes: 3 Recipes Producible At Gas Plant.

  • New Learnable Recipes: 8 Recipes Producible At Aerospace Factory.

  • New Learnable Recipe: 1 Recipe Producible At Electronics Factory.

  • A learnable recipe is a recipe that unlocks when you know the appropriate industry knowledge via specialized research.

  • New Feature: Up to 15 production lines now possible for factories that are capable of such.

  • Added in dynamic checking to verify if a person has the Blueprint and/or research required to produce an item. If they do not have the needed items, it will not show up as a producible item for that factory.

  • Slight adjustment to odds of gaining practical knowledge when manufacturing.

  • Overhauled factory page to be cleaner and more compact. This includes reduction of clutter for lines, number rounding, and a new retool button located near the maintenance and power icons.

  • Fixed redirect issue when retooling, repairing, or adding lines.

  • Added 3 Holiday Recipes. These recipes will only be available through December. It's your chance to make some cookies, elf and santa outfits! These items pay 3x the margin that they would if they were a standard recipe. Get out there and get makin'!

  • Switched HG Capacitors to requiring knowledge to manufacture.


  • Changed Research Hiring To All Or Nothing. In the future it will be possible to hire smaller teams, but for now when you hire, it will hire to capacity.

  • New Industry Research: Electronics Manufacturing I

  • New Industry Research: Electronics Manufacturing II

  • Added in 8 Prototype Possibilities (Only available once relevant research is unlocked.)

Resource Acquisition

  • Fixed issue with site not being able to be cleared when all your equipment was off but a NPC tanker remained.

  • Removed 'Test' option entry from haul in truck list for bringing in railway supplies.

  • Added error and success messages for hauling in cleanup materials.

  • Added error and success messages for hauling in railway materials.

  • Set tighter thresholds on cleanup marker so you can get every last scrap of profit out before an issue arises (Within 2m3)

  • Added fix so that if a log trailer goes below 0 capacity due to a negative load, it will zero out properly.


  • Fixed issue that could cause stocks to be bought for Freeee!

  • Fixed 52 week low and high mismatches.

Venture Capital

  • Fixed issue with not being able to create offering even if all criteria met in certain situations.

  • Corrected display issue so that ongoing offerings no longer show 999 days, but 'ongoing'.


  • Modified Recipe Book for 'Learnable' recipes as well as blueprint required recipes. Blueprint required recipes will show a BP required indicator, and 'learnable' recipes will only
    show if you have learned the relevant industry research.

  • Made all recipes in recipe book round numbers where decimals were not necessary.

  • Cleaned up Recipe page a bit to make for a cleaner look.

  • Updated outdated link for fishing cast image.

  • Fixed Halloween Collectible Set Not Locking In Collectibles Properly.

  • Removed XP and level overview from homepage in preparation for new systems.

  • Changed changelog link to link to the new wiki's official changelog page.

  • Updated several link images in Donator Club and Support areas.

  • Removed Ranking & Server farms from Data tab. Ranking will be localized to industry in future.

  • Closed Turkey Hunt Event. Turkeys will no longer appear. Turkey shop expected to open with patch 0.1.09 or 0.1.10.

  • Opened 'Snow Baller' Event. This event is all about having fun with your fellow players. You'll randomly receive snowballs whilst playing, and then you can horde them, or chuck them at your friends or rivals. Word has it there may even be prizes involved at the end of the event!

  • Added snow back to the site for the winter seasons, let it snow!

  • Stopped generation of Turkey Loads, winners to be announced with patch 0.1.09!

  • Started generation of XMAS tree hauling loads! Much like the turkeys, the top 100 haulers will be shown, and there will be special prizes! Get to hauling!

  • Made diamonds icon uniform for all company menu types.

  • Handed out all prizes for November Bowfin tournament, congrats to the winners!

  • New Fish Species: Brook Trout. Catchable in Lakes Texoma, Michigan and Champlain!

  • New Fishing Tournament: Brook Trout! Runs Dec 3-30, with big prizes!

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