


  • Fleshed out framework for field creation, and have nearly finalized this information, as well as creating basic seasonal scheduling.

  • Fleshed out framework for greenhouses

  • Fleshed out pre-1 system of field working via AI workers and equipment.


  • Set up proper renewals of fleet insurance with providers. System will routinely check for differences in fleet sizes, and will bill every 12 days from the previous billing, and will automatically adjust premium and make payment.


  • Updated wording on dropdown for sending to facility to 'site' since there are now more than just mines.

  • Fixed not being able to send semi trucks to Oil Sites.

  • Fixed Armenia showing up as a South American logistic location, which should also fix new loads generated to be in Europe properly.

  • Fixed issue with being able to attach loads to semi's that are from different countries, which should prevent most mystery arrivals to costa-rica and other exotic locales.

  • Corrected Tunis to Lobito sea route to use strait of Gibraltar (4822nm) instead of Cape of Good Hope (7902nm)

  • Fixed issue with Vampire & Squirrel Express not wanting to get some giddy up in their step.

  • New Feature: Semi Freeroam V2. This is the second installment of Semi Free Roam. This upgrade allows you to travel to any connected region (For Example Europe To Asia) seamlessly, without having to do multiple stops. As long as this smoothly rolls out I will be looking to bring this to both planes and trains in the near future. After that roll out is complete, we will move onto V3 which will take special considerations of island countries like Ireland, Jamaica, etc when creating routes, costs, times etc.

  • Implemented reputation framework v2, which will see a host of new companies coming to market in the coming months, including local and regional companies that will be quicker to grow reputation with.

  • Made headway on revamping the way survey loads work, should have a full fix in place for next patch.

  • Shut down factory to factory shipping so I can address outstanding issues currently regarding them, to prevent any other issue tickets. I expect this to be back up next patch as well.


  • Updated all vehicles to reflect 2022 as their model years now.


  • Removed Christmas LE Semis

  • Added Winter Wonderland LE Semi To Diamond Den

  • Added New Years 2022 LE Semi To Diamond Den

  • Added New Years 2022 LE Ship To Diamond Den

Player Marketplace

  • Made the Trinity Christmas Pack a meta bux item.


  • Fixed instance in which certain BPO's were not showing up when they finished prototype stage.

  • New Recipe: Simple Interior Module, produced at Factory.

  • New Recipe: Ash Dining Table, produced at Lumbermill.

  • New Recipe: Hickory Dining Table, produced at Lumbermill.

  • New Recipe: Elm Dining Table, produced at Lumbermill.

  • New Recipe: Maple Dining Table, produced at Lumbermill.

  • New Recipe: Oak Dining Table, produced at Lumbermill.

  • New Recipe: Pine Dining Table, produced at Lumbermill.

  • New Recipe: Teak Dining Table, produced at Lumbermill.

Real Estate

  • Made some minor adjustments to housing algorithms to help with move-ins on newer constructions until I have proper marketing and maintenance in.


  • Fixed being able to start research with less than 1 researcher in some instances.

Resource Acquisition

  • Fixed issue where log loaders would potentially load negative values in certain instances.

  • Made it so that all pit mines and timber sites will allow hauling out of goods down to 2m3, and below 2m3 site will go into cleanup mode. Users will need to haul back in a loader and trailer to haul out any that remain if they have above 2m3.

  • Added ability to see oil site after surveying has been completed.

  • Fixed issue with not being able to access oil sites from resource screen.

  • Continued to develop framework for oil extraction, with current progress I'm expecting Nut Gallery access within the month.


  • Added indicators for Dealerships and Banks. If they have been active within the past 72 hours on their business account, it will show 'Open'. If they have been active within the past week on their business account, it will show out of office. If they have been away more than a week, it will say 'Temporarily Closed'. Please note early on there may be some 'False Closures' as it will not register them as active until their first login after this change went into affect. Also remember that even closed businesses are still 'active' in some sense, they may just be away for awhile for RL.

  • Created quarterly survey to gather feedback about our current operation and future operations.

  • Updated Wiki Banner link to new Atlassian based wiki.

  • Added recipe link to data menu for ease of access if not actively using a factory.

Venture Capitalism

  • I am nearing completion of testing regarding both the failure to fund, and the buyback system, and I hope that I will have both implemented for next weeks patch.

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