


  • New Building: Small Greenhouse

  • New Building: Large Greenhouse


  • Fixed bug that would sometimes prevent a Dump Truck from being able to be brought to a construction site using the new Drive to Site feature.

  • Fixed issue with auto arrival of Dump Trucks in limited circumstances.

  • Fixed instances of automated contract finishing causing client to have a ledger entry but not properly charged. Incoming payments were unaffected by the bug.

  • Fixed bug that would sometimes not allow selection of Agricultural building in dropdown for construction agreements.


  • New Feature: Added the ability to transfer prospected resource land, commercial buildings, industrial buildings and residential buildings between companies. Simply click the transfer button below the UID, select the company, confirm the transfer and away it goes! Please keep in mind sites must have NO equipment on them for it to work! (Note: Currently unavailable for agricultural plots.)


  • Made it so that player bunkering ships show up before NPC bunkering ships if pricing is set lower to help indicate to shippers that player fueling is available in that port.

  • Integrated new bunker fueling system into the Survey Ship interface, allowing them to now fuel from bunker ships.

  • Fixed an issue that would cause survey ship jobs to not be able to be completed after being done. Still working on one other issue though!

  • New Feature: Added international jobs for cargo and PAX. Please note, your plane will obviously need to be able to make the flight distance! Also note, this is not a way to fly your plane wherever you want, however by strategically accepting international jobs you can get it moved around quite a bit!

  • Adjusted aircraft load generation to be more diverse, including potential rare spawns for larger loads.

  • Fixed bunkering ships being charged $2/L in some cases.

  • Fixed auto fill completion sometimes overcharging.

  • New Feature: Ability to hire Train Engineers. They cost $250 per day and operate as an operations level staff like a ship captain. They can currently be assigned to any idle train. By default, train engineers allow you to bulk unload cars, if all the cars behind the one selected are for the same offload location. In the near future there will be skills to help with loading etc as well.

  • New Feature: Train engineers will accrue xp. This is a lead-up for a future deployment of a Engineer Skill System.

  • New Port: Port of Nouakchott, Mauritania is now open for Sea Logistics.

  • New Port: Port of Lobito, Angola is now open for Sea Logistics.


  • New Vehicle: Excavator EX8000

  • New Vehicle: Excavator EX3600

  • New Vehicle: Bulldozer D57510

  • New Trailer: Bulk Tanker

  • New Trailer: Compressed Gases Tanker

  • New Trailer: Corrosive Tanker

  • New Trailer: Cryogenic Tanker

  • New Aircraft: TU-204

  • New Aircraft: IL96


  • Fixed issue with Steel Can recipe.

  • Made slight adjustment to commodity buyers on wholesale market.

  • Balancing check conducted on: Strandwood, Pulp, Creosote, Pine Railway Tie, Oak Railway Tie, Ash Plank, Elm Plank, Hickory Plank, Maple Plank, Oak Plank, Pine Plank, Teak Plank, Arsenic Trioxide, Glass, Tempered Glass, Coke, Iron Bar, Ceramic Tile, Alumina, Brick, Magnesium Bar, Drilling Fluid, Copper Bar, Drywall Sheet, Gold Bar, Charcoal, Blackpowder, Plastic, Foam Insulation, Calcium Carbide, Acetylene Gas, Chlorine, Refrigerant Fluid, Abrasive Powder, Copper Wiring, Soda Ash, Galvanizing Agent, Silicon, Cement, Concrete, Silver Bar, Steel Bar, Steel Girder, Steel Bar - Stainless, Steel Plate, Iodine Contrast, Sulfuric Acid, Car Battery, Electronics Battery, Heavy Battery, Aerospace Battery, Titanium Bar, Capacitor, Solar Panel, Fiberglass, Fireworks, Carbon Steel Bar, Gas Pipeline, Oil Pipeline, Nuclear Fuel, Polarizing Filters, Pistol Ammo, Rifle Ammo, Machine Gun Ammo, Brass Bar, Fire Suppression System, Aircraft Plating, Electrical Wiring, Gas Filtration System, Air Filtration System, Thermic Insulation, Packaging Material, HG Plastics, Ballistic Ceramic Plate, Tin Sheet, Chainlink Fence,

  • Updated Tin Sheet to be produced at generic factories.

  • Updated Gas Pipeline to be produced in steel factory.

  • Updated Oil Pipeline to be produced in steel factory.
    (Both of the above are due to them being a more specialized and steel based item, this will happen to any recipe that was implemented before specialty factories existed that should be in a speciality factory.)

Resource Acquisition

  • Modified Agreements area to now have filter for mine/timber hauling agreements. Agreements are not live yet, but we are prepping for them!

  • Fixed issue with starting cleanup equipment on a Timber site.

  • Fixed issue that could cause the proper dispatch point count for dispatchers to not show in some cases.

  • Fixed Cassiterite not granting practical knowledge on excavation.

  • Fixed issue with improper redirect on some cleanup start requests.

  • New Feature: Enabled hauling in of clay, gravel and fence to site. Select truck with hopper or flatbed, and as long as you have the supplies in your warehouse, it will load the truck and bring it to site, and then drop it off upon arrival.

  • New Feature: Enabled active use of woodchipper. Currently no loading is required, simply bring the chipper to site, and it will begin to work on brush pile. Once brush pile is complete, along with other cleanup, the site is considered clear.

  • New Feature: Turning in land for political points. In order to be able to turn the site in, all criteria must be met and all trucks/equipment must be off of site.

Resource Exchange

  • Added in cleanup functionality to handle orders of under 5 liters remaining.


  • New Building: Superstore

  • New Building: Home Improvement Store

  • New Building: Electronics Store
    Note: Stores can be built, but are not quite functional yet, but we are aiming to have these live within the next few patches, and like agriculture, want you guys to be able to get a
    jump start if it is an industry you are interested in!

Venture Capitalism

  • Fixed remaining issues surrounding finalized payments, process is now fully automated for buy-ins, interest payouts, and final payments.

  • Added in snapshot of offering company financials including gross valuation, and net valuation.

  • Added in disclaimers for investors and offering companies regarding the risks of venture capitalism.

  • Made Venture Capitalism open to general player base.

  • Added bot to notify when a new offer is created.


  • Modified UI text size on Primary company menu to match all other companies.

  • Updated UI of favorites page to not have a link to details of a facility if it is still under construction.

  • Added Collection Completion For Halloween 2021 Collection, includes large meta bux payout + LE Ship

  • Added Collection Completion For Bewitched 2021 Collection, includes large meta bux payout + LE Plane

  • Started New Collection 'Thanksgiving 2021'.

  • Added Blizzard Express ship to Diamond Den

  • Added Thanksgiving 2021 Pack to Diamond Den, includes Background, Random Collectible and LE Semi.

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