Made slight adjustments to research practical knowledge gain algorithms based on data received so far.
Fixed bug where seed costs were showing in the ledger, but were not correctly debiting from the account.
Began testing of aging, weight gain, feed programs and breeding for Cows & Horses. Once this testing has been completed now that the code is live, we will be able to begin proper aging and breeding of cattle, as well as welcome back horses to the Nauts world.
Updated description for the Eminent Domain perk to more accurately reflect current usage.
Added Dragon Horde electric semi to DD for limited time/quantity.
Fixed issue that was causing electric semis to want to become like their fossil fuel brethren
New City: Constanta, Romania
New Port: Constanta, Romania
Made minor adjustments to logistics research gain based on data received.
Prepared routing logic for researchable gains.
Fixed bug that would not allow some manufactured items to be sold on the market.
Fixed issue with being able to sell items under certain situations on finished goods market. Also, set current price cap to be under 10 million per unit on any item sold.
Fixed issue with newest recipes not listing (Diamond Ring, Coolant, Coffee Bag etc)
Resolved issue with not being able to nickname factories.
Added error and success messaging for nicknaming factories.
Began first testing of revised production system using the new build that will queue up x amount of hours/days of production, and consume all material upfront. This testing represents a big milestone, as it means we should be within a couple weeks of a hopeful release to everyone of the revamped production system which should be to prove both more user and system friendly, as well as rewarding planning out operations ahead of time.
Added Nickname to factory overview list
Wiped all old gains as far as unlocked Manufacturing/Construction researches since these should not have been able to be attained.
Added approximately 85 new research tree items for logistics branch (Expect the research tree to be visible by end of weekend, switch will be flipped.)
Resource Acquisition
I've continued to put a hold on oil production as I'm having to rework how the oil transitions into barrel form. I should have this adjusted by next week. Part of this delay has to do with the underway production revamp that is outlined in the maintenance channel, so if you want more details, take a look there!
New Resource: Whitewood Timber
New Resource: Redwood Timber
New Resource: Akasa Timber
New Resource: Hemlock Timber
New Resource: Mahogany Timber
New Resource: Okoume Timber
New Resource: Beech Timber
New Resource: Cherry Timber
New Resource: Walnut Timber
New Resource: Balsa Timber
Further backend preparations were made for resource acquisition advanced features including refueling operations, maintenance operations, and new methods of resource extraction. Much of this will also tie into the research system that is beginning to come online.
Resource Exchange
Fixed Bug where rex items shipped by semi when canceled would return the material, but not disappear from shipping, therefore allowing continuous cancelling and item duplication.
Began testing of PRE-1 version of retail system, including consumer purchasing algorithms, and began to work on tying in the newer version of the dynamic demand system that will be tied to cities, countries and regions for a more dynamic an realistic marketplace that has lulls and spikes in activity across various markets.