Added 3 new Playtime related achievements into system.
Added 3 new Sea related achievements into system.
Added the ability to add a second harvester to a harvest, thereby reducing the amount of time to harvest (Currently live for Grain Crops.)
I am now authorizing the formation of alliances to NUT GALLERY members. They are still very young in their form. If interested, please DM directly. You will need alliance name, logo, and 100m starting funds. In addition you will have to let me know the 'Fee' structure you wish to have for your alliance. This will be a fee charged on many items of member companies to raise money in the alliance coffers. The alliance system is still a ways out from being 'full tilt', but I wanted to allow alliances to form so they could start gaining membership and raising funds in their coffers for when alliances fully launch.
Removed old UI items from banking area in preparation for future updates.
Introduction: Interstellar Currency. Known in short form as "ISC" this is a form of late game currency that becomes available to companies with more than 25,000 research points. It is the only currency used for trades, exchanges, and purchases in the ISM (Interstellar Market). The ISM is not yet live, but in the near future will provide a means for players operating with operations beyond earth to conduct business. ISC can sometimes be earned through various tasks in late game from NPCs or Players, and can also be bought from banks who have ISC available on the exchange. ISC once attained cannot be converted back into bux, but can be exchanged for goods and services in the late game. It should be noted that even at 25,000 research points, companies should think carefully before investing in ISC as it is expensive, so be sure you need it before you buy it!
Added ISC Savings option and availability for banks who have been operating for 12 months (If you have been operating 12 months and do not have this option, please drop a ticket!)
Added ISC Exchange options for banks who have been operating for 12 months (Again see above if you don't have this option and have been available this long.)
ISC can be purchased from the Central Bank whenever there is a supply. The availability price will fluxuate.
ISC can then be remarketed to eligible companies at up to a 20% markup from the current ISC base rate, but remember you will be competing with other banks!
Adjusted formatting on banking overview page for things like officers vault, swiss account, central bank and others.
Re-fixed ability to archive 'Denied' status agreements.
Global Exchange
Updated an error in the NPC purchasing algorithm that could cause lack of sales.
Added new homepage details. Left side will show recent Global Exchange transactions for your company, and right side will show any open private orders to your company, both raw and finished.
Updated raw good purchasing to use new system including more detailed accounting. Will now properly show Global Exchange instead of GM, and will list sub category and country of transaction.
Updated material listings to display proper image.
Re-formatted layout of listings to be a little cleaner, with the details showing one line with price per 1k or per unit and the next line with how many units or liters remaining.
Added expiration date to details of orders that have been set privately to your company.
Turned wholesaler payouts down to 15% of basal average instead of 40% of basal average. This is to encourage people to either sell to NPC, or to players at a discount if they need to move product quick. Thw wholesale system was never intended to handle bulk good sales, but to help clean out warehouses. Remember, if you have goods you need to offload for quick cash, post orders and advertisements, players will buy them!
Updated text around wholesale option.
NOTICE: Resource Exchange will close completely around the end of June. The GE will cover all the functions of the old RE, as well as the production materials area of the GM.
Removed ability to see material orders in RE as this was never intended, all material orders should be handled via new GE (RE will soon be completely depreciated.)
Added text indicator of what material you searched for in a material search in the "Searching for x orders" area text.
Made adjustment to NPC algorithm to keep them from closing out orders of under 5 units on material goods. This was a cleanup process only meant for raw goods.
Head of State
Added in current prosperity level to HoS homepage interface in preparation for future deployments.
Prosperity system expected to begin with level 1 & 2 prosperity being possible starting July 1st-15th.
Fixed issue with some pieces of equipment not loading onto RORO's while in city center of port city.
Captains will now transfer properly to new company when switching a boat in holding companies.
Train Engineers will now transfer properly to new company when switching train in holding companies.
Made fix to ship captain removal. As long as captain belongs to one of your companies you will be able to remove from ship even if they aren't in the company the ship is assigned to.
Made fix to train engineer removal. As long as engineer belongs to one of your companies you will be able to remove from train even if they aren't in the same company as train is assigned to.
Fixed certifications and perks sometimes remaining with a semi when a drive was unassigned.
Fixed drivers who transfer out of a semi and into another not retaining Hazmat certification in certain scenarios.
Continued framework preparations for Shipyards and their use in the logistics industries.
Updated Utility Pole Transformers to be a player produced only item.
Updated Power Substations to be a player produced only item.
Updated Power Line cable to be a player produced only item.
New Recipe: Ship Hull Module. Requires Sealane Manufacturing Level 1, Produced in Specialty Factory.
New Recipe: Ship Engine Module. Requires Sealane Manufacturing Level 2, Produced in Specialty Factory.
New Feature: Customers will now begin to use your power companies if you have adequate infrastructure in their city and there are customers available. This is a first test run iteration. Your power selling rate will be locked in at .80 cents per unit currently during this early testing periods, and you will both gain customers and get paid on a daily basis. If a plant is shut off, it will lose it's customer base. Keep those plants running!
Activated research branch Sealane Manufacturing to Level 10. This will unlock/make available various recipes and building capabilities now or in near future regarding ship manufacturing.
Activated research branch Crop Care to Level 10. This will add a average yield of 1% per level from your base yield RNG roll on all fields in that company.
Agriculture now at 9% implemented of available research. Manufacturing now at 36% implemented of available research.
Added basic starting article on Global Exchange to begin to ease confusion about the transition and how to do things in the new system. Remember, that soon the RE will be going away and all actions will be done through the Global Exchange. It is largely the same or fewer clicks to do everything you did before, so just do a little reading and practicing and you'll be a pro in no time!
Updated font type to a slightly thicker font for easier reading.
Made UI changes to menu, primarily removing unnecessary info like username display and increasing size of display header items.
Improved efficiency of various daily player checks to be less system intensive and execute quicker.