


  • Added ability to hire astronauts

  • Added Astronaut Training Facilities as potential module for Space Complexes.

  • Added 50 unique NPC images for Astronauts

  • Corrected faulty logic that sometimes would allow a rocket that had a critical failure after takeoff to still be recovered.

  • Added ability to design Booster Rockets

  • Fixed bug that could cause medium fuel tanks not to categorize properly in prototype research.


  • Fixed white pine not displaying properly when it is planted.

  • Fixed issue with White Pine not wanting to cross planted growth phase in proper timeline.

  • New Crop: Sorghum (Regular Harvester)

  • New Crop: Hemp (Cotton Harvester)

  • New Cow Breed: Black Angus (Beef)

  • New Cow Breed: Limousin (Beef)

  • Added ability to purchase cows to pastures. Barns and feedlots are not yet live.

  • New Feature: Cows! Cows can be purchased in the Global Market. new cows always start at 1 month old (It is presumed they are still with mother until of sufficient age). Currently they can only be placed in a pasture. Cows will age 1 month every RL day. Currently you cannot add additional food to their pasture, but soon you will be able to. Additional food will allow you to grow your cows a little bit quicker, however requires a bit more work. Check the Beef Cattle wiki article that covers the basics!


  • Applied the bonus to NPC constructed buildings that got left out from the last special.


  • Added new type of LE Voucher "Construction", will cover any mining or construction LE's.

  • Added ability to activate LE Construction vouchers to city of choosing.

  • Note: Currently these are not sellable, but will be in near future.


  • Updated train fuel percentage to not be quite as accurate, we found engineers were making a sport of it, and shut it down so they could be more productive.

  • Updated trains to show "Loading/Unloading" when conducting loading and unloading. Previously it would only show as loading, so changed to have both to prevent confusion.

  • Re-added the ability to apply brain boost days to drivers. Drivers must be in a semi to apply these.

  • Updated XP gain algorithm logic, drivers will now gain knowledge every 20-60km driven. If boosted, this is improved to every 10 to 30km, and has the x2 boost applied. This is a decent buff to xp gain now that everything is back online, I feel comfortable letting xp be generated even on some shorter routes.

  • New Port: Budva, Montenegro

  • Added all recent port additions to the Shipping Ports Map.


  • New NPC Only Sale Item: Orbital Station Module Permit

  • New NPC Only Sale Item: Orbital Satellite Permit

  • Temporarily suspended ability for a pasture sale to go through while code is fixed for land acreage amounts.

  • Fixed issue with selling a field causing the land acres to still display in old owners property (This is not retroactive, so if you were affected by this and need land manually removed please ticket.)

  • Clean up UI for land overview screen, it now more compactly lists properties owned, with a button to click for a pop up to sell undeveloped land.

  • Added transfer button to land overview screen. This will go live with next weeks patch, it is only a placeholder currently.

  • NPCs Mining companies have begun work. NPC mining companies currently will bring smaller amounts of low value materials to marketplaces. In time, NPC mining companies will form into actual entities, buying properties from other players or from government closeouts, and mining the mines, then bringing the product to market. Keep an eye out for new mineral sell orders and in the future pay attention because if an NPC is mining a particular city, you may see one product pop up quite regularly in that city until the mine is exhausted! This is part of the long term system of "Symbiotic Relationship" I envision, where the economy is largely player driven, but has NPC twists and turns that may cause some flux in the market to make things more exciting for players. I will be doing a lot of monitoring of this first test run!


  • Added 9 New Recipes regarding space stations.

  • 10x Aerospace Factory Recipes, all require knowledge to unlock.

  • Fixed mining bolts not consuming Galvanizing Agent properly.

  • Fixed Oak Desk not being able to be transported.

  • Fixed Oak Dining Table not being able to be transported.

  • Fixed being able to view VAB details before construction was completed.

  • Fixed bug that could allow a prototype to be seen in a production retool option while it is in research. Now it will only display if the prototype is not actively being researched.

  • New Recipe: Ethylene, produced at Gas Plant

  • New Recipe: Liquid Oxygen, produced at Gas Plant

  • New Feature: Ability to transfer finished goods between companies. Done through materials warehousing screen. Can transfer up to 50 million units at a time, for a fee of $5000.

  • Fixed issue that could cause product not to be taken if less than 1 unit was required per hour for input.

  • Fixed issue with Polyester production.

  • New Recipe: Shale Shaker, produced at Specialty Factory

  • Recipe Change: Drilling fluid now produces 500 per hour, requires 12k clay, 3k barite and 5k water per hour.

Resource Acquisition

  • Added in additional safeguards for selling back land to NPC after prospecting. It will now thoroughly check for any construction, surveying or semi equipment left on site, and if any are found, it will not permit the sale. Put this in place after a few tickets of people selling prospected land back to NPC before having all their equipment off.

  • New Equipment: PR746 Dozer

  • New Equipment: 260E Dump Truck

  • New Equipment: 460E Dump Truck

  • New Equipment: 850L Dozer

  • New Equipment: 450K Dozer

  • Fixed issue that could cause a dud fuse on blasting charges.

  • Fixed issue with waste dirt not being added during a new tunnel mining blast.

  • Removed the ability to give any order to Jumbo Drill, because it does not currently have a task, merely needs to be on site for blasts.

  • Made algorithm adjustments on deposit sizes for resources, with most tiers seeing a slight 5-10% increase in deposit size.

  • Made algorithm adjustments on core drilling to allow an approximately 10% better chance of finding a deep resource.

  • Added additional variations to depth possibilities for deep resources, can now range from 75 meters to 1800 meters.

  • Added in special coding for LE Jaw Crusher.

  • New Feature: Oil acquisition has arrived! You can now drill for oil on land plots. Details can be found in the new wiki article. Please be sure to read it thoroughly, and note that some things may have changed slightly since it was written, it will be updated again in a few days, and as always, please report bugs so we can get them sorted!


  • Updated Tunnel Mining article to reflect that wheel loader cap is 5m3 per 5 acres (Or 1 m3 per acre).

  • Added initial article on Oil Acquisition from land plots.

  • Added initial article on Beef Cattle

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