


  • Prepared framework for astronaut training programs.


  • Put in temporary ability to harvest almonds with root crop harvester. This will be replaced with proper harvester once it is implemented.

  • Fixed issue with some very early pastures not taking cattle.

  • Made adjustments to cow aging and growth algorithm, will be turning this back midweek so expect growth to begin again at this point.

  • Added in basic algorithms for breeding chances, will outline this more in updated wiki article next week.

  • Prepared framework for fertilizing growing fields, currently in testing and expected to push live to everyone within 2 weeks.

  • Prepared framework for irrigation of fields, currently in testing and expected to push live to everyone within 4 weeks.

Gaming Center

  • Preparing for the wind down of "Lottery" and "Roulette". These games were fun but are not really in line with the spirit of play here, and I would rather focus on more fun competitions that players of all levels can participate in, with things like racing, fishing, and soon many more options. These two services are expected to shut down in late August, and as stated, are to be replaced by both existing and new competitions.


  • Fixed missing image for codeathon III truck.

  • Political point bonuses on trucks that qualify for them (ATW, Reindeer Clan, Etc) are now all fully reimplemented under the new system.

  • Major updates to logistics distribution algorithm for sealane shipping. This should be one of our final changes before contracted shipping comes in.

  • Prepared trains for new freeroam load generation, which will allow all new cities and more international routing opportunities. Please note that this is likely to push live in 1-2 weeks, and this week was prepping and testing the code for such.

  • Brought back limited, certification restricted and rush semi loads that pay substantially higher but require permits or strict delivery deadlines.

  • Major updates to logistics distribution algorithm for semi shipping, as with sealane shipping, this should help get us by until the point we are onto the contract system.

  • New Port: Casablanca, Morocco

  • Started fleshing out and implementing skill sets for engineers.

  • Started fleshing out and implementing skill sets for crew & captains.

  • Expecting return of crew/captain/engineer system in 2-3 weeks as things are finalized and prepared.

  • Prepared framework for more tools to ensure timely delivery of player goods, including a future planned items framework of direct routing loads.

Player Businesses

  • Continued framework setup for Hiring Agencies, expect the launch of these to be within the next 30 days.

  • Began creating basic interface for Financial Brokerages, they should launch in late august to mid september.


  • Updated images in raw materials warehouse to utilize proper images and no longer use the placeholder image for all types.

  • Began framework on production revamp and overhaul, timeline on this is still what was posted earlier regarding the revamp and overhaul of production.


  • Put in new safeguard to handle orders under 100 liters total.


  • Added in approximately 200 more research items to 4 industry trees, in continued preparation for the re-launch of the new research system.

  • Added in the 'benefits' to approximately a dozen of the newly implemented researches, this will be the longer part of the process that will take several weeks to complete, but work has begun!

Resource Acquisition

  • Fixed issue with mis-directed link for subsurface equipment.

  • Enabled the oil equipment menu to be dynamic based on whether the deposit is shallow or deep.

  • Fixed issue where oil data may not show up on some shallow plots.

  • Fixed issue with being able to send drillbits to oil sites.

  • Fixed issues with some equipment not showing properly on oil site.

  • Am currently working through a minor, yet finicky issue with Pump Jacks & Storages, I hope to have this resolved in the next 24-48 hours, and will push it out ahead of next patch, so tht oil production can begin in earnest. Hang in there Oil Barons!


  • Prepared Phase 2 of the canal project for launch, details will be available likely this coming patch and we can all begin work on getting the Suez canal completed!

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