Fixed issue that could cause a single research point gain in some instances from a previously launched rocket that was no longer on the pad.
Set up initial system for cruiselines.
In order to have a cruiseline, you must first buy a cruise ship, located in the marketplace.
During this early stage, look for outages of being able to create cruises while I monitor things. On release day, the ability will be disabled with a error message, and it should be available within 48 hours, while I monitor ship purchases, captain hires, etc.
Whenever the system is not under maintenance, you will create a cruise by filling out the form in it's entirety and submitting, and everything else is handled by the system. Documentation on this should be available tomorrow or Tuesday, but in short, the cheaper your tickets, and the longer you give to fill the trip, means the best odds of filling more rooms. However, as with all things, there will be many other factors including demand, loyalty, reputation and more. This will be the first true system where you are interacting with NPC consumers on a deeper level, so expect more documentation and more releases of additional sub features in the very near future on this.
New DD Item: ATW - Finland Semi
New DD Item: ATW - Thailand Semi
New DD Item: ATW - Vietnam Semi
New DD Item: Octoberfest 22 Ship
New DD Item: Octoberfest 22 Train
New OC Item: Viking 22 Train
New OC Item: Wanderer 22 Ship
New set of items up at a discounted rate in the diamond den, check them out and grab the deals while they last!
Group Project
Fixed being able to fuel in some instances from 'blank' NPC stations within Egypt
Officially started phase 2. Phase 2 will consist of players checking daily to see if they have been 'tagged' for supervisor duties or donations. It will tell them what they need to do, and as long as they complete the task within 24 hours they will be credited for their contribution. If a player does not respond in 24 hours, they will miss their chance and it will rotate to another random player.
In order to be eligible for the above, your company or companies musth ave participated in Phase 1 OR you must deliver a load in the current phase (Loads are located in Alexandria, so go get them with your semis!)
Added "Select Fuel" dropdown initial option to prevent accidental refueling from unintended station/source.
Added in safeguard that prevents sending out a train that is empty on fuel.
Added the ability to hire captains from the ship details page.
Readded the ability for captains to gain XP while sailing their ships.
Updated fuel burn rate of Octoberfest 21 Edition Ship
Added Cruise Ships to the drop down filter for ship overview
Added Cruise ship overview page in logistics area to view all your cruise ships.
Removed incorrect additional city in Tunisia
Removed land listings for incorrect city in Tunisia
Transferred all mis-citied land to appropriate city.
Updated the "Name Changer" site perk to be a meta item, and should now be sellable on Nauts both public and private sale.
Fixed Silverware recipe not showing in recipe book.
Added a secondary table at the bottom of the specialized research page. This will allow you to see underway and completed research, so it no longer poofs while researching or while completed but not able to be learned higher yet due to practical point requirements.
Resource Acquisition
Fixed issue with oil storages not being applied to an oil site.
Visual display bug should be fixed for storages and derricks. Derricks will not show a derrick count but the production per hour, and storages should now show.
Fixed Conveyor Belts not showing up in equipment list on subsurface mine sites.
Made adjustments to core drilling code to help alleviate further down the line issues with properly identifying a resource type.
Fixed outstanding timber plots that were not able to be worked due to mislabled site type.
Turned on oil production to begin pumping from wells.
Turned on oil delivery from oil site to warehouse location, it should automatically switch into oil barrels at the warehouse site.
Production for the above will be turned on next patch after I verify raw extraction and delivery is working properly.
Resource Exchange
Fixed issue that was causing some new wood types to not properly add to warehouse overaell totals.
Fixed issue with warehouse generation for Bogota Colombia in certain situations.
Updated Seasonal Clock Properly
Fixed approximately 12 player support issues.
Updated OC Vault Rate (This will start being RNG again, it was turned off for updates, thanks for the reminder Las!)