New Building: Goat Barn - Medium
New Building: Goat Barn - Small
Fixed oil anomalies that had been stuck surveying. Note some may still act wonky, but hoping to have this resolved and full deployment by end of Split-10.
Disengaged various aspects of interacting with sea anomalies while work is finished up here, as partial access was doing more harm than good with bugs and error reporting.
Completed automation system for handing out trophies for all tournaments.
Added trophy for next 2 tournaments (Missing species will continue to be filled in so no trophies are missed going forward)
Removed 'back to city' option from construction sites so it isn't being used while debugging is ocurring.
Prepared job start framework so that during Split we should be able to fully and officially launch NPC jobs.
Updated bot display messaging on All For One perks to show precise minute perk begins and ends.
Head of State
Fixed issue with multiple types of edicts showing up as power nationalization.
New Train: Stadler, 4500 ton capacity.
Framework in place and testing has begun on Contracting system for semi logistics. Expect Nut Gallery release in near future, and general release 30 days after!
Framework for Gate & Route leasing and bidding has begun testing for airlines!
Airport "Size" system has begun testing now that it is a live feature on the HoS side of things.
New Recipe: Microchip - Military, produced at Electronics Factory (RR)
New Recipe: Boots - Cowboy, produced at Textile Factory
New Recipe: Ground Beef, produced at Butchery
New Recipe: Styrofoam, produced at General Factory
Fixed issue that could cause PMC equipment not from your own warehouse but another subsidiary to show up as addable equipment, but when attempting to add would error out.
Prepared framework of weight system to begin giving dynamic weight to all equipment carried by an operator on a mission.
Prepared transportation framework for PMC system to allow for mission prep including vehicles or other transport means.
Fixed issue with LE Highrises not accruing rent in some situations.
Resource Acquisition
Added ability to add fuel bladders to site.
Prepped framework UI for fuel delivery setup and scheduling.
Fixed issue with Labor Day 23 ship not drilling once on drill site.
There were a LOT of small bug fixes and backend preparations for the upcoming Split-10, many of which had nothing to do with your experience but were necessary for launches, so that we can hopefully have a absolutely blow out Split-10 where we can hit our 24 hour goal and push out a lot of new and upgraded features that I know a lot of you have been excited about. Thank you for being patient on this 'light' patch as I make preparations for Split-10 and a lot of really awesome stuff I'm excited to launch for you guys.